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Game of May 12, 2011 at 21:08, 6 players
1. sunshine12 -559
2. space -564
3. wordykat22 -569

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeimnv   H4    80    80   vermian
 2. eelnors   7D    62   142   solemner
 3. beeikos   K6    78   220   broekies
 4. aeeilno   8J    23   243   loonie
 5. eeilorx  12G    42   285   exiler
 6. ?aefirv   E4   102   387   favorite
 7. aejnptw   G9    40   427   jape
 8. adghotu   8A    53   480   tughra
 9. aeefinn   4A    26   506   neaffe
10. eghnsuy   B1    40   546   sheeny
11. abgmrsy   C3    36   582   maya
12. ainoptu   1B    30   612   spinout
13. abdotwz  J12    35   647   lazo
14. adeiorw  15I    39   686   woodier
15. acdgort   I9    24   710   gadi
16. abddort  N10    28   738   borate
17. ciqrstu  13G    39   777   rusas
18. cdgiltu   M3    28   805   ducting
19. ciloqtw   4L    28   833   quit

Remaining tiles: cdlotw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5307 Filesunshine12  1 21:12  -559  274     1.5307 sunshine12  1 21:12  -559  274 
  2.5141 Filespace       1 18:51  -564  269     2.5141 space       1 18:51  -564  269 
  3.  -  Filewordykat22  1 14:36  -569  264            Group: not rated
  4.3617 FileDbuggle     1 13:35  -621  212     1.  -  wordykat22  1 14:36  -569  264 
  5.  -  Filechunky17    0  2:29  -795   38     2.3617 Dbuggle     1 13:35  -621  212 
  6.  -  Filealafau      0  3:07  -801   32     3.  -  chunky17    0  2:29  -795   38 
                                             4.  -  alafau      0  3:07  -801   32 

On 1st draw, VE(R)MIAN H4 80 --- VERMIAN pertaining to worms [adj]
Other moves: MA(U)VEIN H4 78, MA(U)VINE H4 78, MA(U)VEIN H3 74, MA(U)VEIN H6 74, MA(U)VEIN H7 74
MA(U)VE H4 24 sunshine12
MINE(R) H4 18 space

On 2nd draw, SOLEMNER 7D 62 --- SOLEMN serious [adj]
Other moves: ELOINERS 8E 59, RESOLVE 4C 20, VENOSE 4H 18, VOLENS 4H 18, VEERS 4H 16

On 3rd draw, BROEKIES K6 78 --- BROEKIES (South Africa) underpants [n]
Other moves: BOOKIES E5 52, BOOKSIE E5 52, EBRIOSE K5 36, (R)IBOSE 6H 27, BEKISS D3 26
BOOKIES E5 52 wordykat22
BIKERS K3 24 space
BIKER K3 22 alafau
BISK D5 15 Dbuggle
SKIS D7 13 sunshine12

On 4th draw, LOONIE 8J 23 --- LOONIE a coin worth one Canadian dollar [n] --- LOONIE crazy [adj]
Other tops: EOLIAN 8J 23
Other moves: OLEIN 8K 18, VALINE 4H 18, VEINAL 4H 18, VENIAL 4H 18, VINEAL 4H 18
VOILE 4H 16 chunky17
KEEN 10K 10 alafau
KILN 10K 10 sunshine12
ALIVE 4E 8 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, EXILER 12G 42 --- EXILER one that exiles [n]
Other moves: EXILERS D1 30, VEXER 4H 30, VEXIL 4H 30, VOXEL 4H 30, REXINE 10D 29
SEX 13K 20 Dbuggle
LEX 12J 20 space
EX G7 18 sunshine12

On 6th draw, FAVORI(T)E E4 102 --- FAVORITE a person or thing preferred above all others [n]
Other moves: VI(N)IFERA N7 80, FAVRILE(S) F2 73, VI(N)IFERA N5 67, AVOI(D)ER E5 36, AVO(D)IRE E5 36
FIVERS D2 24 sunshine12, space
FIVER 5E 22 chunky17
FEV(E)R 4F 10 Dbuggle
REVI(V)E O7 9 wordykat22

On 7th draw, JAPE G9 40 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JANE G9 38, JETE G9 38, BENJ 6K 29, JANTEE 9G 27, JAI N6 26
JAW 9G 25 space
WAFT 4C 20 wordykat22
PAINT N6 15 Dbuggle
J*W O7 13 sunshine12

On 8th draw, TUGHRA 8A 53 --- TUGHRA the ornamental monogram of the Turkish Sultan [n]
Other moves: GADI I9 24, GATOR 8A 24, HAGDON M3 24, UDOS 13H 23, HOUDAN M3 22
GOA(T) 10B 8 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, NEAFFE 4A 26 --- NEAFFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FAS 13I 21, FIEF 4B 20, FIFE 4C 20, FINNAN M3 20, KNIFE 10K 20
BEEF 6K 17 space
FEN 9J 14 wordykat22
FINE N7 9 sunshine12
VINE 4H 7 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, SHEENY B1 40 --- SHEENY shining [adj]
Other moves: HENNY A1 33, HYENS A1 33, GYNIES I9 32, GYNIE I9 31, HYEN A1 30
SHUN A1 21 space
JAPES G9 15 sunshine12
SHINE N6 12 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, MAYA C3 36 --- MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [n]
Other moves: YAGIS I9 34, YAGI I9 32, GYRI I9 29, MAY C3 29, EMYS 9K 28
GRIMY N6 23 space
MAA C3 20 wordykat22
BRIMS N6 17 sunshine12
MANY M6 14 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, SPINOUT 1B 30 --- SPINOUT a rotational skid by an automobile [n]
Other moves: PATIN I9 29, PATIO I9 29, ASPOUT 1A 27, PTUI I9 27, PSION 1A 24
JAP 9G 15 sunshine12
PAN(T) 10B 11 wordykat22
POINT M5 9 Dbuggle
PINTO N7 9 space

On 13th draw, LAZO J12 35 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other tops: DIAZO N7 35
Other moves: DITZ N7 34, WADI I9 32, BONZA M6 27, WIZ I11 25, BIZ I11 24
OOZE F1 15 wordykat22
JAB 9G 15 sunshine12
WAND M6 11 Dbuggle

On 14th draw, WOODIER 15I 39 --- WOODY containing or resembling wood [adj]
Other moves: WOODIER 15H 36, REDOWA 15G 33, WOODIE 15H 33, WOOED 15H 33, WADI I9 32
WEIRDO 15E 30 wordykat22
VIDEO 4H 18 Dbuggle
OW F1 13 sunshine12

On 15th draw, GADI I9 24 --- GADI a hassock [n]
Other tops: DOGATE N10 24, DOTAGE N10 24
Other moves: GARI I9 23, GNAR A3 23, GAROTE N10 22, CARDON M3 20, DACRON M3 20
DRAGON M3 18 wordykat22
CAGE N12 14 space
GRADE O4 9 Dbuggle
CEDAR O7 8 sunshine12

On 16th draw, BORATE N10 28 --- BORATE to mix with borax or boric acid [v]
Other moves: BARTON M3 18, TROADE N10 18, JAPED G9 17, ABODE N11 16, ADOBE N11 16
BADE N12 14 space
BADDER O4 13 wordykat22
ABOR(T) 10A 12 Dbuggle
BAIT N6 12 sunshine12

On 17th draw, RUSAS 13G 39 --- RUSA an East Indian deer [n]
Other moves: SQUI(T) 10A 33, QUI(T) 10B 32, QUIRES O4 25, QUITES O4 25, SQUIRE O3 25
QUI(T) 10B 32 sunshine12
QUITE O4 24 space, wordykat22
RISQUE O3 16 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, DUCTING M3 28 --- DUCTING a system of ducts [n]
Other moves: DUI M13 16, GELID O7 14, OGLED F1 14, CUDGEL O4 13, DUCTILE O2 13
BUILD 6K 10 wordykat22
GUILD C8 8 space
GLI(T) 10B 8 sunshine12

On 19th draw, QUIT 4L 28 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QAT 13M 24, TOLUIC 4J 22, OWN A2 19, OWLET F1 18, CAW 13M 16
QUIT 4L 28 wordykat22, Dbuggle, space, sunshine12

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