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Game of May 13, 2011 at 18:06, 4 players
1. sunshine12 -487
2. puzzled -628
3. Dbuggle -649

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dinptu   H4    74    74   pundits
 2. ?aaeijl   6B    82   156   javelina
 3. acdenuu  10C    66   222   uncaused
 4. eefilot   C9    26   248   futile
 5. enorstv   8H    86   334   investor
 6. eegrrsy  14B    32   366   serry
 7. adgimoo  D12    28   394   dorm
 8. abenrtw   E5    36   430   reenact
 9. ahmnosw   C1    32   462   showman
10. aenoruv   L1    74   536   ravenous
11. abdooqt   5G    27   563   quad
12. eeiiklo   1A    39   602   lisk
13. agiptwy   2B    54   656   thawy
14. eegoors  15A    33   689   gorm
15. eiilost   O8    77   766   roiliest
16. aabehoo  14J    38   804   hoboes
17. aabefix   1H    45   849   fixer
18. aaeegip   4C    30   879   wipe
19. abeggiz  13M    48   927   zee
20. abceggi   3J    20   947   cavie

Remaining tiles: abgg

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5319 Filesunshine12  4 18:16  -487  460     1.5319 sunshine12  4 18:16  -487  460 
  2.4898 Filepuzzled     2 24:27  -628  319            Group: not rated
  3.3862 FileDbuggle     1 13:22  -649  298     1.4898 puzzled     2 24:27  -628  319 
  4.  -  Filepeiori      0  0:49  -923   24     2.3862 Dbuggle     1 13:22  -649  298 
                                             3.  -  peiori      0  0:49  -923   24 

On 1st draw, PUNDIT(S) H4 74 --- PUNDIT a Hindu scholar [n]
Other moves: PUNDIT(S) H2 70, PUNDIT(S) H3 70, PUNDIT(S) H7 70, PUNDIT(S) H8 70, PUNDIT(S) H5 68
PUNDIT H8 20 puzzled
PIN(E)D H4 20 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, JA(V)ELINA 6B 82 --- JAVELINA a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: JA(V)ELIN 6B 31, JAILE(R)(S) 10B 30, JALAPI(C) 4D 30, JALAPI(N) 4D 30, JAN(D)AL 6F 30
JANE 6F 27 puzzled
JAPA(N) 4F 13 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, UNCAU(S)ED 10C 66 --- CAUSE to bring about [adj] --- UNCAUSED not caused [adj]
Other moves: UNCAPED 4D 24, UNPACED 4F 24, JAUNCED B6 23, PUNCED 4H 22, DUNCE 5G 21
PACED 4H 20 sunshine12
CA(V)ED D4 18 puzzled

On 4th draw, FUTILE C9 26 --- FUTILE having no useful result [adj]
Other moves: TUFOLI 5G 25, OUTFEEL 5G 24, FOLIATE C2 22, OUTFEEL C9 22, CLEFT E10 20
FUTILE C9 26 sunshine12
FILET E3 16 puzzled
JILT B6 11 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, INVESTOR 8H 86 --- INVESTOR one that invests [n]
Other moves: OVERNETS 14A 76, INVESTOR 12C 74, OVERNETS E1 72, TENRECS E5 36, STRODE J6 26
PROVEN 4H 22 Dbuggle
PROVES 4H 22 sunshine12
STO(V)ER D3 12 puzzled

On 6th draw, SERRY 14B 32 --- SERRY to crowd together [v]
Other moves: GENES D8 27, GUYSE 5G 26, GEYSER 14B 24, GREYER 14A 24, GREYEST M2 24
PREYERS 4H 24 sunshine12
GORSE N7 8 Dbuggle

On 7th draw, DORM D12 28 --- DORM a dormitory [n]
Other moves: DANIO D8 27, DARG D12 24, DOMAIN I3 24, DAIMIO 12A 22, NADIR D10 22
MIDGE E2 18 Dbuggle
JOG B6 11 sunshine12
MOAT M5 7 puzzled

On 8th draw, REENACT E5 36 --- ENACT to establish by law [v] --- REENACT to enact again [v]
Other moves: BEAUT 5E 28, BEWRAPT 4C 28, MEANT 15D 28, BEWRAP 4C 26, NAWAB C3 26
PAWNER 4H 22 sunshine12
DRAWN J10 11 Dbuggle
WANTER O3 10 puzzled

On 9th draw, SHOWMAN C1 32 --- SHOWMAN a theatrical producer [n]
Other moves: HUMANS 5G 31, MAHWAS C2 30, SAWAH C3 30, SHOWMAN L8 30, SHOWMEN K3 30
PAWNS 4H 20 sunshine12, puzzled
JAW B6 13 Dbuggle

On 10th draw, RAVENOUS L1 74 --- RAVENOUS extremely hungry [adj]
Other moves: NORM 15A 30, SAVOUR 1C 30, SOVRAN 1C 30, SUAVER 1C 30, PARVENU 4H 24
VASE 1A 24 sunshine12
PROVEN 4H 22 Dbuggle
PAVER 4H 20 puzzled

On 11th draw, QUAD 5G 27 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: BAWD 4A 26, QUAT 5G 26, QUA 5G 25, BASTO 1A 24, BHOOT 2B 24
QUAD 5G 27 puzzled
BAST 1A 21 sunshine12
ABORT 1I 7 Dbuggle

On 12th draw, LISK 1A 39 --- LISK the groin [n]
Other moves: KIEVE 3I 34, SELKIE 1C 33, SILKIE 1C 33, KEWL 4A 32, KIWI 4A 32
LISK 1A 39 sunshine12
LOOK N7 18 Dbuggle
KALE 2K 16 puzzled

On 13th draw, THAWY 2B 54 --- THAWY inclined to melt [adj]
Other moves: GRAPY 1K 33, GRIPY 1K 33, GRYPT 1K 33, PARITY 1J 33, THAGI 2B 32
GRIPY 1K 33 sunshine12
WRAP O7 9 Dbuggle
WARP O6 9 puzzled

On 14th draw, GORM 15A 33 --- GORM to gaum [v]
Other moves: GOODS J2 30, GREEDS J1 29, KARO D1 28, MEERS 15D 28, REEDS J2 27
GROVE 3I 22 Dbuggle
JOG B6 13 sunshine12
JO B6 11 puzzled

On 15th draw, ROILIEST O8 77 --- ROILY muddy [adj]
Other moves: KAIE D1 28, TEIIDS J1 28, EILDS J2 27, LOIDS J2 27, ELDS J3 24
SOLVE 3I 18 Dbuggle
TRIES 1K 15 sunshine12
VILE 3L 14 puzzled

On 16th draw, HOBOES 14J 38 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other moves: BOHEAS 14J 34, OBEAH 3C 33, BOOH N7 32, ABHOR 1H 30, HOOVE 3I 30
HOBOES 14J 38 sunshine12
ABOVE 3I 22 Dbuggle
HEAT 15L 11 puzzled

On 17th draw, FIXER 1H 45 --- FIXER one that fixes [n]
Other moves: BRIEF 1K 30, FIBER 1H 30, FAIX 2K 28, KAIE D1 28, FOX M13 26
FIXER 1H 45 Dbuggle, sunshine12, puzzled

On 18th draw, WIPE 4C 30 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: KAIE D1 28, WAP 4C 28, EA(V)E D4 24, GAWP 4A 24, PAVAGE 3J 24
PAVE 3J 18 Dbuggle, puzzled
JAP B6 14 sunshine12

On 19th draw, ZEE 13M 48 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: AVIZE 3K 34, BEZIL 11K 32, AZO M12 24, ZOA M13 24, AGEE 13L 22
ZOA M13 24 peiori, sunshine12
GAVE 3J 16 Dbuggle

On 20th draw, CAVIE 3J 20 --- CAVIE a hen coop [n]
Other tops: JIBE B6 20
Other moves: CAVE 3J 18, CIVE 3J 18, VIBE 3L 18, VICE 3L 18, ABAC 2L 16
VIBE 3L 18 Dbuggle
CAVE 3J 18 puzzled
VEGA 3L 16 sunshine12

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