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Game of May 16, 2011 at 06:34, 7 players
1. ste11a -324
2. jimbo -594
3. wllchp -640

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacemsy   H4    30    30   cymes
 2. ?aaantu   6F    63    93   tamandua
 3. ?elootv   8A    83   176   outloves
 4. deiinor   C6    72   248   retinoid
 5. adiknos   7E    42   290   naked
 6. abefips   4D    28   318   bifaces
 7. cenqstu  11B    88   406   conquest
 8. abeegru  13A    63   469   bedeguar
 9. eghinsv   M3    90   559   sheaving
10. ahortwx  H11    45   604   shrow
11. ailnort  12H    76   680   horntail
12. deeltyz   8L    69   749   zite
13. efiloru  O10    27   776   filler
14. adgilot  N10    35   811   iliad
15. admruwy   4L    30   841   wham
16. deeoruy   O1    33   874   dormy
17. eeioopr  M12    24   898   apo
18. egiprtx  A12    42   940   ibex
19. eijprtu  14F    35   975   projet

Remaining tiles: giou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7121 Fileste11a      5 20:48  -324  651     1.7121 ste11a      5 20:48  -324  651 
  2.4063 Filejimbo       2 22:40  -594  381            Group: novice
  3.5004 Filewllchp      1 15:49  -640  335     1.5004 wllchp      1 15:49  -640  335 
  4.5222 Filern.roselle  0 21:59  -649  326     2.5222 rn.roselle  0 21:59  -649  326 
  5.5298 Filejonb5       0  9:39  -790  185     3.5298 jonb5       0  9:39  -790  185 
  6.5421 Filemargalang   0  3:47  -931   44     4.5421 margalang   0  3:47  -931   44 
  7.5319 FileFaeythe     0  4:06  -931   44     5.5319 Faeythe     0  4:06  -931   44 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4063 jimbo       2 22:40  -594  381 

On 1st draw, CYMES H4 30 --- CYME a flower cluster [n]
Other tops: CYMAE H4 30, CYMAS H4 30
Other moves: SAMEY H8 28, SEAMY H8 28, YSAME H4 28, CYMAE H8 26, CYMAS H8 26
CYMAE H4 30 ste11a
MACES H4 24 jonb5, wllchp
SAMEY H6 20 jimbo
YAMS H8 18 margalang
SCAM H6 16 Faeythe

On 2nd draw, TAMAN(D)UA 6F 63 --- TAMANDUA an arboreal anteater [n]
Other moves: (M)ANYATA 5E 36, YATA(G)AN 5H 18, ACANT(H)A 4G 16, AUNTY 5D 16, AUNT(L)Y 5C 16
TAMAN(D)UA 6F 63 ste11a
(J)AUNTY 5C 16 jonb5
YA(W)N 5H 12 wllchp
YAT(E) 5H 12 Faeythe
(T)AUNTS 8C 6 jimbo

On 3rd draw, O(U)TLOVES 8A 83 --- OUTLOVE to surpass in loving [v]
Other moves: O(B)VOLUTE L1 74, OUTLOVE(D) L5 72, OUTLOVE(S) L5 72, (F)OVEOLET 7B 71, OV(A)TELY 5B 28
O(U)TLOVES 8A 83 ste11a
COVET 4H 20 jonb5
VELOU(R) L2 16 Faeythe
(D)(E)VOTE K6 14 margalang
LOAVE M4 12 rn.roselle
VO(I)(D) K3 10 wllchp
S(H)OVEL 8H 9 jimbo

On 4th draw, RETINOID C6 72 --- RETINOID a compound analogous to vitamin A [n]
Other moves: CRINOID 4H 20, DENARII M3 20, DENY 5E 20, DINERIC 4B 20, DIORITE C3 20
DENY 5E 20 ste11a
CRIED 4H 16 rn.roselle
TINDER C8 16 jonb5
LINED D8 12 margalang
DINNER J4 7 jimbo
RODEO A4 7 wllchp

On 5th draw, NAKED 7E 42 --- NAKED being without clothing or covering [adj]
Other tops: OAKED 7E 42
Other moves: AKED 7F 39, OAKEN 7E 38, AKES 7F 35, AD(U)KIS B6 33, SAKE 7E 33
KANES 7E 30 ste11a
KINDS 12B 20 wllchp
SKID 12A 20 jonb5, rn.roselle
SKIN 12A 18 jimbo

On 6th draw, BIFACES 4D 28 --- BIFACE a stone tool having a cutting edge [n]
Other moves: BIFACE 4D 26, SYPE 5G 25, AB(U)SE B6 24, P(U)BES B7 24, P(U)BIS B7 24
P(U)BES B7 24 ste11a
FIBS 12B 18 jonb5
SPIE 12A 14 wllchp
SPIE(D) K2 12 jimbo
ABI(D)E K3 12 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, CONQUEST 11B 88 --- CONQUEST the act of conquering [n]
Other moves: CONQUEST A7 70, QUINCES 12A 56, QUINCE 12A 54, QUINTES 12A 52, QUIETS 12A 50
QUINCES 12A 56 ste11a, jimbo, rn.roselle
QUIETS 12A 50 jonb5
QUITS 12A 48 wllchp

On 8th draw, BEDEGUAR 13A 63 --- BEDEGUAR a spongy gall on the sweet-briar [n]
Other moves: SABER H11 24, SABRE H11 24, SUBER H11 24, USAGER H10 24, BUREAU L1 22
SABER H11 24 wllchp
SURGE H11 21 ste11a
SERGE H11 21 jonb5
QUEER E11 14 jimbo
BARGE M5 10 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, SHEAVING M3 90 --- SHEAVE to gather into a bundle [v]
Other moves: HEAVINGS M4 70, SHRIS H11 36, UNHIVES L6 34, ECHES B10 33, ICHES B10 33
SHEAVING M3 90 ste11a, jimbo
BEG A13 18 rn.roselle
REV H13 18 wllchp

On 10th draw, SHROW H11 45 --- SHROW to curse [v]
Other moves: WITH 8L 42, ORIXA 8K 39, WRAITH 8J 39, BOX A13 36, OHIA 12A 35
WITH 8L 42 wllchp, ste11a
BOX A13 36 rn.roselle
AXE I2 18 jimbo

On 11th draw, HORNTAIL 12H 76 --- HORNTAIL a wasplike insect [n]
Other moves: RHINAL 12G 23, THORIA 12G 23, ABRI A12 21, AROINT 8J 21, LATINO 8J 21
THIN 4L 16 wllchp
THAN 4L 16 rn.roselle
LINT 8L 15 ste11a
RANT 9K 4 jimbo

On 12th draw, ZITE 8L 69 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: DITZ 8L 48, BEZ A13 42, TOLZEY 14G 40, YBET A12 39, DITZY N11 36
ZITE 8L 69 ste11a
ZIT 8L 22 wllchp
ZESTY 3K 17 jimbo

On 13th draw, FILLER O10 27 --- FILLER one that fills [n]
Other tops: FULLER O10 27
Other moves: FILOSE 3I 24, FLIER O11 24, FLOUR O11 24, FLUOR O11 24, FELON 9I 23
LIFE O12 21 wllchp
ROOF 14G 17 ste11a
FINER K10 16 rn.roselle
FLOUR A6 8 jimbo

On 14th draw, ILIAD N10 35 --- ILIAD a long poem [n]
Other moves: DIGLOT 14D 27, ACTED B10 26, ABID A12 24, DOGATE 14J 24, DOTAGE 14J 24
GLOAT 14F 21 ste11a
GATE 14L 10 rn.roselle
GLADE O4 9 jimbo

On 15th draw, WHAM 4L 30 --- WHAM to hit with a loud impact [v]
Other moves: AYU L4 27, WAMUS 3I 25, WARMS 3I 25, AMU L4 24, BAY A13 24
WARMS 3I 25 ste11a
BAY A13 24 wllchp, rn.roselle
RUNWAY K10 24 jimbo

On 16th draw, DORMY O1 33 --- DORMY being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played [adj]
Other moves: OBEY A12 30, LOUNDER D8 26, BEY A13 24, BOY A13 24, BUY A13 24
DORMY O1 33 wllchp, jimbo
BOY A13 24 rn.roselle
BUY A13 24 ste11a

On 17th draw, APO M12 24 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other tops: PROO 14F 24
Other moves: PRO 14F 23, REPOSER 3I 22, BOP A13 21, OBOE A12 21, PEA N2 21
PEA N2 21 ste11a
PONE K10 12 rn.roselle
PROD 1L 10 jimbo

On 18th draw, IBEX A12 42 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: PIXIE E1 28, PROTEI 14F 28, EXING K9 26, REX J12 26, XIS J2 26
XIS J2 26 rn.roselle
EXPORT A5 15 jimbo

On 19th draw, PROJET 14F 35 --- PROJET a plan or outline [n]
Other moves: UPTORE 14E 31, PROTEI 14F 28, PUNJI K10 28, JUS J2 26, PRO 14F 23
JO 2N 18 rn.roselle
WIPER 15H 11 jimbo

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