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Game of May 13, 2011 at 18:55, 7 players
1. mylover81 -454
2. Dbuggle -577
3. puzzled -692

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaenptu   H4    22    22   peanut
 2. ?afiirt   4G    74    96   aperitif
 3. eglnoss   M3    72   168   lignoses
 4. deegiov   8K    30   198   vised
 5. adkmorz   6J    48   246   kranz
 6. ?aaccio   8A    86   332   cariacou
 7. ehijprw   E3    32   364   hejira
 8. eeflmot   3C    31   395   fehme
 9. eilmrtu   4B    25   420   teme
10. dilnoqt   5M    20   440   gid
11. ehloprt   N8    31   471   ether
12. aagnost   L6    28   499   agitans
13. abenorv   J6    24   523   knave
14. abentux   A6    70   593   excubant
15. eillory   F8    67   660   colliery
16. deglopw  15F    39   699   yowled
17. adnooru   B6    30   729   ruana
18. bdgoopy  13C    30   759   bogey
19. diioops  11H    27   786   opsin
20. diooquw  D11    28   814   quod

Remaining tiles: ioow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5675 Filemylover81   3 17:29  -454  360     1.5675 mylover81   3 17:29  -454  360 
  2.3914 FileDbuggle     0 14:06  -577  237            Group: not rated
  3.4734 Filepuzzled     0 14:16  -692  122     1.3914 Dbuggle     0 14:06  -577  237 
  4.2585 Filesharonling  0  9:58  -745   69     2.4734 puzzled     0 14:16  -692  122 
  5.3734 Filenaomiari    0  2:21  -783   31     3.2585 sharonling  0  9:58  -745   69 
  6.  -  FileMick72      0  2:48  -798   16     4.3734 naomiari    0  2:21  -783   31 
  7.3337 FileAtommotA    0  1:07  -804   10     5.  -  Mick72      0  2:48  -798   16 
                                             6.3337 AtommotA    0  1:07  -804   10 

On 1st draw, PEANUT H4 22 --- PEANUT the nutlike seed or pod of an annual vine [n]
Other moves: PAEAN H4 20, PATEN H4 20, PEANUT H3 18, PEANUT H7 18, PEANUT H8 18
PEANUT H4 22 mylover81
PUNT H8 12 Dbuggle
PENT H8 12 puzzled

On 2nd draw, AP(E)RITIF 4G 74 --- APERITIF an alcoholic drink taken before a meal [n]
Other moves: ARTIFI(C)E 5A 70, A(P)ERITIF 5F 70, FAI(N)TIER 5B 70, RATIFIE(D) 5B 70, RATIFIE(R) 5B 70
PARF(A)IT 4H 22 puzzled
FEAR(S) 5G 14 mylover81

On 3rd draw, LIGNOSES M3 72 --- LIGNOSE a constituent of lignin [n]
LONGEST 9B 10 puzzled
TOSS 9H 5 Mick72

On 4th draw, VISED 8K 30 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other moves: DOGE 5K 25, VOIDEE 5D 24, DERIVE J2 22, OVERED J1 22, VOIDEE 5C 22
VISED 8K 30 mylover81
GIVE K3 16 puzzled
GIVES 10I 11 Mick72

On 5th draw, KRANZ 6J 48 --- KRANZ a precipice [n]
Other moves: ADZ 6H 33, AZIDO L6 33, MAZARD G1 33, Z(E)RDA I3 33, ZOA 6F 32
ZONK 6K 27 mylover81
MARK J2 16 puzzled

On 6th draw, CA(R)IACOU 8A 86 --- CARIACOU a type of deer [n]
Other moves: (H)AFIZ N2 37, VACCI(N)A K8 26, VOCA(L)IC K8 26, ZOE(T)IC N6 25, FOZIE(R) N4 23
VOCA(L) K8 18 mylover81
ACACIA 6C 16 puzzled

On 7th draw, HEJIRA E3 32 --- HEJIRA an exodus [n]
Other tops: JEWIE 5D 32
Other moves: HEJRA 6D 31, HEJRA B4 31, HIJRA 6D 31, HIJRA B4 31, HEJRA E4 30
J*WS 10J 30 Dbuggle
JAPER E7 28 mylover81

On 8th draw, FEHME 3C 31 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other moves: FLEME 4A 28, MOHEL 3C 25, FEHM 3C 24, FLOTE 4A 24, METIF 6B 24
FLAME B6 20 Dbuggle
VOLT K8 14 mylover81

On 9th draw, TEME 4B 25 --- TEME a team [n]
Other tops: LEME 4B 25
Other moves: VITREUM K8 24, EME 4C 23, FUZEE N4 22, ITEM D1 22, MEER D1 22
RIEM D1 22 mylover81
VEIL K8 14 Dbuggle
ATRIUM B8 10 puzzled
VET K8 6 sharonling

On 10th draw, GID 5M 20 --- GID a disease of sheep [n]
Other moves: GIN 5M 19, GIO 5M 19, GIT 5M 19, FIZ N4 18, GI 5M 18
VOID K8 16 mylover81
LATINO B7 8 puzzled
NOIR J1 6 Dbuggle

On 11th draw, ETHER N8 31 --- ETHER a volatile liquid used as an anaesthetic [n]
Other moves: ETHE N8 30, ETH N8 29, HOTEL 3I 26, PLESH 10J 24, POITREL D6 24
OHM F1 16 mylover81
VOLT K8 14 sharonling
VOLE K8 14 Dbuggle
TARP B7 12 puzzled

On 12th draw, AGITANS L6 28 --- AGITANS as in paralysis agitans, Parkinson's disease [adj]
Other moves: KNAGS J6 22, SOJA 5C 22, KOANS J6 21, AGITAS L6 19, KNAG J6 19
VAST K8 14 mylover81
STASH 10J 10 AtommotA
COAST F8 9 Dbuggle
COST F8 8 sharonling

On 13th draw, KNAVE J6 24 --- KNAVE a dishonest person [n]
Other moves: CABOVER F8 22, KBAR J6 20, KRAB J6 20, AVENIR 6A 19, CAVERN F8 19
CRAVEN F8 13 Dbuggle
VAN 11J 12 mylover81
CARB A8 8 sharonling

On 14th draw, EXCUBANT A6 70 --- EXCUBANT on guard [adj]
Other moves: BEAUX B6 36, XENIA 6B 30, EAUX B7 27, NIX 6D 26, TAX B4 26
TAX B4 26 mylover81
TUX B4 26 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, COLLIERY F8 67 --- COLLIERY a coal mine [n]
Other moves: ARYL B8 34, ARY B8 31, TROLLEY 13A 28, ROJI 5C 22, BROLLY 10A 21
TROLLY 13A 18 mylover81
COY F8 16 Dbuggle

On 16th draw, YOWLED 15F 39 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other tops: DEPLOY 15A 39, PLOYED 15C 39, PODLEY 15A 39
Other moves: WYLED 15E 36, YOWED 15F 36, P(R)OWLED C7 32, GYELD 15E 30, ODYLE 15D 30
YEW 15F 27 mylover81
GLOW 11E 16 sharonling, Dbuggle

On 17th draw, RUANA B6 30 --- RUANA a woollen poncho [n]
Other moves: DUAN B6 27, DUAR B6 27, DOJO 5C 24, AUA B6 18, DOOR G6 17
DRAIN 12C 12 Dbuggle
(R)OUND C8 6 sharonling

On 18th draw, BOGEY 13C 30 --- BOGEY a goblin [n] --- BOGEY to shoot in one stroke over par in golf [v]
Other tops: DOPEY 13C 30, POGEY 13C 30
Other moves: YOOP G6 29, DOGEY 13C 28, GYBED 13C 28, BOYED 13C 26, GOOEY 13C 26
PLOY 11E 18 naomiari
BLOOD 11E 16 Dbuggle
TOP 13A 10 mylover81
PIG 12E 6 sharonling

On 19th draw, OPSIN 11H 27 --- OPSIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: SOOT 9E 25, SOPOR 14B 25, DOJO 5C 24, DSO 9D 24, NOOP 12A 24
SOOP D12 18 mylover81
DOPE J12 13 naomiari, Dbuggle
POS 12J 5 sharonling

On 20th draw, QUOD D11 28 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: QUID D6 27, DOJO 5C 24, WOOD D12 20, OW G8 19, OWT 9F 19
QUOD D11 28 mylover81
WOOD D12 20 Dbuggle

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