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Game of May 9, 2011 at 14:20, 2 players
1. mylover81 -557
2. Calgonb -787

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeiossv   H8    26    26   essive
 2. loorsuw  12H    24    50   vrouws
 3. ?aegors  11C    70   120   argosies
 4. diklnoy  10F    34   154   kis
 5. ellmopu   M7    30   184   plumose
 6. abceitt   C7    82   266   ciabatte
 7. cdenoty   8K    42   308   ycled
 8. aimnoty   N4    43   351   omniety
 9. ?adeior   5G    70   421   ideogram
10. aefnort   D8    43   464   frore
11. aefilov   H1    33   497   livedo
12. ghinopr  14B    34   531   neigh
13. abdfort   8A    33   564   triff
14. adegiqr   2F    34   598   qaid
15. abeegln   3G    33   631   evangel
16. ainoptw   I7    27   658   waiter
17. aelnuxz   J5    25   683   ox
18. bdilnot   7I    21   704   won
19. abehlnp   E3    28   732   behalf
20. adnnptu   4A    24   756   panted
21. aijruuz   A1    39   795   jarp

Remaining tiles: inuuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5007 Filemylover81   0 18:44  -557  238     1.5007 mylover81   0 18:44  -557  238 
  2.  -  FileCalgonb     0  1:15  -787    8            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Calgonb     0  1:15  -787    8 

On 1st draw, ESSIVE H8 26 --- ESSIVE a grammatical case denoting a state of being [n]
Other moves: VISES H4 24, ESSIVE H3 20, ESSIVE H4 20, ESSIVE H7 20, SIEVES H3 20
VISES H4 24 mylover81

On 2nd draw, VROUWS 12H 24 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VROUW 12H 22, VROWS 12H 22, SOWLS 10D 16, SOWLS 10H 16, VROUS 12H 16
SLOWER 13D 14 mylover81

On 3rd draw, ARGO(S)IES 11C 70 --- ARGOSY a large merchant ship [n]
Other tops: GORA(M)IES 11C 70, SARGOSE(S) M7 70
Other moves: ARGOSIE(S) 11C 69, AG(A)ROSES M7 68, ARGOS(I)ES M8 68, SERAG(L)IO 11B 68, (A)GAROSES M7 68

On 4th draw, KIS 10F 34 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: KOS 10F 34
Other moves: DANKLY C10 28, YOS 10F 28, DOEK 13F 27, ALKYD C11 26, DORKY D9 26
YORK D9 22 mylover81

On 5th draw, PLUMOSE M7 30 --- PLUMOSE having feathers [adj]
Other moves: MOUSLE M9 22, MOUSE M9 20, MULSE M9 20, PULSE M9 20, RUMPO D11 20
MOUSE M9 20 mylover81

On 6th draw, CIABATTE C7 82 --- CIABATTE an Italian slipper shaped bread made with olive oil [n]
Other moves: CABLET 8J 39, TABLET 8J 33, ABLET 8K 30, ECLAT 8K 30, ATELIC 8J 27
CRAB D10 16 mylover81

On 7th draw, YCLED 8K 42 --- CLOTHE to provide with clothing [v]
Other moves: DECOY 14B 38, CLOY 8L 36, NEEDY 14B 34, COLEY 8K 33, EDICT 8A 33
DEITY 8A 30 mylover81

On 8th draw, OMNIETY N4 43 --- OMNIETY allness [n]
Other moves: MOIETY N5 42, ATIMY 8A 39, MEANY 14B 36, MEATY 14B 36, MEINY 14B 36
TIDY O6 8 Calgonb

On 9th draw, IDEO(G)RAM 5G 70 --- IDEOGRAM a type of written symbol [n]
Other tops: AIRD(R)OME 5H 70, AI(R)DROME 5H 70
Other moves: DEARI(E) D8 32, D(E)ARIE D8 32, DARIO(L)E D9 30, DR(E)RE D8 28, D(E)ARE D8 28

On 10th draw, FRORE D8 43 --- FRORE frozen [adj]
Other moves: NAIFER 8A 39, TEREFA 14B 34, NAIF 8A 33, NEIF 8A 33, REIF 8A 33
FRIT 8A 24 mylover81

On 11th draw, LIVEDO H1 33 --- LIVEDO a discoloured patch on the skin [n]
Other moves: AVOID H1 30, FAVER L1 30, FAVOR L1 30, FELID H1 30, FIELD H1 30
FIVER L1 30 mylover81

On 12th draw, NEIGH 14B 34 --- NEIGH to utter the cry of a horse [v]
Other tops: PIROGHI 2B 34
Other moves: GOPHER 4D 31, GENIP 14B 28, HOEING 14A 28, GORHEN 4D 27, NIGHER 4D 27

On 13th draw, TRIFF 8A 33 --- TRIFF terrific [adj]
Other moves: FORB 6G 32, BOORD 6F 29, FORBADE 4B 29, OAF 6H 29, ORF 6H 29
DRIFT 8A 27 mylover81

On 14th draw, QAID 2F 34 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: VARIED 3H 22, DRAGEE 4D 21, ADORE 6F 19, AREG 13F 19, GREED 13J 18

On 15th draw, EVANGEL 3G 33 --- EVANGEL a preacher of the gospel [n]
Other moves: BEGAR L1 22, EBON 4L 22, BALER L1 20, BANGLE 4C 20, BEAGLE 4C 20

On 16th draw, WAITER I7 27 --- WAITER one who serves food in a restaurant [n] --- WAITER to work as a male server in a restaurant [v]
Other moves: WAIFT E5 25, WAIF E5 20, NITER I8 19, NOTER I8 19, OPEN 13F 19
WEAR L2 14 mylover81

On 17th draw, OX J5 25 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: AXE 13F 23, ZEE L1 22, AEON 4L 19, SIZE 9H 18, OX 4N 17

On 18th draw, WON 7I 21 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other moves: OXO J5 15, WO 7I 15, BOO 6F 13, OBE 13F 13, IDOL G5 12

On 19th draw, BEHALF E3 28 --- BEHALF interest, support, or benefit [n]
Other moves: PHEER L1 26, BLEAR L1 20, HALF E5 20, WHAP L12 20, AEON 4L 19
HA F14 5 mylover81

On 20th draw, PANTED 4A 24 --- PANT to breathe quickly and with difficulty [v]
Other tops: PANNED 4A 24, PUNNED 4A 24, PUNTED 4A 24
Other moves: PUNNET 4A 22, PANNE 4A 20, TAPUED 4A 20, APTED 4B 16, NAPED 4B 16
PATE 4B 12 mylover81

On 21th draw, JARP A1 39 --- JARP to tap an egg against another until one breaks, an Easter competition [v]
Other tops: JAUP A1 39
Other moves: IZAR B2 26, RAJ 6D 26, RIZA B1 26, TAJ D4 24, ZIN C2 24

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