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Game of May 10, 2011 at 00:20, 10 players
1. jimxunz -544
2. Faeythe -602
3. amin -623

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adegor   H2    70    70   dogears
 2. adeiott   7F    63   133   teratoid
 3. efhintt   4B    28   161   hefting
 4. adegnru   2A    80   241   ungraded
 5. einorty   C2    28   269   greeny
 6. aekoprs   K5    36   305   oropesa
 7. ?adilot  10H    62   367   diastole
 8. celortx  H10    66   433   dextro
 9. eilnnsz   M9    48   481   zones
10. ceghims   O4    48   529   chemise
11. aabeluv  12D    28   557   beaux
12. aeouvvw  L10    26   583   twae
13. abilnor  11C    28   611   borane
14. eimosvy   N8    35   646   moly
15. cegoqtw   J9    23   669   wate
16. agiklns  15H    92   761   oaklings
17. fillpuv   M2    26   787   fulvid
18. ciiopqu   A1    21   808   cup
19. iijloqv  14F    26   834   jor
20. iiilquv   J2    46   880   qiviut

Remaining tiles: il

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4644 Filejimxunz     0 21:47  -544  336     1.5528 Faeythe     0 19:21  -602  278 
  2.5528 FileFaeythe     0 19:21  -602  278            Group: not rated
  3.3432 Fileamin        2 24:30  -623  257     1.4644 jimxunz     0 21:47  -544  336 
  4.  -  Filesillywilly  0 25:24  -628  252     2.3432 amin        2 24:30  -623  257 
  5.  -  FileFourShores  1 21:49  -629  251     3.  -  sillywilly  0 25:24  -628  252 
  6.  -  Filedannyboy    0 15:33  -674  206     4.  -  FourShores  1 21:49  -629  251 
  7.  -  Filemonthree    1  5:50  -747  133     5.  -  dannyboy    0 15:33  -674  206 
  8.  -  Filekhemoeph    0 10:41  -792   88     6.  -  monthree    1  5:50  -747  133 
  9.  -  Filemamzehr     0  4:36  -826   54     7.  -  khemoeph    0 10:41  -792   88 
 10.  -  FileSaizula     0  3:30  -854   26     8.  -  mamzehr     0  4:36  -826   54 
                                             9.  -  Saizula     0  3:30  -854   26 

On 1st draw, DOGEAR(S) H2 70 --- DOGEAR to turn down a corner of a page [v]
Other tops: DOGEAR(S) H4 70, DO(W)AGER H4 70, DO(W)AGER H8 70, GARO(T)ED H4 70, GARO(T)ED H6 70, GROA(N)ED H4 70, GROA(N)ED H6 70, (C)ARGOED H6 70, (C)ORDAGE H7 70, (F)ORAGED H6 70, (F)ORAGED H8 70, (H)AGRODE H2 70, (H)AGRODE H7 70, (W)ORDAGE H7 70
Other moves: DOGEAR(S) H3 68, DOGEAR(S) H7 68, DOGEAR(S) H8 68, DO(W)AGER H3 68, DO(W)AGER H6 68
GRADE(S) H4 18 jimxunz
GEAR(E)D H4 18 FourShores
GRADE H8 16 sillywilly
DOG H7 10 khemoeph

On 2nd draw, TERATOID 7F 63 --- TERATISM a malformed fetus [adj] --- TERATOID pertaining to a teratism [adj]
Other moves: DITTOED 2B 22, DITTOED 2H 22, IODATED 2B 22, TOADIED 2B 22, GODETIA 4H 18
DOTTED 2C 10 sillywilly
DATE 6G 7 jimxunz
DOT 3G 7 khemoeph

On 3rd draw, HEFTING 4B 28 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other tops: FITNA I3 28
Other moves: (S)HIFT 8H 26, AHENT 6H 23, AHINT 6H 23, FETTING 4B 22, HEFTE 5D 22
(S)HIFT 8H 26 jimxunz
HINTED M2 20 FourShores
FIEND M3 18 Faeythe
HID 2F 15 khemoeph
THIEF L5 12 sillywilly

On 4th draw, UNGRADED 2A 80 --- GRADE to arrange in steps or degrees [adj] --- UNGRADED not graded [adj]
DARING L4 18 jimxunz
DURING L4 18 Faeythe
UNREAD C1 14 sillywilly
DANGER 2H 10 FourShores
DARE C1 10 khemoeph

On 5th draw, GREENY C2 28 --- GREENY somewhat green [adj]
Other moves: EYNE G2 22, IRATE 6F 21, RENAY 6E 21, YENTE 5G 21, AYIN 6H 20
HEY B4 17 Faeythe
TINY F7 15 jimxunz
(S)NORT 8H 14 FourShores
TRIED M3 12 sillywilly
DENY M7 9 khemoeph

On 6th draw, OROPESA K5 36 --- OROPESA a float used in minesweeping [n]
Other moves: SPAKE 6F 33, ARAKS 6F 29, PARKIES L3 28, PORKIES L3 28, SPARKED M1 28
SPARKED M1 28 FourShores
SPOKED M2 26 Faeythe
POKERS K6 24 monthree, amin
SPOKE K5 22 khemoeph
KEEPS G6 21 dannyboy
DAK M7 13 jimxunz

On 7th draw, DIASTOL(E) 10H 62 --- DIASTOLE the normal rhythmical dilation of the heart [n]
Other tops: TA(B)LOIDS 10D 62, (B)LASTOID 10H 62, (M)ODALIST 10E 62, (S)ODALIST 10E 62
Other moves: DILATO(R)S 10D 60, OPTI(M)A 8J 32, POI(N)D 8K 30, POIL(U) 8K 27, POI(N)T 8K 27
TAIL(E)D M2 12 dannyboy
TOADI(E)D M4 8 Faeythe
SOIL 10K 6 jimxunz
DELA(Y) 9J 6 amin

On 8th draw, DEXTRO H10 66 --- DEXTRO turning to the right [adj]
Other moves: COEX(E)RT O6 48, CO(E)XERT O8 48, C(E)LOTEX O9 48, CELOT(E)X O5 45, CORT(E)X O6 42
EX(E)RT O8 36 Faeythe
XU A1 27 jimxunz
OX 3H 17 amin
COX M9 15 sillywilly
DOC H10 9 FourShores

On 9th draw, ZONES M9 48 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: L*ZeS O7 39, SEIZ(E) O6 39, SIZ(E)L O7 39, ZIN(E)S O7 39, LUZ A1 36
ZONES M9 48 amin, monthree
ZIN(E)S O7 39 dannyboy
SIZ(E) O7 36 jimxunz
ZE(E) O8 33 Faeythe
ZONES 15G 14 sillywilly

On 10th draw, CHEMIS(E) O4 48 --- CHEMISE a loose dress [n]
Other tops: SME(E)CH O7 48
Other moves: SM(E)ECH O8 45, CH(E)MISE O8 42, SCHEMI(E) O4 42, SCH(E)MIE O7 42, SCH(E)ME O7 39
CHIM(E)S O6 36 jimxunz, FourShores, dannyboy, monthree
CHIMED M2 28 sillywilly
MIC(E) O7 21 Faeythe
MUG A1 18 amin
HIRE 14F 15 khemoeph

On 11th draw, BEAUX 12D 28 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: BALE N8 24, BALU N8 24, VALUATE 13C 24, BAL N8 21, LEAZES 9J 21
VALUE 11D 16 mamzehr
ABLED M3 16 Faeythe
LEAVE 11D 16 amin
VAR 14F 14 dannyboy
VALUER 14C 11 FourShores, sillywilly
AXLE 12G 11 monthree
AX 12G 9 jimxunz

On 12th draw, TWAE L10 26 --- TWAE two [n]
Other tops: AVOWED M2 26
Other moves: VOWED M3 24, WAVED M3 24, AWETO J4 23, TWA L10 22, TWO L10 22
WEAVE E11 22 Faeythe
WAVE E9 20 sillywilly, jimxunz, FourShores, amin

On 13th draw, BORANE 11C 28 --- BORANE a non-metallic element [n]
Other moves: ATONAL J6 25, BANE 11E 24, BAL N8 21, HAIN B4 20, INBOARD M1 20
BUN A1 15 amin
BILE E9 12 jimxunz
BEAN E11 12 Faeythe
LABOR F11 9 sillywilly
BE E11 8 dannyboy
ROBIN D10 7 FourShores

On 14th draw, MOLY N8 35 --- MOLY a wild garlic [n]
Other moves: MOLS N8 29, EYES 5C 28, EYE 5C 24, MAYOS J9 24, RIVES 14H 24
MUS A1 15 jimxunz
SUM A1 15 Faeythe
OROPESAS K5 13 dannyboy
MOVIES 15G 12 amin, sillywilly
MOVES 15G 10 mamzehr
SOY 5J 6 FourShores

On 15th draw, WATE J9 23 --- WIT to know [v]
Other moves: COWED M3 22, WAT J9 22, QI I9 21, WATER 6G 21, GORE 3A 20
QI I9 21 jimxunz
OWE 6M 17 dannyboy
CUT A1 15 FourShores
WE 6N 13 amin
WROTE 14G 10 sillywilly
OW 3H 9 Faeythe

On 16th draw, OAKLINGS 15H 92 --- OAKLING a young oak [n]
Other moves: SKOALING 15F 64, HAIKS B4 29, HAIK B4 28, RAKIS 14H 27, KNAGS 6B 26
GRAINS 14G 17 amin
SOAKING 15G 13 sillywilly
KA E1 6 dannyboy
GOAL 5J 5 FourShores
SLOG 15F 5 Faeythe

On 17th draw, FULVID M2 26 --- FULVID dull yellow [adj]
Other moves: FLIC 4L 18, FLUID M3 18, LUV A1 18, RIF 3C 18, FAP 6G 17
FUR 14F 14 jimxunz
IF(S) 8F 12 dannyboy
FOP 5J 8 Faeythe
FOIL 5J 7 FourShores
FIRE E9 7 sillywilly
POLL 5J 6 amin

On 18th draw, CUP A1 21 --- CUP to place in a cup (a small, open container) [v]
Other moves: PFUI 2L 18, FOP 2M 16, OUPA 6E 16, RIP 3C 16, COIF 2J 15
CUP A1 21 FourShores
COIF 2J 15 sillywilly
QUIRE E8 14 mamzehr, Faeythe, Saizula
QIS O13 12 jimxunz
PIN 6A 7 amin

On 19th draw, JOR 14F 26 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JOT J5 25, JIB C9 20, JOB C9 20, JOLS O12 19, VIRL 14F 17
JOR 14F 26 amin
JOT J5 25 dannyboy
JOB C9 20 sillywilly
JOLS O12 19 jimxunz
JIN 6A 12 FourShores
JOB D10 12 Saizula

On 20th draw, QIVIUT J2 46 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other moves: QUIRE E8 14, FIL 2M 12, FLU 2M 12, QIS O13 12, VEIN G1 11
QUIRE E8 14 monthree, sillywilly, mamzehr
QIS O13 12 jimxunz, FourShores
FIL 2M 12 amin
TIL F7 3 dannyboy

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