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Game of May 11, 2011 at 12:12, 6 players
1. jimbo -479
2. Faeythe -532
3. sunshine12 -753

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimnptv   H4    26    26   pitman
 2. ?aafggn   5D    22    48   fanging
 3. ?adentw   F4    71   119   unwanted
 4. acimnot   8H    89   208   anatomic
 5. bioorst   M1    76   284   robotism
 6. dehnouw   1J    42   326   whored
 7. eegortz   4K    48   374   trooz
 8. elosuvy   8A    39   413   sloven
 9. aaegnsu   A1    80   493   guanases
10. deeelru   2K    28   521   erode
11. aeilnoq  11D    28   549   qadi
12. deikptu  D10    32   581   equip
13. abderrs  13A    74   655   braiders
14. aceeilo  A11    30   685   cibol
15. aefijrt   D2    34   719   jeff
16. ehilouy   B6    33   752   helio
17. eilnrty  15A    27   779   liney
18. aeikluy  H12    36   815   esky
19. aillruv   N8    24   839   illuvia

Remaining tiles: rtux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4178 Filejimbo       2 22:53  -479  360     1.5330 Faeythe     3 13:00  -532  307 
  2.5330 FileFaeythe     3 13:00  -532  307            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filesunshine12  0  6:57  -753   86     1.4178 jimbo       2 22:53  -479  360 
  4.  -  FilePlugger     0  6:44  -779   60     2.  -  sunshine12  0  6:57  -753   86 
  5.4122 Filetminor      0  3:29  -813   26     3.  -  Plugger     0  6:44  -779   60 
  6.  -  Filemanu1502    0  1:07  -823   16     4.4122 tminor      0  3:29  -813   26 
                                             5.  -  manu1502    0  1:07  -823   16 

On 1st draw, PITMAN H4 26 --- PITMAN a mine worker [n] --- PITMAN a connecting rod [n]
Other tops: MAVIN H4 26, PAVIN H4 26
Other moves: PANIM H4 24, PANIM H8 24, MAVIN H8 22, PAVIN H8 22, PITMAN H3 22
VAMP H8 22 jimbo
PAINT H8 16 manu1502

On 2nd draw, FANGI(N)G 5D 22 --- FANG to seize [v]
Other tops: FAGGIN(G) 5D 22, FAG(G)ING 5D 22, FA(D)GING 5D 22, FA(G)GING 5D 22, FA(N)GING 5D 22, GAF(F)ING 5D 22, GA(F)FING 5D 22
Other moves: AFG(H)ANI 5B 20, FAAING 5E 20, FAT(I)NG 6F 19, FAAI(N)G 5E 18, FAGIN 5E 18
AFG(H)AN 8H 10 jimbo

On 3rd draw, (U)NWANTED F4 71 --- UNWANTED not wanted [adj] --- WANT to have a desire for [adj]
Other moves: TWANG(L)ED J1 70, WANT(O)NED F3 67, WANT(O)NED 9C 66, (U)NWANTED 9G 66, MET(E)WAND 7H 65
(U)NWANTED 9G 66 jimbo

On 4th draw, ANATOMIC 8H 89 --- ANATOMIC pertaining to anatomy [adj] --- ANATOMY the structure of an organism [adj]
Other moves: CAMION 8A 33, TINMAN 8A 33, CO(N)IMA I3 32, MANIT(U) 4A 32, ACTION 8A 27
ATOMIC 8H 11 jimbo

On 5th draw, ROBOTISM M1 76 --- ROBOTISM the state of being a robot [n]
Other moves: ROBOTICS O2 65, BOSTON 8A 27, ORISON 8A 21, TOISON 8A 21, BIODOTS 11C 20
BRITS N6 15 Faeythe
STROBIC O2 12 jimbo
BOOSTER 10A 11 Plugger

On 6th draw, WHORED 1J 42 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: UNHEWN 8A 39, HOUNDER 1G 36, UNDREW 1J 36, WOUNDER 1G 36, DOWNER 1H 33
WREN 1L 33 Faeythe
WONDER 1H 33 Plugger
WOUND 11B 18 tminor
CHOWED O8 16 jimbo

On 7th draw, TROOZ 4K 48 --- TROOZ trews [n]
Other moves: GRIZE 6K 35, MEZE 7H 32, MOZE 7H 32, RIZ 6L 32, ZEROED 11A 32
ZEROED 11A 32 jimbo
ZOO 4L 24 Faeythe
GROAT J5 8 tminor
GREAT J5 8 Plugger

On 8th draw, SLOVEN 8A 39 --- SLOVEN a slovenly person [n]
Other moves: (N)OUNY I5 28, ONY I7 25, MULEYS 7H 24, SOILY N6 24, LOVEYS 10C 23
VALUES J7 11 jimbo
DOVE 11F 8 Plugger

On 9th draw, GUANASES A1 80 --- GUANASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: LEGUAANS B8 76, AULNAGES B6 63, GUANASES A3 60, GEASON 2I 36, GANEFS D1 24
TANGS K8 12 jimbo
SCAN O7 6 Faeythe

On 10th draw, ERODE 2K 28 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other moves: LEERED E7 26, DEERE E7 25, VELURED D8 22, RODE 2L 21, DOLE 2L 20
DELUDER 11F 18 jimbo, Faeythe

On 11th draw, QADI 11D 28 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID 11C 28
Other moves: ETNA 5L 19, EINA E8 18, EINE E8 18, EO(N)IAN I3 18, LIE(U) 4C 18
QAID 11C 28 Faeythe
ALONE J8 7 jimbo

On 12th draw, EQUIP D10 32 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: EQUID D10 30, QUEP D11 30, QUIET D11 30, QUIP D11 30, QUITE D11 30
EQUIP D10 32 Faeythe, jimbo

On 13th draw, BRAIDERS 13A 74 --- BRAIDER one that braids [n]
Other moves: ABRADERS J8 65, BEWHORED 1H 51, SIDEBAR 13C 28, RASPED 14A 26, BED(U) 4C 25
BIRRED 13C 20 Faeythe
SPADER 14C 13 jimbo
SPEAR 14C 9 sunshine12

On 14th draw, CIBOL A11 30 --- CIBOL a variety of onion [n]
Other tops: CABLE A11 30, COBIA A11 30, COBLE A11 30
Other moves: CALIF D1 26, CEORL B10 26, CLARO B10 26, ALBEE A11 24, NICE 4A 22
CABLE A11 30 Faeythe, jimbo

On 15th draw, JEFF D2 34 --- JEFF to ruthlessly downsize an organisation [v]
Other tops: JEFF D3 34, JIFF D2 34, JIFF D3 34
Other moves: OAF N4 29, LIFER 15A 27, JEE 10B 26, JITTER K6 26, LIFE 15A 26
JOT C7 19 sunshine12
JO C7 17 Faeythe
CRAFT O8 11 jimbo

On 16th draw, HELIO B6 33 --- HELIO a signaling mirror [n]
Other tops: HELLO B6 33
Other moves: PEH 14D 32, POH 14D 32, HELL B6 30, HELO B6 30, (N)OUNY I5 28
SHY H13 27 Faeythe
JOY 2D 21 sunshine12
THOU K8 14 jimbo

On 17th draw, LINEY 15A 27 --- LINEY resembling a line [adj]
Other moves: LYNE 15A 26, LYRE 15A 26, LYTE 15A 26, INERTLY N8 24, LINER 15A 24
STY H13 18 Faeythe
ENTITY K6 18 jimbo

On 18th draw, ESKY H12 36 --- ESKY a container for keeping drinks cool [n]
Other moves: SKY H13 30, JAKEY 2D 29, MALIKS 7H 26, MELIKS 7H 26, ANY I7 25
SKY H13 30 Faeythe
TALKY K8 24 sunshine12
LUCKY O6 14 jimbo

On 19th draw, ILLUVIA N8 24 --- ILLUVIUM a type of material accumulated in soil [n]
Other moves: ELUVIAL 12H 20, VIRGA G2 20, VITULAR K6 20, KIVA 14H 19, ELUVIA 12H 18
JAIL 2D 13 sunshine12
KRILL 14H 11 jimbo
VAIL J7 9 Faeythe

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