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Game sheet of satdan (file), Game of May 9, 2011 at 18:27

Word find
Word played
1 AEJLRRU             JUREL H4 40 40  
2 ?DEIILU             RIDI(C)ULE 6H 64 104  
3 AEEGNTW             WEETEN O4 39 143  
4 ABDEKOT BIKED K5 24 -43 24 2/2 OUTBAKED M5 67 210 2/2
5 AAEORRS SOARED 12H 16 -7 40 1/3 ROSARIA I1 23 233 2/3
6 ABCEENS BRACES 1H 33 -56 73 1/3 CARBENES 1G 89 322 2/3
7 ?FNOOOS SNOOK 10I 11 -17 84 2/2 JAF(A)S 4H 28 350 2/3
8 ENOORTV ROVEN 11J 16 -56 100 2/2 OVERTONE 11F 72 422 2/3
9 ADNOTVW DROWN I10 13 -17 113 2/2 ENDOW H11 30 452 2/3
10 CEGHORV GROVED 13C 24 -6 137 1/1 SCHORL N1 30 482 2/3
11 GILOPTT             PITH 3K 23 505 2/3
12 ADGILOP PLOD 14F 13 -50 150 1/2 PAGURID 5E 63 568 2/3
13 AGILORU NOG L11 14 -8 164 2/2 VOILA G11 22 590 2/3
14 AEILSUZ LAZES F4 34 -6 198 2/2 ZOEA F10 40 630 2/3
15 AHIMOTU PATH E5 9 -19 207 3/3 ODAH 12L 28 658 2/4
16 EGIRSTV STRIVE J10 19 -14 226 3/4 SHIVE O11 33 691 2/5
17 EGMNTUX TAX F4 26 -4 252 4/4 UNTAX F2 30 721 2/5
18 AEGMMQU             QUENA 3C 30 751 2/5
19 EFGLMRY FLEX 6C 18 -17 270 2/4 MOY 2H 35 786 2/5
20 EGILMRY             ELOGY 14F 35 821 2/5
21 FIIIMRT             FRITZ 10B 25 846 2/5

Total: 270/846 or -576 for 31.91%
Rank: 5173

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