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Game sheet of viola (file), Game of May 12, 2011 at 00:24

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEGMNV MAN(A)GE H6 16 -14 16 1/1 MAG(L)EV H7 30 30 1/1
2 BEILNST VEST 12H 7 -63 23 1/1 STILBENE 11A 70 100 1/1
3 ACDNORT SNORT A11 18 -47 41 1/1 NOTECARD F8 65 165 1/1
4 EKOORSU ROUSE A8 18 -30 59 1/1 SOOKED 15A 48 213 1/1
5 AEEIMRW MEWS A8 27 -15 86 1/1 WARMEN 8A 42 255 1/1
6 ?EFOOQT FEW A6 9 -23 95 2/2 Q(U)AT B6 32 287 1/2
7 ADELPRS STILBENES 11A 11 -64 106 1/2 RELAPSED E2 75 362 1/2
8 AEIOUWX AXE 3C 20 -11 126 1/2 REWAX 14F 31 393 1/2
9 DEFIOSZ DOZE 3B 28 -9 154 1/1 FORZE 2C 37 430 1/2
10 AAENOTU FATE C2 14 -7 168 1/1 EATEN 3E 21 451 1/2
11 AACIRUV FIR C2 12 -19 180 1/1 FARCI C2 31 482 1/2
12 AEFIIOR WE H14 15 -11 195 1/1 ZAIRE F2 26 508 1/2
13 AEIIOPT             MAPLE D8 22 530 1/2
14 AHHISTU             SHAH 13D 33 563 1/2
15 DFGINOT             (L)OFTING 10H 22 585 1/2
16 ADILNNU             NUNDINAL M8 70 655 1/2
17 DEGOTUY             TYNDE 8K 39 694 1/2
18 BEIIJOR             BIOTITE K5 36 730 1/2
19 GIJOUUV             VULGO 15K 30 760 1/2
20 IIJLORU             JUD N6 27 787 1/2
21 IILORUY             YOURN 13I 30 817 1/2

Total: 195/817 or -622 for 23.86%
Rank: 4489

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