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Game of May 13, 2011 at 17:18, 8 players
1. sunshine12 -433
2. monthree -437
3. puzzled -541

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeekos   H4    30    30   kades
 2. ?eenvwz   6C    38    68   weized
 3. aeoqstu   4C    38   106   squeak
 4. aeerrst   8H    77   183   serrates
 5. ?iiotuv   J6    70   253   virtuosi
 6. cdehiit  12D    32   285   ditches
 7. aeilllt  H11    24   309   thali
 8. afimnsu   7E    34   343   fame
 9. bdeinot   L5    72   415   obtained
10. afgoort   N3    66   481   footgear
11. ijlnors  11H    29   510   toolers
12. almnopr  15B    63   573   prolamin
13. agoruvw   3K    22   595   gowf
14. acejnpu  14G    37   632   alec
15. einopxy   E9    34   666   pyxie
16. ehjnory   D8    31   697   honed
17. agijnnn   C1    38   735   jigsawn
18. bilnruv   2B    22   757   rivlin
19. bdeinuu   4C    22   779   squeaked
20. biinuuy  B10    38   817   bunyip

Remaining tiles: iu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5289 Filesunshine12  0 19:50  -433  384     1.6717 monthree    1 22:32  -437  380 
  2.6717 Filemonthree    1 22:32  -437  380            Group: novice
  3.  -  Filepuzzled     0 27:08  -541  276     1.5289 sunshine12  0 19:50  -433  384 
  4.3887 FileDbuggle     0 16:13  -617  200     2.5681 mylover81   0  9:27  -689  128 
  5.5681 Filemylover81   0  9:27  -689  128            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Fileghostyou    0 10:56  -718   99     1.  -  puzzled     0 27:08  -541  276 
  7.  -  Filehaligonian  0  6:22  -770   47     2.3887 Dbuggle     0 16:13  -617  200 
  8.  -  Fileorite       0  0:37  -811    6     3.  -  ghostyou    0 10:56  -718   99 
                                             4.  -  haligonian  0  6:22  -770   47 
                                             5.  -  orite       0  0:37  -811    6 

On 1st draw, KADES H4 30 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other moves: SOAKED H7 26, ASKED H8 24, DEKES H4 24, DOEKS H4 24, OAKED H8 24
SKEED H8 24 puzzled
SOAKED H4 24 sunshine12
AKEES H8 20 mylover81
SEEK H8 16 Dbuggle

On 2nd draw, WE(I)ZED 6C 38 --- WEIZE to guide in a certain direction [v]
Other tops: W(A)NZED 6C 38
Other moves: WEAZEN 5F 36, WEAZEN(S) 5F 36, NEEZ(E)D 6C 35, NE(E)ZED 6C 35, N(E)EZED 6C 35
D(O)ZEN 6H 34 monthree
D(A)ZE 6H 33 sunshine12
W(H)EEZE 7E 28 Dbuggle
WEAVE(R) 5F 22 mylover81
W(H)EEZE 7F 18 puzzled

On 3rd draw, SQUEAK 4C 38 --- SQUEAK to make a sharp, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: EQUATES D1 34, EQUATES D6 34, SQ**W C2 34, EQUATE D1 32, QUEEST D3 32
QUEST D4 30 puzzled, sunshine12, monthree
QU(I)ETS E4 28 mylover81
QUEST 8E 14 Dbuggle

On 4th draw, SERRATES 8H 77 --- SERRATE to furnish with toothlike projections [v]
Other tops: SERRATES 8A 77, TERRASES 8A 77
SQUEAKERS 4C 22 monthree
RESEWS C2 20 sunshine12
ARREST 5H 12 Dbuggle
RATS C1 8 mylover81

On 5th draw, VIRTUO(S)I J6 70 --- VIRTUOSO a highly skilled artistic performer [n]
Other tops: VIRTUO(S)I K6 70
Other moves: VI(R)TUOSI O2 60, IVORI(S)T K5 36, VITRIO(L) K5 36, OUT(G)IVE N2 22, OUT(L)IVE N2 22
VIRU(S) J6 15 Dbuggle, puzzled
TOQUE D2 14 monthree

On 6th draw, DITCHE(S) 12D 32 --- DITCH to dig a long, narrow excavation in the ground [v]
Other moves: CHEDITE N2 30, THETIC M8 30, DI(S)TICH 12H 28, EIDETIC N8 28, DICHT 13I 26
DITCH 13I 26 monthree
SQUEAKED 4C 22 puzzled
CHITTED M4 15 sunshine12
CODE 11I 14 Dbuggle
DOT 11I 8 ghostyou

On 7th draw, THALI H11 24 --- THALI (Hindi) a meal consisting of several small meat or vegetable dishes accompanied by rice, bread, etc., and sometimes by a starter or a sweet [n]
Other tops: THILL H11 24
Other moves: HAET H12 21, HAIL H12 21, HALE H12 21, HALL H12 21, HALT H12 21
THILL H11 24 monthree
HAIL H12 21 sunshine12
WALLET C6 11 puzzled
VITAL 6J 10 Dbuggle
LATE N5 6 ghostyou

On 8th draw, FAME 7E 34 --- FAME to make famous [v]
Other moves: SAFE 7E 32, NAME 7E 28, SAME 7E 28, FANE 7E 26, FENI 7G 24
MANIAS L7 16 ghostyou
AMIN 13H 16 monthree
FAMINE N3 13 sunshine12
MEANS N7 9 puzzled
VAIN 6J 7 Dbuggle

On 9th draw, OBTAINED L5 72 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: OBEDIENT N3 67, OBEDIENT N6 65, TREND K7 24, DRONE K7 23, DISOWN C2 22
BIND E11 14 haligonian
BEEN N6 12 monthree
BEND N7 11 Dbuggle
BENDS O4 11 sunshine12
DEBIT N7 10 puzzled
DEBT N7 9 ghostyou

On 10th draw, FOOTGEAR N3 66 --- FOOTGEAR footwear [n]
Other moves: FOOTAGE N2 26, AFOOT M4 21, FOOT M5 20, FRACT G9 20, FRIGOT E10 20
FORGO 5K 18 monthree, puzzled
FAT F10 14 sunshine12
FORTS O4 12 haligonian
FOOT F9 9 Dbuggle
FAGS O5 8 ghostyou

On 11th draw, TOOLERS 11H 29 --- TOOLER one that tools [n]
Other moves: JILL 14F 27, JOLL 14F 27, JOLS 14F 27, JOTS F10 27, SJOE F1 27
JOTS F10 27 monthree, sunshine12
JO 4M 9 puzzled
SOLO 5K 8 Dbuggle
SOWS C4 8 haligonian
LINOS 15G 5 ghostyou

On 12th draw, PROLAMIN 15B 63 --- PROLAMIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: PARKADES H1 45, PRAOS O4 24, UN(I)FORM E4 22, PRIMAL E10 20, RAMP M11 19
PRIMAL E10 20 monthree
PALM 14F 14 Dbuggle
WARM C6 13 haligonian
POT F10 11 sunshine12
WORN C6 9 puzzled
RAD D10 4 ghostyou

On 13th draw, GOWF 3K 22 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: GAWP B12 20, OGIVAL E10 20, VAWS C1 20, VOWS C1 20, GROUF 3J 18
VAWS C1 20 sunshine12
WARP B12 18 monthree
RAW M11 15 ghostyou
WIG E11 14 Dbuggle
WAG C6 8 puzzled

On 14th draw, ALEC 14G 37 --- ALEC a herring [n]
Other moves: LACUNE 14H 35, LACE 14H 33, LUCE 14H 33, LAC 14H 32, PALE 14F 28
JUTE F10 27 monthree
JAPS C1 26 sunshine12
POCO 5K 16 puzzled
JUG K1 11 Dbuggle
NAPED D8 9 ghostyou

On 15th draw, PYXIE E9 34 --- PYXIE an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: POGEY K1 32, PIXEL E11 28, PIXIE E9 28, EXIT F9 27, GYP K3 26
EXIT F9 27 monthree, sunshine12
OX 4N 17 Dbuggle
WIPE C6 11 puzzled

On 16th draw, HONED D8 31 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other moves: JOEY 10B 30, JOYS C1 28, REJON M11 27, JEE F2 26, JOE F2 26
JOYS C1 28 sunshine12
JOE 13C 23 monthree
JO 5K 18 puzzled

On 17th draw, JIGSAWN C1 38 --- JIGSAW to cut with a type of saw [v]
Other moves: JIGSAW C1 34, JAGS C1 24, JAP B13 24, JIGS C1 24, NIGH 8A 24
JAGS C1 24 sunshine12, mylover81
JO 5K 18 puzzled
ANY 10C 6 orite
NAG K1 4 ghostyou

On 18th draw, RIVLIN 2B 22 --- RIVLIN a shoe made of untanned hide [n]
Other moves: VINYL 10B 21, GIB K3 20, GUB K3 20, LIBRI 2B 18, VINY 10B 18
BURP B12 16 sunshine12
JIB 1C 13 puzzled, monthree
BIN 7A 5 ghostyou

On 19th draw, SQUEAKED 4C 22 --- SQUEAK to make a sharp, high-pitched sound [v]
Other moves: BEGIN K1 20, BEGUN K1 20, GIB K3 20, GUB K3 20, URINED M10 20
REB M11 13 monthree
DIP B13 12 sunshine12
BOP 9C 10 mylover81
NERD 10L 7 puzzled

On 20th draw, BUNYIP B10 38 --- BUNYIP a monster in Aboriginal lore [n]
Other moves: BOYO 5K 18, WYN M3 17, BEY I3 16, YIP B13 16, YUP B13 16
YIP B13 16 monthree
YUP B13 16 mylover81
BYE I2 12 sunshine12
BOP 9C 10 ghostyou, puzzled

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