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Game of May 17, 2011 at 06:15, 3 players
1. Lucylulu -878
2. AtommotA -956
3. Faeythe -960

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aarstty   H7    26    26   astray
 2. aademnt   8A    89   115   mandates
 3. ?cciprs   B7    80   195   caprices
 4. ?egiopu  10F    70   265   pirogues
 5. deforst   M7    82   347   frosteds
 6. beinnor   I1    64   411   bonnier
 7. eghijnt   1I    42   453   benight
 8. aaemosu   2L    33   486   ouma
 9. afillrt   5E    40   526   airlift
10. adilswx   2H    54   580   wox
11. adegnrz   K7    88   668   gazunder
12. adeeist  15E    94   762   ideates
13. aeehloy   4A    35   797   holey
14. abeiovw  14J    36   833   brise
15. eiinoqv  14E    29   862   qi
16. aelovvw   3A    30   892   alew
17. einouuv   G3    24   916   unrove
18. eijloou   F2    27   943   jo
19. eiklouv  A13    24   967   ouk

Remaining tiles: eilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.3841 FileLucylulu    0  7:19  -878   89     1.5338 Faeythe     0  1:50  -960    7 
  2.3802 FileAtommotA    0  1:08  -956   11            Group: not rated
  3.5338 FileFaeythe     0  1:50  -960    7     1.3841 Lucylulu    0  7:19  -878   89 
                                             2.3802 AtommotA    0  1:08  -956   11 

On 1st draw, ASTRAY H7 26 --- ASTRAY off the right course [adv]
Other tops: YARTAS H4 26
Other moves: ARTSY H8 24, RATTY H8 24, SATAY H8 24, STRAY H8 24, TARTY H8 24

On 2nd draw, MANDATES 8A 89 --- MANDATE to authorize or decree [v]
Other moves: MANDATE I3 73, MANDATE G2 67, MANDATE G1 65, MANDATE I1 65, MAAED G7 29

On 3rd draw, CAPRIC(E)S B7 80 --- CAPRICE a whim [n]
Other moves: CAPRIC(E)S 11G 76, CAPRIC(E)S E7 76, PRAC(T)ICS 11F 76, PRAC(T)ICS E6 76, PRAC(T)ICS B6 69

On 4th draw, PIROGUE(S) 10F 70 --- PIROGUE a dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: POR(T)IGUE 10F 68, PO(R)TIGUE F5 66, G(R)OUPIE I1 64, PI(R)OGUE I1 63, GROUPIE(S) 10G 62

On 5th draw, FRO(S)TEDS M7 82 --- FROSTED a type of milk shake [n]
Other moves: FROSTED(S) M3 78, DEFOREST L5 76, DEFROST(S) M3 76, FORESTED L4 76, FORESTED L7 76

On 6th draw, BONNIER I1 64 --- BONNY pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: ENROBING J3 63, RINGBONE J7 63, BEIN L12 27, BIEN L12 27, BIER L12 27

On 7th draw, BENIGHT 1I 42 --- BENIGHT to be overtaken by night [v]
Other moves: JIBE 1G 39, ANIGHT 11H 36, JIB 1G 36, HENBIT 1F 33, THEN J5 33

On 8th draw, OUMA 2L 33 --- OUMA grandmother (Afrikaans) [n]
Other tops: SOMA 2L 33, SOME 2L 33, SUMO 2L 33
Other moves: EMEUS J1 29, SEAME L9 29, SOM 2L 29, SUM 2L 29, MAASES 14J 28

On 9th draw, AIRLIFT 5E 40 --- AIRLIFT to transport by airplane [v]
Other moves: AFRIT 8K 36, FRAT 8L 33, FRIT 8L 33, FIRST 14J 32, FRIST 14J 32
FLAIRS 14H 11 AtommotA

On 10th draw, WOX 2H 54 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: LOX 2H 51, SOX 2H 51, EX J1 50, OX 2I 50, WAX A13 45

On 11th draw, GAZUNDER K7 88 --- GAZUNDER to lower the sum offered just before signing a contract [v]
Other moves: ZERDA 4A 52, GRENZ 12K 50, GEEZ 12L 48, ZERDA 8K 48, GRENZ 4A 45

On 12th draw, IDEATES 15E 94 --- IDEATE to form an idea [v]
Other moves: STEADIER 14D 63, STEADIES 14B 63, DEIST 15H 41, TEADES 15F 41, ADITS 15G 38

On 13th draw, HOLEY 4A 35 --- HOLEY full of holes [adj]
Other moves: HAY A13 33, HEY A13 33, HOY A13 33, YAH A13 33, YEH A13 33
CLAY 12B 18 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, BRISE 14J 36 --- BRISE a ballet movement [n]
Other tops: BAWR 14H 36, BROSE 14J 36
Other moves: WAB A13 30, WEB A13 30, BOW A13 29, WAB 3B 29, WEB 3B 29

On 15th draw, QI 14E 29 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 11E 26, ENVOY 12D 22, VEINY 12D 22, RIVE G5 21, ROVE G5 21
COIN 12B 12 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, ALEW 3A 30 --- ALEW a greeting cry, halloo [n]
Other moves: WAVEY 12D 28, AWE 3A 26, OWE 3A 26, ADVEW 12J 24, WAE A13 24
HA A4 5 Faeythe
TALE O1 5 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, UNROVE G3 24 --- UNREEVE to withdraw a rope from an opening [v]
Other moves: ENVOY 12D 22, VEINY 12D 22, NOAH A1 21, RIVE G5 21, ROVE G5 21
COVEN 12B 20 Lucylulu
AN E8 2 Faeythe

On 18th draw, JO F2 27 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JOE 11D 24, JOE 13I 23, JO 11E 22, POILU 9B 21, J(E)EL 13A 20
JOEY 12E 14 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, OUK A13 24 --- OUK a week [n]
Other tops: EIK A13 24, EUK A13 24, ICKLE 12A 24, KILEY 12D 24, OIK A13 24
Other moves: LIKE N4 23, LOKE N4 23, LUKE N4 23, NEUK 4I 23, CLEIK 12B 22
CLOVE 12B 20 Lucylulu

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