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Game of May 14, 2011 at 06:12, 3 players
1. margalang -688
2. maree123 -739
3. Faeythe -811

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adhilnu   H4    26    26   halid
 2. aaiknvw   4H    24    50   haniwa
 3. ademnno   7C    66   116   mondaine
 4. adefhln   E5    44   160   fenland
 5. ?adelnt   M2    72   232   peatland
 6. bceikmy   2J    46   278   kempy
 7. eerstux   9H    84   362   extrudes
 8. cegoprv   O4    42   404   corves
 9. giinors  11E    70   474   dorising
10. ?giiijv  10B    33   507   jinni
11. aclosty  H11    30   537   ictal
12. abehprz   6B    39   576   haze
13. egorrsv   F4    34   610   verd
14. beosuuw   6H    30   640   lowe
15. agiopqu   9C    50   690   quag
16. egorsty  B10    30   720   joeys
17. eiioprr   8J    21   741   peon
18. gipstuu  12A    28   769   geits
19. abeirtt   N9    30   799   ebriate
20. fioortu  15J    39   838   oofier

Remaining tiles: bptuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.  -  Filemargalang   0  9:55  -688  150     1.5269 Faeythe     0  2:35  -811   27 
  2.  -  Filemaree123    0  5:51  -739   99            Group: not rated
  3.5269 FileFaeythe     0  2:35  -811   27     1.  -  margalang   0  9:55  -688  150 
                                             2.  -  maree123    0  5:51  -739   99 

On 1st draw, HALID H4 26 --- HALID a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: HAULD H4 26, HUDNA H4 26
Other moves: HINAU H4 24, AHIND H8 22, HALID H8 22, HAULD H8 22, AHIND H4 20
HAND H5 16 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, HANIWA 4H 24 --- HANIWA Japanese clay sculptures [n]
Other tops: HAIKA 4H 24
Other moves: KALIAN 6F 22, KAVA 5E 22, KAWA 5E 22, KIVA 5E 22, VAKIL 6D 22
HAKA 4H 11 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, MONDAINE 7C 66 --- MONDAINE a person who lives in fashionable society [n]
Other moves: DEMONIAN 7C 65, ADENOMA 5H 38, ANADEM 5H 37, MOANED 5F 28, NAMED 5G 28

On 4th draw, FENLAND E5 44 --- FENLAND a region with fens [n]
Other moves: ALEF 6G 32, AAHED 5G 31, AHED 5H 29, HEALD 8D 29, LAH 6H 29

On 5th draw, (P)EATLAND M2 72 --- PEATLAND an area of land consisting of peat bogs [n]
Other moves: EA(S)TLAND M3 70, ENTA(I)LED J7 64, ENTA(Y)LED J7 64, DENT(I)NAL 10C 62, LE(V)ANTED J6 62

On 6th draw, KEM(P)Y 2J 46 --- KEMPY of hair, coarse Like kemp [adj]
Other moves: MINCY 8K 39, BLEY 6G 36, INKY 8L 36, MINKE 8K 36, BLIMY 6G 34

On 7th draw, EXTRUDES 9H 84 --- EXTRUDE to force, thrust, or push out [v]
Other moves: RAXES 5G 39, TAXES 5G 39, TAXUS 5G 39, AXES 5H 37, MUREXES C7 34

On 8th draw, CORVES O4 42 --- CORF a wagon used in a mine [n]
Other tops: COVERS O4 42, PROVES O4 42
Other moves: COPERS O4 39, GROVES O4 36, PORGES O4 36, GROPES O4 33, CEORL 8A 31

On 9th draw, DORISING 11E 70 --- DORISE to become like the Dorians [v]
Other moves: REGIONS K1 28, SIRRING K7 28, SIRING K7 26, SORING K7 26, GIRLOND 8B 22

On 10th draw, JI(N)NI 10B 33 --- JINNI a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JIVING 10A 30, JIV(I)NG 10A 29, J(I)VING 10A 27, V(Y)ING 10B 27, JE(A)T J6 26

On 11th draw, ICTAL H11 30 --- ICTAL pertaining to ictus [adj]
Other tops: JOLTY B10 30, LAYS 6H 30, LOYS 6H 30
Other moves: LAY 6H 29, LOY 6H 29, ECLATS N9 28, GOATY L11 26, CITOLAS C9 24

On 12th draw, HAZE 6B 39 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: RAZEE 6B 38, BLAH 6G 36, UPGAZE L9 36, ZERIBA K1 34, BRAZE 6A 33
PEAR 14F 12 margalang

On 13th draw, VERD F4 34 --- VERD green in the phrase verd antique (marble) [adj]
Other tops: REGIVES K1 34
Other moves: FORAGES 5E 31, VIRGERS C9 30, VIGORS C9 28, VIRGER C9 28, VIRGES C9 28

On 14th draw, LOWE 6H 30 --- LOWE to blaze [v]
Other tops: LOWS 6H 30
Other moves: BOWLER 6J 29, LEW 6H 29, LOW 6H 29, JOBES B10 28, JUBES B10 28
J*WS B10 14 margalang

On 15th draw, QUAG 9C 50 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA 9C 44, APIOL 8A 42, QUAIGH B1 38, EQUIP N9 36, QUAG 14F 34
QUAG 14F 34 maree123
AQUA 14E 33 margalang

On 16th draw, JOEYS B10 30 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: ROSETTY 13C 30
Other moves: DYE 8H 28, GOETY L11 26, GORSY L11 26, TYROES 13H 26, ESOTERY N9 24
STY 13G 11 maree123
JOG B10 11 margalang

On 17th draw, PEON 8J 21 --- PEON an unskilled labourer [n]
Other tops: RETRO 5K 21
Other moves: RYPER 13A 20, TRIPIER 13H 20, GRIPE L11 18, GROPE L11 18, PEER 12A 18
PEER 12A 18 margalang
RAPIER 14G 10 maree123

On 18th draw, GEITS 12A 28 --- GEIT a child [n]
Other moves: TEGUS 12A 26, UPGUSH B1 24, EGIS 12B 22, GYPS 13A 20, PEGS 12A 20
PEST 12A 18 margalang

On 19th draw, EBRIATE N9 30 --- EBRIATE intoxicated [adj]
Other moves: BREATH B1 22, GAIR A12 22, GAIT A12 22, BAITH B2 20, BEATH B2 20
GREAT L11 14 margalang
TABARET 14G 11 maree123

On 20th draw, OOFIER 15J 39 --- OOFY expensive, ostentatious [adj]
Other moves: OFTER 15K 36, FIER 15L 33, FRET 15L 33, GOOF A12 31, FOOTER 15J 30
FRET 15L 33 maree123
FOOTER 15J 30 margalang

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