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Game of May 12, 2011 at 02:55, 3 players
1. amin -684
2. Zeevie1234 -822
3. Faeythe -836

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eoossy   H7    76    76   gooseys
 2. abefilm  13C    30   106   ableism
 3. aaehiot  D11    22   128   habit
 4. ?deqttu  10H    71   199   squatted
 5. deiinov   7A    64   263   videoing
 6. adeeost   O7    83   346   deodates
 7. acdemtu   A4    39   385   mauve
 8. acnrrtu  14B    30   415   criant
 9. aafgnpr  14J    36   451   fangas
10. deflnor   K5    94   545   foreland
11. aeipruz   N6    38   583   peaze
12. abhlopw   E5    70   653   whoopla
13. egiorvw   G1    69   722   overwing
14. beginox   1F    48   770   boxing
15. klorrsy   3C    30   800   yorkers
16. eijlntu   D1    38   838   jeon
17. ceiirtu   B5    24   862   iritic

Remaining tiles: eiluu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4350 Fileamin        0  5:35  -684  178     1.5359 Faeythe     0  3:06  -836   26 
  2.  -  FileZeevie1234  0  3:35  -822   40            Group: not rated
  3.5359 FileFaeythe     0  3:06  -836   26     1.4350 amin        0  5:35  -684  178 
                                             2.  -  Zeevie1234  0  3:35  -822   40 

On 1st draw, (G)OOSEYS H7 76 --- GOOSEY resembling a goose [n]
Other tops: SOO(J)EYS H7 76
Other moves: SOO(J)EYS H2 70, SOO(J)EYS H3 70, SOO(J)EYS H4 70, SOO(J)EYS H6 70, SOO(J)EYS H8 70
YES H8 12 amin

On 2nd draw, ABLEISM 13C 30 --- ABLEISM prejudice or discrimination against disabled people [n]
Other tops: FIMBLES 13B 30, FLAMBES 13B 30
Other moves: BEAMILY 12B 28, FAMILY 12C 28, FLAMBEE 11B 28, FLAMBEE 11C 28, FLAMBES 10B 28
FLAMY 12D 26 amin

On 3rd draw, HABIT D11 22 --- HABIT to clothe or dress [v]
Other tops: HAOMA I10 22, THEMA I10 22
Other moves: HAEM I10 21, HOYA 12F 21, THEM I10 21, HOMIE I11 20, AHOY 12E 19
HOLE E11 14 amin
HALE E11 14 Faeythe
(G)ATE 7H 4 Zeevie1234

On 4th draw, SQU(A)TTED 10H 71 --- SQUAT to sit on one's heels [v]
Other moves: QU(I)TTED 15A 48, QU(I)TED 15A 45, QU(O)TED 15A 45, QU(Y)TED 15A 45, T(O)QUET 15D 42
QU(I)TED 15A 45 amin
QU(I)T 15A 36 Zeevie1234

On 5th draw, VIDEOIN(G) 7A 64 --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: DEVOID O10 45, DIVIDE O10 45, DIVINE O10 42, DIVINED O4 42, VOIDED O7 39
DIVIDE O10 45 amin

On 6th draw, DEODATES O7 83 --- DEODATE a gift to God [n]
Other moves: DEODATES C4 66, DEAVES A4 36, VESTED A7 36, VETOED A7 36, DEAVE A4 33
VESTED A7 36 amin

On 7th draw, MAUVE A4 39 --- MAUVE a purple colour [n] --- MAUVE of a mauve colour [adj]
Other moves: ADVECT A5 36, VAUTED A7 36, CAMEL E9 34, MUDCATS 14I 34, CAVED A5 33

On 8th draw, CRIANT 14B 30 --- CRIANT garish [adj]
Other moves: CANTUS 14J 28, CRANTS 14J 28, CURATS 14J 28, CONTRA E6 26, CORNUA E6 26

On 9th draw, FANGAS 14J 36 --- FANGA a Spanish unit of dry measure [n]
Other moves: PAGANS 14J 30, PANGAS 14J 30, PRANGS 14J 30, APING B5 28, PIRANA B6 28

On 10th draw, FOREL(A)ND K5 94 --- FORELAND a projecting mass of land [n]
Other moves: ENFOLDER D1 78, FORELEND D2 76, FONDLE E6 30, FOREDO E6 30, FELLA E10 28
FLORID F3 12 Faeythe

On 11th draw, PEAZE N6 38 --- PEAZE to weigh [v]
Other moves: PHIZ 11C 36, PRIZED C2 36, EPIZOA E3 34, MAZIER 4A 34, PIZED C3 34

On 12th draw, WHOOPLA E5 70 --- WHOOPLA a noisy commotion [n]
Other moves: WHAT M7 45, BHAT M7 41, PHAT M7 41, PILAW B6 36, PILOW B6 36

On 13th draw, OVERWING G1 69 --- OVERWING to fly over [v]
Other moves: TOEING L10 26, OWRIE B4 25, VOWED C3 24, WIVED C3 24, GNOW G6 23

On 14th draw, BOXING 1F 48 --- BOXING a casing [n]
Other moves: BONXIE 1F 45, BOXEN 1F 42, EXIT L7 40, EXO 8C 38, OXO 8C 38

On 15th draw, YORKERS 3C 30 --- YORKER a type of bowl in cricket [n]
Other moves: RISKY B6 28, SILKY B6 28, KYLOES 3C 26, SKRYER 3C 26, YORKER 3C 26

On 16th draw, JEON D1 38 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JOE 6J 26, JOL 6J 26, JOT 6J 26, JO 6J 25, JIG M12 22

On 17th draw, IRITIC B5 24 --- IRITIC pertaining to iritis [adj] --- IRITIS inflammation of the iris [adj]
Other moves: TRYE 12F 17, REI 11G 14, TRIE B5 14, TUI L10 14, UTE 13M 14

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