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Game of May 9, 2011 at 06:55, 6 players
1. GillesB -399
2. Faeythe -501
3. mcousens -525

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. gorstyz   H8    58    58   groszy
 2. ??adiqy  11D   126   184   quayside
 3. aeilntv   8A    89   273   valeting
 4. aeimnuw  10F    31   304   anomie
 5. acchipr   B8    40   344   archaic
 6. adefilv  12A    44   388   vali
 7. aeikotu  I10    25   413   miaou
 8. binoort  14I    20   433   unboot
 9. ehilouw   E3    24   457   howlet
10. denoptw   3C    26   483   ephod
11. deimoos   N7    67   550   doomiest
12. aefrttu   6C    65   615   aflutter
13. deijpsw  L11    42   657   sijo
14. agiknrt   4A    42   699   kation
15. aeegirt   A1    30   729   grike
16. beflnuw   8L    42   771   flow
17. aeeestu   9B    23   794   rats
18. aeegnru   7C    26   820   urena
19. beegnux   F1    27   847   exon
20. bdeepru   J1    65   912   purebred

Remaining tiles: eegn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6188 FileGillesB     2 17:07  -399  513     1.6188 GillesB     2 17:07  -399  513 
  2.5456 FileFaeythe     2 18:16  -501  411     2.6205 mcousens    2 15:38  -525  387 
  3.6205 Filemcousens    2 15:38  -525  387            Group: novice
  4.5298 Filelulu        0  8:02  -785  127     1.5456 Faeythe     2 18:16  -501  411 
  5.  -  FileDtara       0  7:26  -839   73     2.5298 lulu        0  8:02  -785  127 
  6.  -  FileJinx        0  2:06  -868   44            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Dtara       0  7:26  -839   73 
                                             2.  -  Jinx        0  2:06  -868   44 

On 1st draw, GROSZY H8 58 --- GROSZ a Polish coin [n] --- GROSZE a Polish coin [n]
Other moves: GROSZ H8 50, GROSZY H7 46, GROSZY H4 42, GROSZY H3 40, GROSZY H5 38
STORY H8 24 Dtara
GYROS H4 22 GillesB
STORY H4 18 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, Q(U)AYSID(E) 11D 126 --- QUAYSIDE the area adjacent to a quay [n]
Other moves: Q(U)A(Z)ZY 12D 50, Q(U)(E)AZY 12D 50, (T)ZAD(D)IQ 12G 48, (T)ZA(D)DIQ 12G 48, (S)Q(U)IZ 12D 42
Q(U)O(T)A 10F 34 GillesB
Q(U)(E)ASY 11D 32 Faeythe
Q(U)AY 13E 16 Dtara

On 3rd draw, VALETING 8A 89 --- VALET to act as a personal servant to [v] --- VALETING the act of being a valet [n]
Other moves: NATIVELY 13A 80, VENALITY 13A 80, ELVANIT(E) K4 70, VENTAIL(E) K4 70, INTERVAL 9D 66
QAT D11 24 Faeythe
QI D11 22 GillesB
IVY 13F 13 Dtara

On 4th draw, ANOMIE 10F 31 --- ANOMIE a collapse of the social structures governing a given society [n]
Other moves: QUEAN D11 30, QUENA D11 30, QUIM D11 30, QUINA D11 30, QUINE D11 30
QUINE D11 30 GillesB
QUIN D11 26 Faeythe
QUAI D11 26 mcousens

On 5th draw, ARCHAIC B8 40 --- ARCHAIC pertaining to an earlier time [adj]
Other moves: CHIRPY 13C 38, PIRACY 13C 32, CHARPIE D2 28, ARCHAIC B4 26, CAPRICE D2 26
CIPHER D4 26 Faeythe
CAPRICE D2 26 GillesB
CHART E4 20 Dtara
PACT E5 16 mcousens

On 6th draw, VALI 12A 44 --- VALI a governor [n]
Other moves: DALI 12A 36, QADI D11 28, QAID D11 28, FAVELL C3 26, VIFDA 13A 24
DALI 12A 36 GillesB
QAID D11 28 mcousens

On 7th draw, MIAOU I10 25 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: TAKEOUT E2 22, ATOKE D4 18, KATTI E5 18, KAI F6 17, KOI F6 17
KYTE 13G 17 GillesB
KOI F6 17 mcousens
CAKE 14B 10 Faeythe

On 8th draw, UNBOOT 14I 20 --- UNBOOT to take off the boots [v]
Other moves: BORNITE D2 18, BONIER D4 16, BONITO E4 16, BOONER D4 16, BOOTIE D3 16
TRIBE D4 14 mcousens
BORNE D4 14 GillesB
BOOT E5 12 Faeythe

On 9th draw, HOWLET E3 24 --- HOWLET an owl [n]
Other moves: WHILE D4 22, WHITE E5 22, WHOLE D4 22, WHET E5 20, WHIO M11 20
WHILE D4 22 mcousens, Faeythe
WHOLE D4 22 GillesB

On 10th draw, EPHOD 3C 26 --- EPHOD an ancient Hebrew vestment [n]
Other tops: POWND 4D 26
Other moves: WOONED 4C 24, DEPTH 3A 22, ENOW L12 22, NOWED 4D 22, POOTED 4C 22
TOWED 4D 22 GillesB
DEPTH 3A 22 mcousens
WHOP 3D 15 Faeythe

On 11th draw, DOOMIEST N7 67 --- DOOMY depressed [adj]
Other moves: MOODIEST N7 65, SODOMITE N8 65, SODOM L11 42, MOODIES 4C 40, SOOMED 4C 39
DOOM L12 20 mcousens, GillesB
MISLED 6B 17 Faeythe

On 12th draw, AFLUTTER 6C 65 --- AFLUTTER nervously excited [adj]
Other moves: FROE 8L 33, FAUTOR 8J 30, FETOR 8K 27, WAFTURE 5E 26, AFORE F1 23
REEF 12L 22 GillesB
FOR 8M 18 mcousens
WEFT 5E 10 Faeythe

On 13th draw, SIJO L11 42 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: JOW 8M 39, SJOE 8L 36, JOW F2 34, JEEP 12L 32, J*WS I5 31
JEEP 12L 32 GillesB
JOE 8M 30 mcousens
SPEW 12L 26 Faeythe

On 14th draw, KATION 4A 42 --- KATION a positively charged ion [n]
Other moves: KAON 8L 39, KNOT 8L 39, GROK 8L 33, KATION 8J 33, TAROK 8K 30
KAON 8L 39 GillesB
KNOT 8L 39 Faeythe
KITER I3 15 mcousens

On 15th draw, GRIKE A1 30 --- GRIKE a ravine [n]
Other moves: GEEK A1 27, TRIKE A1 27, RAIK A1 24, REAK A1 24, REEK A1 24
GEEK A1 27 mcousens
TREK A1 24 GillesB
TEAK A1 24 Faeythe
GROT 8L 21 lulu

On 16th draw, FLOW 8L 42 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v]
Other moves: BLOW 8L 36, BELOW 8K 33, ELBOW 8K 33, FLOE 8L 33, WEEN 7C 30
FLOW 8L 42 GillesB, Faeythe, mcousens
BELOW 8K 33 lulu

On 17th draw, RATS 9B 23 --- RAT to hunt rats (long-tailed rodents) [v]
Other moves: WEEST O8 20, WEETE O8 20, WEETS O8 20, TEAS I5 18, TEASEL M3 18
TEES I5 18 GillesB
WEET O8 15 mcousens
SALT M6 13 lulu

On 18th draw, URENA 7C 26 --- URENA any plant of the marrow family [n]
Other moves: GENERAL M2 22, REGNAL M3 20, GANEF L4 18, NEURAL M3 18, UNREAL M3 18
WEEN O8 15 mcousens
RAG 2A 12 lulu
EWE O7 11 GillesB
AGREE I2 8 Faeythe

On 19th draw, EXON F1 27 --- EXON within a nucleic acid, a sequence which codes for protein synthesis [n]
Other moves: IBEX 12L 21, AX B4 18, EX 5A 18, EX 12N 17, EX I6 17
EXON F1 27 GillesB, Faeythe, mcousens
RUB 2A 15 lulu
BUNGER J1 11 Jinx

On 20th draw, PUREBRED J1 65 --- PUREBRED an animal of unmixed stock [n]
Other moves: BEEPED 1D 42, BEEPER 1D 39, PEERED 1D 36, PUERED 1D 36, BEEPED 1E 33
BREED 1D 33 mcousens, GillesB, Faeythe
EPERDUE 1D 33 Jinx
BEEPED 1E 33 lulu

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