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Game of May 16, 2011 at 09:01, 7 players
1. victor03 -336
2. jimbo -448
3. v1olet -470

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acefjrv   H4    30    30   faver
 2. ?bknorr   5C    76   106   ironbark
 3. adlstuz   5C    28   134   ironbarks
 4. deiimno   D1    26   160   midiron
 5. aeegiru   1A    30   190   reimage
 6. aenotuu   2A    20   210   entia
 7. ?giilqt   1A    30   240   reimaged
 8. aceeilt   3A    22   262   tead
 9. aeilntw   J1    24   286   twinkle
10. ainorss   A1    27   313   retrains
11. deilnox   1J    63   376   toxine
12. delopqr   8F    24   400   pored
13. agimotu   I3    28   428   miro
14. afghrsu   N1    30   458   nurhags
15. dehlosw   G7    80   538   woolshed
16. ciltuyz  14G    38   576   ditzy
17. aaceiqt   K1    34   610   oecist
18. afglopu  H12    32   642   alif
19. bdlopqu  11C    32   674   quops
20. bdejotv  10E    35   709   jolted
21. aeguuvy  C11    32   741   quay
22. abcgluv  K11    24   765   cavy

Remaining tiles: beglu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5255 Filevictor03    2 23:50  -336  429     1.5255 victor03    2 23:50  -336  429 
  2.4133 Filejimbo       1 28:24  -448  317     2.5870 cipka_616   1  7:14  -588  177 
  3.  -  Filev1olet      0 16:24  -470  295     3.5312 Faeythe     0  0:20  -741   24 
  4.5870 Filecipka_616   1  7:14  -588  177            Group: not rated
  5.4933 FileMel012      1  2:16  -689   76     1.4133 jimbo       1 28:24  -448  317 
  6.5312 FileFaeythe     0  0:20  -741   24     2.  -  v1olet      0 16:24  -470  295 
  7.  -  Filesathish     0  1:04  -760    5     3.4933 Mel012      1  2:16  -689   76 
                                             4.  -  sathish     0  1:04  -760    5 

On 1st draw, FAVER H4 30 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FACER H4 28, FARCE H4 28, VAREC H4 28, CARVE H4 26, CAVER H4 26
CRAVE H8 22 jimbo
JAR H6 20 victor03

On 2nd draw, (I)RONBARK 5C 76 --- IRONBARK a timber tree [n]
Other moves: FORK(E)R 4H 24, BANK(E)R 5G 22, BARK(A)N 5G 22, BARK(E)N 5G 22, BARK(E)R 5G 22
BR(E)AK 5E 20 victor03
BRE(A)K 7F 11 jimbo

On 3rd draw, (I)RONBARKS 5C 28 --- IRONBARK a timber tree [n]
Other tops: TZAR I2 28, TZARS D2 28
Other moves: LAZED 7E 27, ADZES 7E 26, DAZES 7E 26, LUTZES 7D 26, TZAR D2 26
ADZES 7E 26 jimbo
ZEST 7G 24 victor03

On 4th draw, MIDIRON D1 26 --- MIDIRON a golf club [n]
Other tops: MINORED D1 26
Other moves: MODERN D1 24, MODER D1 22, MORNED D3 22, NORMED D3 22, DIMER D1 20
MODERN D1 24 victor03
MINK J2 16 v1olet
MINORED 8D 13 jimbo

On 5th draw, REIMAGE 1A 30 --- IMAGE to form a likeness of mentally [v] --- REIMAGE to fix the image of [v]
Other tops: GAUMIER 1A 30, REMUAGE 1B 30
Other moves: EMIGRE 1C 27, IMAGER 1C 27, MAIGRE 1D 27, MAUGER 1D 27, MAUGRE 1D 27
GRAME 1A 24 victor03
GRIME 1A 24 Faeythe
MERGE 1D 24 v1olet
AGER 8E 5 jimbo

On 6th draw, ENTIA 2A 20 --- ENS an entity [n]
Other moves: ATONE 6B 16, UNDATE 3B 16, ATONE E3 14, ITA C1 14, SOUTANE K5 14
TOED 3A 10 victor03
TANK J2 10 v1olet
TAKE J3 10 jimbo

On 7th draw, REIMAGE(D) 1A 30 --- REIMAGE to fix the image of [v]
Other tops: REIMAGE(S) 1A 30
Other moves: RETILI(N)G A1 27, QI(S) 4C 22, Q(I)(S) C4 22, IG(A)D 3A 21, QI 4C 21
REIMAGE(S) 1A 30 victor03
Q(U)INT 7A 14 jimbo

On 8th draw, TEAD 3A 22 --- TEAD a torch [n]
Other moves: EAVE 6F 19, SALICET K5 18, SECTILE K5 18, SELECTA K5 18, CLEEKIT J1 17
CAKE J3 12 victor03
TREACLE 8G 10 jimbo

On 9th draw, TWINKLE J1 24 --- TWINKLE to shine with a flickering or sparkling light [v]
Other moves: WANKLE J2 23, WELKIN J2 23, WINKLE J2 23, WELKT J2 22, KWELA J5 20
TWEAK J1 20 v1olet
WAKE J3 13 victor03
TRAWL 8G 8 jimbo

On 10th draw, RETRAINS A1 27 --- RETRAIN to train again [v]
Other tops: RETSINAS A1 27
Other moves: FANIONS 4H 24, FANION 4H 22, FANONS 4H 22, ROSINS 8H 22, IRON I4 21
TRAINS 1J 21 v1olet
WARNS 2J 16 victor03
SWORN 2I 8 jimbo

On 11th draw, TOXINE 1J 63 --- TOXINE a poisonous substance [n]
Other moves: OXER I2 47, REDOX 8H 37, DIOXIN 3I 32, DIXIE 3I 30, WOXEN 2J 30
TEX 1J 18 victor03
EXILED 7J 15 jimbo

On 12th draw, PORED 8F 24 --- PORE to gaze intently [v]
Other tops: DERO I3 24
Other moves: PROD 8G 23, DIPLOE 3I 22, DIPOLE 3I 22, PILED 3I 22, PORER 8F 22
QI 3I 21 victor03
EPEE 7H 9 jimbo

On 13th draw, MIRO I3 28 --- MIRO a tall New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: AMIR I2 27, FANUM 4H 24, GIRO I3 24, MAR I3 21, MIR I3 21
MEGA I7 20 victor03
MOG G7 18 cipka_616
MOOT G7 17 jimbo
IMAGO M1 16 v1olet

On 14th draw, NURHAGS N1 30 --- NURHAG an ancient round tower [n]
Other moves: FOGASH G7 28, NURHAG N1 28, FOHS G7 27, FOH G7 26, HOUFS G7 25
FOHS G7 27 victor03
HOURS G7 22 cipka_616
SAGS 8A 18 v1olet
SPORED 8E 9 jimbo

On 15th draw, WOOLSHED G7 80 --- WOOLSHED a building in which sheep are sheared [n]
Other moves: DOSEH K3 34, HOWLED G7 30, WOOSHED G7 30, DOSES K3 28, HOWES G7 28
HOWLED G7 30 jimbo
HOW G7 26 cipka_616
FINED 4H 20 victor03
SOWS 8A 20 v1olet

On 16th draw, DITZY 14G 38 --- DITZY eccentric [adj]
Other tops: ZILCH 12C 38
Other moves: DITZ 14G 34, ITCHY 12D 34, TICHY 12D 34, LUTZ 10G 33, ULZIE 13C 28
ZITS 11D 26 v1olet
ZA 5M 11 cipka_616

On 17th draw, OECIST K1 34 --- OECIST a colony founder [n]
Other moves: CESTA K3 30, ETIC H12 29, CIST K3 27, QATS 11D 26, INCEPT F4 24
QATS 11D 26 victor03
ACHE 4L 20 v1olet
TEACH 12C 20 cipka_616
ACT I12 8 jimbo
ACE 13E 5 sathish

On 18th draw, ALIF H12 32 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other moves: FIG H13 26, FAUGH 12C 24, FUGLY K10 24, GULFY K10 24, PLAGUY K9 24
FIG H13 26 cipka_616
FLAPS 11C 20 victor03
PLAGUE 13B 18 jimbo
LIP H13 17 v1olet

On 19th draw, QUOPS 11C 32 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUODS 11C 30, DOUBLY K9 24, BLUDY K10 22, DUPLY K10 22, UPBY K11 22
QUODS 11C 30 v1olet
PLOY K11 18 jimbo
BUS 11E 10 victor03

On 20th draw, JOLTED 10E 35 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other moves: DJEBEL 13C 32, JOLED 10E 30, BENJ F3 29, JOEY K11 28, JOLE 10E 28
JUVE D10 28 victor03
JUBE D10 26 v1olet, Mel012
JUTE D10 22 cipka_616
DOZE J12 14 jimbo

On 21th draw, QUAY C11 32 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other tops: QUEY C11 32
Other moves: QUAG C11 28, QUA C11 24, GAZY J12 17, OYE 6D 17, YUZU J12 16
QUEY C11 32 cipka_616
QUAY C11 32 Mel012, jimbo, victor03
JOY E10 13 v1olet

On 22th draw, CAVY K11 24 --- CAVY a short-tailed rodent [n]
Other moves: UNCAP F4 21, CAGY K11 20, GABY K11 20, VUG 12B 20, ABLY K11 18
CAGY K11 20 jimbo
CLAY K11 18 Mel012, v1olet
GAY 14A 14 victor03

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