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Game of May 9, 2011 at 23:30, 7 players
1. jimxunz -532
2. FourShores -637
3. Faeythe -747

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dhiinrs   H4    26    26   hinds
 2. abeilor   8A    83   109   borealis
 3. abcdgov   4C    28   137   bodach
 4. ?aiilno   A8    77   214   binomial
 5. ?hnnotv   5D    35   249   nothing
 6. deeimnt   C8    74   323   reminted
 7. aaenrrs  15C    27   350   darners
 8. egglors   J2    65   415   gogglers
 9. aaeijrt  12C    96   511   naartjie
10. ceeimot   8J    33   544   remote
11. adfptuz  F10    36   580   zurf
12. aegilxy   L4    34   614   xylem
13. deosuuy  13F    31   645   feods
14. aegruuv   6E    25   670   gean
15. aciprvw   N6    24   694   vatic
16. iioptuu   M7    20   714   top
17. aeotuuw  14A    20   734   aweto
18. eikruvw   C1    20   754   kerb
19. fipquvw   F2    34   788   quate
20. afpuvwy   1A    54   842   wakf
21. iipuuvy   B1    24   866   ayu

Remaining tiles: iipuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4603 Filejimxunz     2 27:31  -532  334     1.5505 Faeythe     0  7:53  -747  119 
  2.  -  FileFourShores  0 25:34  -637  229            Group: not rated
  3.5505 FileFaeythe     0  7:53  -747  119     1.4603 jimxunz     2 27:31  -532  334 
  4.  -  Filesillywilly  0  7:43  -788   78     2.  -  FourShores  0 25:34  -637  229 
  5.  -  Filekhemoeph    0  2:59  -825   41     3.  -  sillywilly  0  7:43  -788   78 
  6.  -  Filemimicarol   0  2:31  -840   26     4.  -  khemoeph    0  2:59  -825   41 
  7.  -  Filemontex      0  0:24  -859    7     5.  -  mimicarol   0  2:31  -840   26 
                                             6.  -  montex      0  0:24  -859    7 

On 1st draw, HINDS H4 26 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other moves: SIRIH H8 24, HINDS H8 20, HINDS H5 18, HINDS H6 18, HINDS H7 18
HINDS H4 26 jimxunz
SHIN H5 14 FourShores

On 2nd draw, BOREALIS 8A 83 --- BOREALIS as in aurora borealis, lights seen round the North Pole, cf [adj]
Other moves: HIRABLE 4H 24, HABILE 4H 22, HERBAL 4H 22, BELAH 4D 20, HABLE 4H 20
BOILER 5F 16 jimxunz
BLARES 8C 9 FourShores

On 3rd draw, BODACH 4C 28 --- BODACH an old man [n]
Other moves: HAVOC 4H 26, VOCAB E5 24, BOCAGE D3 22, BOVID 5E 22, ABOVE D4 20
COLD F6 13 jimxunz
BAD A8 6 FourShores

On 4th draw, BINO(M)IAL A8 77 --- BINOMIAL an algebraic expression [n]
Other moves: IRONI(C)AL C7 68, ORI(G)INAL C7 68, ILLA(T)ION F7 61, DILA(T)ION 7H 60, LIBA(T)ION A6 60
BAILIN(G) A8 9 FourShores
BAIL A8 6 jimxunz

On 5th draw, NOTHIN(G) 5D 35 --- NOTHING the absence of all quantity or magnitude [n]
Other moves: (E)THION 5E 29, THION(I)N 5F 27, RH(Y)TON C8 24, HINN(Y) 5G 21, HINT(S) 5G 21
NOTCH G1 16 FourShores
HOLT F6 15 jimxunz

On 6th draw, REMINTED C8 74 --- REMINT to melt down and make into new coins [v]
Other moves: DENTINE 6C 32, DENTIN 6C 29, ERMINED C7 28, MEIN 6E 27, AMENED 14A 26
LIMED F8 14 FourShores
MEET D7 6 jimxunz

On 7th draw, DARNERS 15C 27 --- DARNER one that darns [n]
Other moves: DARERS 15C 24, DARNER 15C 24, DARRES 15C 24, DEARNS 15C 24, DENARS 15C 24
DEARS 15C 7 jimxunz

On 8th draw, GOG(G)LERS J2 65 --- GOGGLER one that goggles [n]
Other tops: GO(G)GLERS J3 65
Other moves: DOGGRELS 7H 63, (G)OGGLERS J5 63, TOGGLERS 13C 62, EROSE D8 22, NOTHIN(G)S 5D 20
(G)OGGLERS J5 13 FourShores, jimxunz

On 9th draw, NAARTJIE 12C 96 --- NAARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: NAARTJE 12C 44, NARTJIE 12C 30, JEAT F2 27, AERATE D7 24, AJEE 14A 24
JAB C2 24 jimxunz
RAJ 8J 18 FourShores

On 10th draw, REMOTE 8J 33 --- REMOTE a broadcast originating outside a studio [n] --- REMOTE situated far away [adj]
Other tops: RECITE 8J 33
Other moves: MEIN 6E 27, REEMIT 8J 27, RETIME 8J 27, COMET 3I 24, COMTE 3I 24
MAC E11 14 jimxunz
SMOTE 9J 8 FourShores

On 11th draw, ZURF F10 36 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other tops: ZARF F10 36
Other moves: TOPAZ 3I 34, ZAPATA E7 34, ADZED 7G 33, LUZ F8 32, MAZUT L8 32
FAZED O5 18 FourShores
POT 3I 8 jimxunz

On 12th draw, XYLEM L4 34 --- XYLEM a woody tissue in trees or plants [n]
Other moves: LAXITY N4 32, LATEX N6 30, YEAN 6E 29, AXITE N5 28, EXIT N5 27
TAXI N8 27 jimxunz
GOX M7 21 FourShores
GEL O7 4 mimicarol

On 13th draw, FEODS 13F 31 --- FEOD a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FEOD 13F 28, YAE E11 27, EYED 7L 26, OSES 9I 25, USES 9I 25
XYLEMS L4 18 jimxunz
DYES O6 8 mimicarol
DOUSE O4 8 FourShores

On 14th draw, GEAN 6E 25 --- GEAN a European wild cherry [n]
Other moves: OUVRAGE M8 24, REAN 6E 23, EAN 6F 18, GRAVE 2J 18, VERB C1 18
GRUB C1 14 mimicarol
VET N6 14 jimxunz
VERGE O4 13 FourShores

On 15th draw, VATIC N6 24 --- VATIC pertaining to a prophet [adj]
Other moves: AREPA 14A 20, OCA B8 19, WARB C1 18, AROW M6 17, AVIATE F1 17
ROW M7 14 FourShores
PRICE O4 12 Faeythe
TIP N8 11 jimxunz

On 16th draw, TOP M7 20 --- TOP to cut off the top (the highest part, point, or surface) of [v]
Other moves: PIT 9M 17, OP M8 14, OPIATE F1 14, PI 9M 14, PUB C2 14
PUB C2 14 Faeythe
XU 4L 9 jimxunz
GOUT 2J 5 FourShores

On 17th draw, AWETO 14A 20 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: AWEE 14A 16, MATZO 10C 16, MOTZA 10C 16, WAB C2 16, WEB C2 16
WEB C2 16 Faeythe
AWEE 14A 16 jimxunz
WOE 3I 10 FourShores
WON D3 6 sillywilly

On 18th draw, KERB C1 20 --- KERB to provide a street with a concrete border [v]
Other tops: GRIKE 2J 20, WRECK 10K 20, WRICK 10K 20
Other moves: WICK 10L 19, GIVER 2J 18, KEB C2 18, VERB C1 18, ERICK 10K 17
VERB C1 18 Faeythe
WEB C2 16 jimxunz
VOW 3I 13 khemoeph
WOE 3I 10 sillywilly
GREW 2J 8 FourShores

On 19th draw, QUATE F2 34 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUEP 2A 30, VIEW 2A 20, EQUIP 2C 18, FEW 2B 18, PEW 2B 16
QUATE F2 34 jimxunz
EQUIP 2C 18 sillywilly, Faeythe
PIE 2A 10 khemoeph
GUP 2J 6 FourShores

On 20th draw, WAKF 1A 54 --- WAKF a donation for pious purposes [n]
Other moves: PUKA 1A 33, YAK 1A 30, YUK 1A 30, AUK 1A 21, YA E11 20
YAK 1A 30 Faeythe, jimxunz, sillywilly
FEW 2B 18 khemoeph
QUA 2F 12 FourShores

On 21th draw, AYU B1 24 --- AYU a small fish [n]
Other moves: AY B1 20, YA E11 20, YE 2B 20, YU 11E 20, PYIC 10K 17
ZIP 10F 14 sillywilly
QI 2F 11 Faeythe, jimxunz
GUV 2J 7 montex
VID I11 7 FourShores

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