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Game sheet of nkcwezana (file), Game of May 13, 2011 at 08:25

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEEIPT PIT H8 10 -62 10 4/5 EPEEI(S)T H3 72 72 4/5
2 ?CFIMOO             COI(F)FE 3C 28 100 5/5
3 AEFLMPR             PREFLAME 5F 80 180 5/5
4 ABHJLOT             JAMBO L3 32 212 5/5
5 AGGNSTU             STAGE M1 33 245 5/5
6 DEIRSUU             DIFS I3 30 275 5/5
7 AEILOTU             OUTLIES 1G 24 299 5/5
8 EEHNNRT             JAMBOREE L3 20 319 5/5
9 EIRSWYZ             WEIZE 10K 37 356 5/5
10 ADGNRTU             UNTREAD O6 30 386 5/5
11 AAEGMNY             PYGMAEAN F5 76 462 5/5
12 BDEIKNO             BOOKEND D1 34 496 5/5
13 DIORSSU             DORSUM 8A 46 542 6/6
14 EGINNOT             DENOTING A8 83 625 8/8
15 AEILOQR             ZAIRE N10 33 658 8/8
16 ALSTVVY             NAVVY 14A 28 686 9/9
17 CNOSTUX             EX 9L 34 720 9/9
18 ACILRST             ALTRICES 14H 62 782 9/9
19 HILNOUW             WHINY E10 45 827 9/9

Total: 10/827 or -817 for 1.209%
Rank: -

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