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Game of May 11, 2011 at 23:36, 5 players
1. paulineasb -630
2. Dbuggle -632
3. sunshine12 -728

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeilrs   H4    74    74   bailers
 2. ?aefmtu   5E    98   172   fumarate
 3. adehiil   4H    35   207   belah
 4. aceggnp   6E    42   249   ageing
 5. giikort  10D    20   269   oikist
 6. abdorrz   E9    36   305   bizarro
 7. acdertw  15D    45   350   coward
 8. ?adoouv  D12    24   374   douc
 9. acilptt   F8    25   399   pika
10. ?aiorss   8H    74   473   erasions
11. deilmoo   N1    74   547   melodion
12. eenntvw   M7    28   575   woven
13. ceeilnt   2G    62   637   telecine
14. nnoprtu   1L    32   669   tump
15. defgnsy  13C    26   695   gorsy
16. aeiquvy   K8    30   725   saique
17. deehnnt   O4    32   757   hents
18. eijnort  12H    40   797   jotun
19. definry  13K    21   818   eyrie
20. defnovx  N10    61   879   foxie

Remaining tiles: dnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3450 Filepaulineasb  0 22:24  -630  249     1.5300 sunshine12  0  7:41  -728  151 
  2.  -  FileDbuggle     0 20:10  -632  247            Group: not rated
  3.5300 Filesunshine12  0  7:41  -728  151     1.3450 paulineasb  0 22:24  -630  249 
  4.  -  Filehaligonian  0  8:04  -752  127     2.  -  Dbuggle     0 20:10  -632  247 
  5.  -  Filemarc064     0  0:54  -838   41     3.  -  haligonian  0  8:04  -752  127 
                                             4.  -  marc064     0  0:54  -838   41 

On 1st draw, BAILERS H4 74 --- BAILER a person who bails property to another [n]
Other moves: BAILERS H2 70, BAILERS H3 70, BAILERS H6 70, BAILERS H7 70, BAILERS H8 70
BAILERS H4 24 sunshine12
BAILERS H7 20 haligonian
BAILERS H8 20 paulineasb
SABER H8 16 Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, FUMA(R)ATE 5E 98 --- FUMARATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: FUMA(R)ATE 5C 74, FLAME(O)UT 7G 68, FUMI(G)ATE 6E 66, FUMAR(A)TE 9D 63, FUM(A)RATE 9D 63
FASTE(R) 10F 18 haligonian
BEAM(S) 4H 16 sunshine12
FLAME(S) 7G 15 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, BELAH 4H 35 --- BELAH an Australian tree [n]
Other moves: HAILED L1 28, HEALED L1 28, HEILED L1 28, BALED 4H 27, HALIDES 10B 23
HEED L3 16 sunshine12
HAILED J4 12 haligonian, paulineasb

On 4th draw, AGEING 6E 42 --- AGEING the process of growing old [n]
Other moves: PAIN 6F 28, PEIN 6F 28, EGGCUP F1 22, GAIN 6F 22, PALACE J2 22
GRACE 9G 11 Dbuggle
GRAPE 9G 11 sunshine12
SNAP 10H 8 paulineasb

On 5th draw, OIKIST 10D 20 --- OIKIST a colony founder [n]
Other moves: TIKIS 10D 19, KIST 10F 18, KIS 10F 17, KITHE L1 17, KOS 10F 17
KOS 10F 17 marc064
KE(R)N I3 12 sunshine12
STORK 10H 11 Dbuggle
SKIRT 10H 11 paulineasb
GIST 10F 9 haligonian

On 6th draw, BIZARRO E9 36 --- BIZARRO one that is strikingly unusual [n]
Other moves: RIZARD E9 32, AZIDO E8 30, BOZO D9 30, DIAZO E9 30, IZARD E10 30
BOZO D9 30 sunshine12
BIZ E9 28 haligonian
RIZ E9 24 marc064
ZOO D9 12 Dbuggle, paulineasb

On 7th draw, COWARD 15D 45 --- COWARD one who lacks courage [n] --- COWARD to make cowardly [v]
Other moves: COWED 15D 42, CORDATE 15D 39, COWER 15D 39, CROWED 15C 39, REDCOAT 15A 39
COWED 15D 42 sunshine12
WARED 12D 22 haligonian
WATER 12D 18 Dbuggle
WHERE L3 11 paulineasb

On 8th draw, DOUC D12 24 --- DOUC an Asian monkey [n]
Other tops: VA(N)DA 12A 24, VOD(K)A 12A 24
Other moves: DZO(S) 11D 23, KAD(E) F10 23, OKA(S) F9 23, OKA(Y) F9 23, AVO(C)ADO 12A 22
DROV(E) 13D 12 Dbuggle
EVAD(E) 8H 8 paulineasb

On 9th draw, PIKA F8 25 --- PIKA a small mammal [n]
Other moves: TIKA F8 23, LORICA 13C 22, PATHETIC L1 21, PRATT 9G 21, PRIAL 9G 21
PORTAL 13C 18 paulineasb, haligonian
EPIC 8H 8 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, ERASIO(N)S 8H 74 --- ERASION the act of rubbing out [n]
Other moves: IRIS(E)S G8 31, IRIS G8 29, IRI(S) G8 27, (I)RIS G8 27, I(R)IS G8 25
PRESSIO(N) 8F 10 paulineasb
LAGS J4 5 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, MELODIO(N) N1 74 --- MELODION a small reed organ [n]
Other moves: MOORED 13B 22, DORMIE 13C 20, SLOOMED K8 20, SMOILED K8 20, DEW F13 18
MOO(N)ED N5 14 paulineasb
MODELS O3 10 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, WOVEN M7 28 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: WOVE M7 27, SWEVEN K8 24, NEMN 1L 21, TEME 1L 21, TWO 7L 21
WORN 13C 14 Dbuggle
WHEN L3 10 paulineasb

On 13th draw, TELECINE 2G 62 --- TELECINE television transmission [n]
Other moves: CENTIME 1I 36, CLIME 1K 30, ELEMI 1K 24, CORTILE 13C 22, LEME 1L 21
TIME 1L 21 Dbuggle, paulineasb

On 14th draw, TUMP 1L 32 --- TUMP to tip over, especially accidentally [v] --- TUMP tumpline [n]
Other moves: PONTS O4 28, RIPT G9 28, RIP G9 27, UMP 1M 23, DAUNTON 12D 20
PORNO 13C 16 paulineasb
PORT 13C 12 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, GORSY 13C 26 --- GORSY abounding in gorse [adj]
Other moves: FENDY 11K 24, FORGED 13C 24, FENNY 11J 22, FENNY 11K 22, FEW F13 22
FORGES 13C 22 paulineasb
NEEDS 10K 10 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, SAIQUE K8 30 --- SAIQUE a ketch-like vessel [n]
Other moves: QUENA 11J 28, QUINA 11J 28, QUINE 11J 28, QUIN 11J 26, QUEY 10K 24
QUIN 11J 26 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, HENTS O4 32 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other tops: HETES O4 32
Other moves: DENES O4 24, DENTS O4 24, HENNED 13J 20, HENTED 13J 20, NENES O4 20
SHEET O8 9 Dbuggle, paulineasb

On 18th draw, JOTUN 12H 40 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other moves: REJOIN 13J 26, JOUR 14B 25, EEJIT 13J 24, EEJIT 13K 24, JETON 13J 24
JET 13J 10 Dbuggle

On 19th draw, EYRIE 13K 21 --- EYRIE the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other tops: EYED 13K 21, FEE 13I 21, FIE 13I 21
Other moves: EYEN 13K 19, EYER 13K 19, EYNE 13K 19, EYRE 13K 19, COWARDRY 15D 17
COWARDED 15D 15 paulineasb
END 10M 6 Dbuggle

On 20th draw, FOXIE N10 61 --- FOXIE (colloquial) a fox-terrier [n]
Other moves: DOXIE N10 43, FEED O12 36, FEND O12 36, FEOD O12 36, VEND O12 36
FEED O12 36 Dbuggle
VEX O12 17 paulineasb

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