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Game of May 12, 2011 at 15:34, 6 players
1. ste11a -277
2. sunshine12 -461
3. Ice -604

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beglmuz   H8    30    30   zebu
 2. adeinty  10H    20    50   bayted
 3. abeiino   K5    36    86   niobate
 4. ?ceinot   L6    82   168   neotenic
 5. adehkll   8K    36   204   boked
 6. aipsstu   I8    26   230   ataps
 7. ?ilnouw   O4    65   295   woundily
 8. adefgit  13J    22   317   decaf
 9. aeeghst  12E    31   348   ghesse
10. eiprtuy   N5    32   380   tyee
11. ahilnru   E9    22   402   nilghau
12. filoors  15D    42   444   furioso
13. aacemrv  13B    36   480   macher
14. ailoprw  B10    38   518   wormil
15. aoprsvx  10D    28   546   pix
16. adgimtu  N11    23   569   mufti
17. aadelnr   6D    64   633   adrenalin
18. aegirvv   H1    42   675   graven
19. giinotv  15M    21   696   vig
20. ijnoqrt   D4    48   744   tranq

Remaining tiles: iijoos

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6232 Fileste11a      4 24:42  -277  467     1.6232 ste11a      4 24:42  -277  467 
  2.5330 Filesunshine12  0 18:40  -461  283            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileIce         0 19:09  -604  140     1.5330 sunshine12  0 18:40  -461  283 
  4.  -  Filestana       1  4:21  -690   54     2.5616 mylover81   0  3:51  -707   37 
  5.5616 Filemylover81   0  3:51  -707   37            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filecjo         0  0:30  -731   13     1.  -  Ice         0 19:09  -604  140 
                                             2.  -  stana       1  4:21  -690   54 
                                             3.  -  cjo         0  0:30  -731   13 

On 1st draw, ZEBU H8 30 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other tops: ZEBU H5 30, ZEBU H6 30, ZEBU H7 30
Other moves: BEZ H6 28, BEZ H7 28, BEZ H8 28, BEGUM H4 26, BEGUM H8 26
ZEBU H5 30 ste11a
BULGE H4 22 sunshine12
BLUE H6 12 mylover81

On 2nd draw, BAYTED 10H 20 --- BAYT to diminish [v]
Other tops: NUDITY 11G 20, UNTIDY 11H 20
Other moves: BAYED 10H 19, DITZY 8E 18, ZAYIN 8H 18, BAYE 10H 17, BAYT 10H 17
BAYED 10H 19 ste11a
DAZE 8F 14 sunshine12
ZINE 8H 13 mylover81

On 3rd draw, NIOBATE K5 36 --- NIOBATE a salt of niobium [n]
Other tops: BAINITE K5 36, NIOBITE K5 36
Other moves: BEANIE 9G 24, BONA I7 24, ZEBUB H8 21, UNAI 11H 19, ZINEB 8H 19
BONA I7 24 ste11a
ZONE 8H 13 cjo, Ice
BATE K8 12 mylover81
BONED M6 10 sunshine12

On 4th draw, NEOTE(N)IC L6 82 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other tops: NEOTE(R)IC L6 82, (N)EOTENIC L6 82
Other moves: CONATI(V)E I7 79, OC(C)IDENT M6 78, C(A)TENOID M3 74, (A)CTIONED M3 74, CENT(R)OID M3 72
N(I)COTINE 5E 18 ste11a
DICE M10 14 sunshine12
NOT 7J 3 Ice

On 5th draw, BOKED 8K 36 --- BOKE to belch [v]
Other moves: HACKED 13J 32, AHA I8 30, BOHEA 8K 30, HACKLE 13J 30, HACEK 13J 28
LEEK 9F 25 ste11a
KINDLE 6J 23 sunshine12
HAZE 8F 16 stana
LINK 6J 10 Ice

On 6th draw, ATAPS I8 26 --- ATAP the nipa palm tree [n]
Other moves: ATAP I8 25, ASPICS 13H 22, SPICAS 13I 22, SITUP 12K 20, SPICA 13I 20
ATAPS I8 26 ste11a
CUSP 13L 16 stana
PASTE N4 9 sunshine12
PUS 11G 7 Ice

On 7th draw, WOUNDIL(Y) O4 65 --- WOUNDILY excessively [adv]
Other moves: L(A)UWINE N2 22, OU(T)WILE N2 22, UNCOWL 13J 22, (B)OWLINE N2 22, (T)OWLINE N2 22
WU(S)S 12F 21 ste11a
WIN 6J 14 Ice
WIN(E)D O4 12 sunshine12

On 8th draw, DECAF 13J 22 --- DECAF decaffeinated coffee [n]
Other tops: FACED 13J 22, GAED N6 22, GEED N6 22, GIED N6 22
Other moves: FACET 13J 20, FECIT 13J 20, CAFE 13L 18, DACITE 13J 18, FACE 13J 18
FACED 13J 22 ste11a, stana
CAFE 13L 18 sunshine12

On 9th draw, GHESSE 12E 31 --- GHESSE to guess [v]
Other moves: GESSE 12F 27, TASSE 12F 26, ESSE 12G 25, SEETHING 6F 22, TASS 12F 22
TASSE 12F 26 ste11a
HO 5N 5 sunshine12
GEN 5I 4 Ice

On 10th draw, TYEE N5 32 --- TYEE a food fish [n]
Other moves: TIGERY E10 20, YEP G11 19, FEY N13 18, FRY N13 18, HYPE F12 18
YEP G11 19 ste11a
FRY N13 18 sunshine12
GUY E12 7 Ice

On 11th draw, NILGHAU E9 22 --- NILGHAU a large antelope [n]
Other tops: HARLING E6 22, HAULING E6 22, HURLING E6 22, NURAGHI E8 22
Other moves: HALING E7 20, HANGUL E9 20, HARING E7 20, NURHAG E7 20, RAHING E7 20
HEAR G11 16 ste11a
HIN 6J 14 sunshine12
HUG E10 14 Ice

On 12th draw, FURIOSO 15D 42 --- FURIOSO a mad person [n] --- FURIOSO with great force -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: FUROLS 15D 39, FURLS 15D 36, FUROL 15D 36, FUSIL 15D 36, FOH F10 32
LOAFS 14C 16 Ice
FAIL M12 12 ste11a

On 13th draw, MACHER 13B 36 --- MACHER (Yiddish) an important person [n]
Other moves: VEHM 13C 31, MACHE 13B 29, CAVEMAN 5E 28, CHAM 13D 26, RACHE 13B 25
VENA 9C 11 Ice
VANE 9C 11 ste11a

On 14th draw, WORMIL B10 38 --- WORMIL a lump in the skin of an animal's back [n]
Other moves: PRIMAL B10 32, PRIMA B10 30, PRIMO B10 30, LIPOMA B9 24, PRAWLIN 5E 24
PRIMAL B10 32 ste11a
WORM B10 17 sunshine12
PAW C12 8 Ice

On 15th draw, PIX 10D 28 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: FAX N13 26, FOX N13 26, SIX 10D 26, PIX 14A 21, SIX 14A 19
FAX N13 26 sunshine12
PIX 14A 21 ste11a
PORN 5H 6 Ice

On 16th draw, MUFTI N11 23 --- MUFTI a judge who interprets Muslim religious law [n]
Other moves: TUNA 9C 18, FUM N13 16, DIAMIN 6G 15, ADMIN 6H 14, FAD N13 14
TUNA 9C 18 ste11a
FAG N13 14 sunshine12
DAMN 5H 7 Ice

On 17th draw, ADRENALIN 6D 64 --- ADRENALIN [n]
Other moves: DEIL 15L 21, ARID 15L 18, LAID 15L 18, RAID 15L 18, LARNAX F5 17
DEIL 15L 21 ste11a
DIN 15M 12 sunshine12
LEAN 5H 4 Ice

On 18th draw, GRAVEN H1 42 --- GRAVE to engrave [v]
Other moves: VAIR 15L 33, REAGIN H1 27, VARVED E1 26, VIVAED E1 26, REGAIN H1 24
GRAVEN H1 42 ste11a
VARIED E1 20 sunshine12
VEG G5 9 Ice

On 19th draw, VIG 15M 21 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: IGNITOR 2B 20, RIOTING 2H 20, VIRGIN 2F 20, VIRING 2F 20, VIGIL J2 19
ROVING 2H 18 ste11a
GIVING 1H 12 sunshine12
GRIN 2G 7 Ice

On 20th draw, TRANQ D4 48 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: JANITOR 3G 46, QINTAR D2 30, ROJI 2H 27, JOR 2F 26, JIRD E3 24
JANITOR 3G 46 ste11a
QAT 3G 23 sunshine12

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