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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of May 11, 2011 at 20:23

Word find
Word played
1 EILNSTY             TINSEY H7 26 26  
2 AEINRTY             SINTERY 10H 20 46  
3 ?AADIMN             DIAMANT(E) K4 90 136  
4 ?ACENNZ ZAN(Y) 6J 32 -41 32 2/3 ZENAN(A) J6 73 209 3/3
5 ACDGIMU ZAG 6J 13 -13 45 1/5 DIGAMY 12C 26 235 3/5
6 ACDEIIS             ACIDIEST 7A 63 298 3/5
7 BEHIRST             REBIRTHS M6 80 378 3/5
8 EEFLLRS FALLERS A6 33 -6 78 1/3 FERALS A4 39 417 3/5
9 AAEKORT BOK 8M 27 -5 105 1/3 AKEE 11E 32 449 3/5
10 AAEGIRW BEG 8M 18 -8 123 2/3 WHIG 12L 26 475 3/5
11 ACFNOPT GOAF O12 24 -2 147 1/4 FONDA 4H 26 501 3/6
12 BCEHOOT HOOF H1 30 -6 177 3/4 CHEF H1 36 537 2/6
13 ABEELLU BUB 8M 21 -3 198 1/3 BEADLE C9 24 561 2/6
14 LOOPRTU GLOP O12 21 -13 219 2/4 COOPT B7 34 595 2/6
15 ELLORUV CLOVER 1H 12 -12 231 4/4 LOUVRED D1 24 619 2/6
16 DEGOORR DOOLE 1A 18 -7 249 2/3 GEODE 6C 25 644 2/6
17 APRTUWX WEX 14B 26 -36 275 3/3 REWAX 14B 62 706 2/6
18 JLOORTU JOLL 1A 33   308 1/3       739 2/6
19 INPRTUU GRIP O12 21 -4 329 1/3 INPUT 5K 25 764 2/6
20 IOORTUV GRIT O12 15 -5 344 1/3 OUTVIE 3C 20 784 2/6

Total: 344/784 or -440 for 43.87%
Rank: 7198

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