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Game of May 17, 2011 at 04:43, 4 players
1. kellybelly -436
2. TwoFold -524
3. Lucylulu -768

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeoorsy   H8    24    24   arsey
 2. elnoors  11D    82   106   loosener
 3. deilmpt   J5    71   177   impleted
 4. ?aaertu   5D    78   255   aubretia
 5. deilprs   D1    80   335   pedrails
 6. ?chnstu   L8    87   422   chesnut
 7. deiiotw  14J    36   458   wotted
 8. abegikn  10C    42   500   nabk
 9. deefinr   O7    95   595   friended
10. abeimov   H1    42   637   above
11. inoortz  12A    52   689   zoot
12. eggiiot  A12    39   728   zite
13. eghioru   N6    99   827   roughie
14. aelqvwy  15G    52   879   wavey
15. aaimnux   I1    45   924   mix
16. aaggiju   1A    39   963   jaap
17. aefilnn   8A    27   990   falsie
18. gginnou   G1    29  1019   nog
19. cgiinqu   6B    35  1054   quin

Remaining tiles: cgii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.  -  Filekellybelly  6 19:29  -436  618     1.5278 TwoFold     5 20:49  -524  530 
  2.5278 FileTwoFold     5 20:49  -524  530            Group: not rated
  3.  -  FileLucylulu    0 23:15  -768  286     1.  -  kellybelly  6 19:29  -436  618 
  4.  -  Filepoppies1    0  3:29  -995   59     2.  -  Lucylulu    0 23:15  -768  286 
                                             3.  -  poppies1    0  3:29  -995   59 

On 1st draw, ARSEY H8 24 --- ARSEY aggressive, irritable [adj]
Other tops: RESAY H8 24, SOOEY H8 24, YEARS H4 24, YORES H4 24
Other moves: ARSEY H4 18, AYRES H4 18, AYRES H8 18, EYRAS H4 18, EYRAS H8 18
YEARS H4 24 TwoFold, kellybelly
ROOSE H8 12 Lucylulu

On 2nd draw, LOOSENER 11D 82 --- LOOSENER one that loosens [n]
Other moves: LOOSENER 11B 66, LOONEYS 12C 20, LOOEYS 12D 18, LOONEY 12C 18, SORELY 12C 18
LOONY 12D 16 TwoFold
LOOR G8 14 kellybelly
SALOON 8G 7 Lucylulu

On 3rd draw, IMPLETED J5 71 --- IMPLETE to fill [v]
Other moves: IMPLETED J7 69, IMPLATED 8D 64, DIMP 12C 30, TEMP 10C 30, LIMP 12C 28
PILLED D8 24 kellybelly
MELT 12J 18 TwoFold
PRIDE 9G 12 Lucylulu

On 4th draw, AU(B)RETIA 5D 78 --- AUBRETIA a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: TA(Q)UERIA 5D 78
Other moves: RA(D)ULATE D7 66, AURATE(S) L5 65, AR(C)UATE G3 64, AUR(E)ATE G3 64, AU(B)RIETA 5F 64
LAT(T)ER 8J 18 kellybelly
(S)TARE 12B 16 TwoFold
LATER D11 12 Lucylulu

On 5th draw, PEDRAILS D1 80 --- PEDRAIL a tractor whose wheels have little feet [n]
SPIDER H1 33 kellybelly
DRIPS 12B 26 TwoFold
PRISED L2 26 poppies1
SPELT I1 8 Lucylulu

On 6th draw, CH(E)SNUT L8 87 --- CHESNUT a type of tree [n]
Other moves: CH(E)SNUT L2 82, CHESNUT(S) 2B 78, CHESTNU(T) 2B 78, CHE(S)NUTS 2B 78, CHES(T)NUT 2B 74
PUNCH(E)S 1D 39 kellybelly
CH(A)PS 1A 33 TwoFold
P(I)TCH 1D 33 poppies1
C(R)USH 8A 27 Lucylulu

On 7th draw, WOTTED 14J 36 --- WOT to know [v]
Other tops: WITTED 14J 36
Other moves: WITED 14J 34, IWIS 10E 32, OWES 10E 32, TWOS 10E 32, DOWIE H1 30
WITTED 14J 36 kellybelly
DOWS 8A 24 TwoFold

On 8th draw, NABK 10C 42 --- NABK a prickly shrub, the Christ's-thorn [n]
Other tops: KADE O12 42, KADI O12 42, PEAKING 1D 42
Other moves: BAKEN 15G 40, BANK 10C 40, NAIK 10C 38, EIK 10D 37, BAKE 15G 35
PEAKING 1D 42 TwoFold
KABS 8A 30 kellybelly
BIKE H2 15 Lucylulu

On 9th draw, FRIENDED O7 95 --- FRIEND to enter into a warm association with [v]
Other moves: ENFIRED 15E 91, REFINED 15E 91, DEFINER 15E 90, FENDIER 15E 90, NEEDFIRE 2B 90
DEFINED O8 39 kellybelly
PRIDE 1D 24 TwoFold
DEFINED 3D 14 Lucylulu

On 10th draw, ABOVE H1 42 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other tops: AMOVE H1 42, EMOVE H1 42, MIEVE H1 42
Other moves: BIOME H1 36, ABOVE 15F 35, AMOVE 15F 35, IAMB N7 35, MAVIE 15F 35
ABOVE 15F 35 kellybelly
VIE N6 21 TwoFold
VOID 3A 16 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, ZOOT 12A 52 --- ZOOT in zoot suit [adj]
Other moves: TROOZ 4K 50, ZORINO 15E 50, ZOON 15H 46, ORZO 15G 44, ZOIST 8A 42
ZOOT 12A 52 kellybelly
ZOON 15H 46 TwoFold
OOZE 2A 26 Lucylulu

On 12th draw, ZITE A12 39 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZITI A12 39
Other moves: GITE 15G 20, TIGE 15G 20, TOGE 15G 20, EGGS 8A 18, GEIST 8A 18
ZITI A12 39 kellybelly, TwoFold
GETS 8A 15 Lucylulu

On 13th draw, ROUGHIE N6 99 --- ROUGHIE a dry bough [n]
Other moves: ROUGHIE N2 95, ROUGHIE 15D 91, ROUGHIE N1 81, ROUGHIE M4 78, ROUGH N6 42
HIE N10 32 kellybelly
HOER 15H 28 TwoFold
HIDE 3B 16 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, WAVEY 15G 52 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: YAWP 1A 36, WAVE 15G 35, WYLE 15G 35, LEAVY 4K 32, WYE 15H 32
WAVEY 15G 52 kellybelly, TwoFold
WELD 3A 16 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, MIX I1 45 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other tops: MAX I1 45
Other moves: NIX I1 41, AX I2 38, TAXMAN 14A 34, AXIS 8A 33, AXMAN 4K 32
MAX I1 45 kellybelly, TwoFold
TAXI 14A 22 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, JAAP 1A 39 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other tops: JAUP 1A 39
Other moves: GJUS 8A 36, JAGS 8A 36, JIGS 8A 36, JUGS 8A 36, JAGG 4K 35
JAGS 8A 36 kellybelly, Lucylulu
JUGS 8A 36 TwoFold

On 17th draw, FALSIE 8A 27 --- FALSIE a pad worn within a brassiere [n]
Other moves: AINEE 2A 25, ALIEN 2A 25, BIENNIAL 2H 24, FALSE 8A 24, AINE 2A 23
FALSE 8A 24 kellybelly
LEAF 2C 17 TwoFold
FOX 3G 17 Lucylulu

On 18th draw, NOG G1 29 --- NOG to fill in a space in a wall with bricks [v]
Other moves: GO J2 27, GON G1 27, BINGING 2H 26, NON G1 25, AGOING B1 24
JINGO A1 15 Lucylulu
GAMING 1G 12 kellybelly
JOIN A1 12 TwoFold

On 19th draw, QUIN 6B 35 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QUAG B6 34, QUAI B6 33, QUA B6 32, QUID 3A 28, TICING 14A 26
QUAG B6 34 kellybelly
NAMING 1G 11 TwoFold

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