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Game of May 12, 2011 at 21:54, 7 players
1. sunshine12 -455
2. wordykat22 -497
3. Dbuggle -545

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceiistu   H3    22    22   iciest
 2. ?iiooru   H1    27    49   priciest
 3. cdenoqw   5G    24    73   winced
 4. aeiilpv   L1    30   103   vapid
 5. ?aeijls   7A    73   176   majlises
 6. bdeeilt   B2    84   260   delibate
 7. aelnoox   2J    56   316   xoana
 8. aaddemn   A3    56   372   madamed
 9. afiilow   C7    31   403   jaw
10. aaeorsu   1L    25   428   voar
11. eglttuu   3L    21   449   pelt
12. aefnost   E5    40   489   naifest
13. eehoqst   O3    39   528   thetes
14. efkooqu   3E    22   550   quoif
15. beimprr   A1    45   595   bemadamed
16. ghoruuz   8L    26   621   zhos
17. egiorru  11A    59   680   groutier
18. innopty  A11    30   710   ginny
19. agilmru   L8    32   742   ziram
20. gopruvy  H10    39   781   groupy
21. klnortu  10J    21   802   korun
22. gilortv  D10    20   822   outrig

Remaining tiles: lv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5248 Filesunshine12  0 15:56  -455  367     1.5248 sunshine12  0 15:56  -455  367 
  2.  -  Filewordykat22  2 22:31  -497  325     2.5123 space       0  8:49  -685  137 
  3.3627 FileDbuggle     0 20:41  -545  277     3.5100 claymore    0  1:41  -812   10 
  4.5123 Filespace       0  8:49  -685  137            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filespokie      0 16:10  -707  115     1.  -  wordykat22  2 22:31  -497  325 
  6.  -  Filebernard21   0  1:45  -810   12     2.3627 Dbuggle     0 20:41  -545  277 
  7.5100 Fileclaymore    0  1:41  -812   10     3.  -  spokie      0 16:10  -707  115 
                                             4.  -  bernard21   0  1:45  -810   12 

On 1st draw, ICIEST H3 22 --- ICY covered with ice [adj]
Other tops: CESTUI H4 22, CITIES H4 22, CUEIST H4 22, CUTIES H4 22
Other moves: CESTI H4 20, CITES H4 20, CUITS H4 20, CUTES H4 20, CUTIE H4 20
CUTES H4 20 sunshine12
CIST H8 12 wordykat22
CIST H6 12 space
SITE H8 8 Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, (P)RICIEST H1 27 --- PRICY expensive [adj]
Other tops: (J)UICIEST H1 27
Other moves: CORIOU(S) 4H 16, COU(L)OIR 4H 16, COORI(E) 4H 14, CORIU(M) 4H 14, COURI(E) 4H 14
CURIO 4H 14 sunshine12
C(H)OIR 4H 12 space
CROO(K) 4H 12 Dbuggle
TOUR 8H 4 wordykat22
ROOT 8E 4 bernard21

On 3rd draw, WINCED 5G 24 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: DECROWN 2E 23, COWED 4H 22, CROWNED 2G 21, QI 3G 21, CODEC 4D 20
WINCED 5G 24 wordykat22
QI 3G 21 sunshine12
CROWED 2G 20 Dbuggle
CROWD 2G 19 space
WIND 5G 8 bernard21

On 4th draw, VAPID L1 30 --- VAPID insipid [adj]
Other moves: PAVED L1 28, PAVID L1 28, VALID L1 26, PAREV 2F 24, PALED L1 22
PAVED L1 28 space, sunshine12
VALID L1 26 wordykat22
SPIV 7H 12 Dbuggle
REAL 2H 6 spokie

On 5th draw, (M)AJLISES 7A 73 --- MAJLIS an assembly of council [n]
Other moves: JAIL(L)ESS 7B 67, JAI(L)LESS 7B 67, JAIL(L)ESS 7A 66, JAI(L)LESS 7A 66, (M)AJLISES 7C 66
JAPES 3J 28 sunshine12
JARS 2F 27 space
JAIL 2K 22 wordykat22
PEAL 3L 12 spokie
JES(T)S 7F 12 Dbuggle

On 6th draw, DELIBATE B2 84 --- DELIBATE to sip [v]
Other moves: BILLETED D4 74, BILLETED D5 74, EDITABLE B3 65, BEDTI(M)E A2 33, BEADLE 2J 30
(M)EDLE A7 15 sunshine12
LI(M)B A5 15 space
BELTED K4 13 wordykat22
BLEED D6 9 Dbuggle
DEE(M) A4 6 spokie

On 7th draw, XOANA 2J 56 --- XOANON a primitive statue [n]
Other moves: LAXER 2D 28, EXA(M) A4 27, OXER 2E 27, ALEXIN E3 26, APEX 3K 26
REX 2H 26 sunshine12
PAX 3L 24 space
LEAN 3A 8 spokie
LOVE 1J 7 Dbuggle

On 8th draw, MADA(M)ED A3 56 --- MADAM to address as madam [v]
Other moves: MADA(M)E A3 47, (M)ADAMED A7 42, (M)ANMADE A7 41, (M)ADAME A7 36, (M)ADMAN A7 36
VANE 1L 25 wordykat22
DEMAND 9A 13 spokie
AMID 3F 12 sunshine12
LADEN D7 7 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, JAW C7 31 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: PAWL 3L 27, FALLOW D4 26, PAW 3L 25, POW 3L 25, VALI 1L 25
PAW 3L 25 wordykat22
FAIL E5 14 sunshine12
FALL D4 14 Dbuggle
ALLOW D5 9 spokie

On 10th draw, VOAR 1L 25 --- VOAR springtime [n]
Other tops: VAES 1L 25, VOES 1L 25
Other moves: ROSACE 4D 23, OPERA 3K 22, SPAER 3K 22, SPARE 3K 22, SPEAR 3K 22
JAWS C7 14 Dbuggle
COURSE J5 12 sunshine12
(P)EA 1H 11 wordykat22
DEWS 9A 8 spokie

On 11th draw, PELT 3L 21 --- PELT to strike repeatedly with blows or missiles [v]
Other moves: METTLE 3A 16, LIEU 3G 15, LITU 3G 15, GLUTEI E2 14, ONE M1 14
CUTTLE J5 12 sunshine12
SLUG F7 9 Dbuggle
CLUE J5 8 spokie

On 12th draw, NAIFEST E5 40 --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other tops: FAINEST E5 40
Other moves: FEALS D4 23, FOALS D4 23, FELTS D5 22, TESTON O3 21, ESTOC 4D 19
FAINEST E5 40 wordykat22
FAINTS E5 18 sunshine12
COATES J5 12 spokie
SOFTEN F7 11 Dbuggle

On 13th draw, THETES O3 39 --- THETE a serf [n]
Other moves: SESH F7 35, SESH 10C 29, QIS 3G 23, METHOS 3A 22, QI 3G 21
QIS 3G 23 sunshine12
CHOSE J5 18 Dbuggle, wordykat22
MEETS 3A 14 spokie

On 14th draw, QUOIF 3E 22 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: QI 3G 21, KOEL D4 20, MEEK 3A 20, QUOOKE 7J 20, KIF 3G 19
QI 3G 21 sunshine12
QUOTE 11B 14 wordykat22
COOK J5 12 Dbuggle
TOOK 11E 8 spokie

On 15th draw, BEMADA(M)ED A1 45 --- BEMADAM to call by the title of madam [v]
Other moves: MIR 2F 23, SPIREM 10E 22, SEMI F7 21, CRIMPER J5 17, SPRIER 10E 16
CRIMPER J5 17 sunshine12, Dbuggle, wordykat22
PRIMES 8J 11 spokie

On 16th draw, ZHOS 8L 26 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: CHOG J5 18, CHUG J5 18, CHOU J5 17, GOR 2F 17, SHRUG 10E 17
SHRUG 10E 17 Dbuggle

On 17th draw, GROUTIER 11A 59 --- GROUTY surly [adj]
Other moves: GROU(P)IE 1D 18, GOR 2F 17, EURO N5 14, GOEL D4 14, COURIER J5 13
ZORI L8 13 wordykat22
ZIG L8 13 sunshine12
OGRE N8 7 Dbuggle

On 18th draw, GINNY A11 30 --- GINNY affected with gin (a strong liquor) [adj]
Other moves: SPY 10E 29, GIPON A11 27, TROPIN H10 27, UNITY D11 24, TINNY F10 22
ZIP L8 14 sunshine12
CITY J5 11 Dbuggle
PENNY G10 11 wordykat22

On 19th draw, ZIRAM L8 32 --- ZIRAM a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: ARGULI H10 27, HAMULI M8 24, RUMAL H11 24, MIR 2F 23, SMA 10E 23
ZAG L8 13 sunshine12
MOIL N7 12 wordykat22
HARM M8 10 claymore
CRAM J5 10 Dbuggle

On 20th draw, GROUPY H10 39 --- GROUPY groupie [n]
Other moves: ROUPY H11 33, ROGUY H11 30, SPY 10E 29, SPROG 10E 28, SPRUG 10E 28
GRAVY 11J 24 Dbuggle, sunshine12
OPE 7M 16 wordykat22

On 21th draw, KORUN 10J 21 --- KORUNA a monetary unit of the Czech Republic [n]
Other moves: NOOK N7 20, NORK N7 20, OKE 7M 20, ROOK N7 20, TONK N7 20
YORK 15A 16 sunshine12
TALK 11K 16 wordykat22
MONK 12L 15 Dbuggle

On 22th draw, OUTRIG D10 20 --- OUTRIG to equip (a boat) with outriggers (projections having floats) [v]
Other moves: HOURI M8 18, LOTO K9 18, PIVOT 14H 18, VILL D4 18, GHOUL M7 17
GLORY 15D 11 Dbuggle
TOOL 12G 6 wordykat22
OMIT 12K 6 sunshine12

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