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Game of May 17, 2011 at 11:37, 8 players
1. yab -635
2. margalang -696
3. Faeythe -720

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeosv   H2    78    78   devotes
 2. abfhnos   3G    38   116   hebonas
 3. cdeikop   2J    56   172   poked
 4. ailmosu   6D    63   235   solatium
 5. ?abeoru   K5    94   329   amberous
 6. inprtuw   J8    25   354   tup
 7. aeilotw   1L    38   392   alew
 8. denoqtw   L7    35   427   owed
 9. eiinosv   2A    83   510   visioned
10. aaeinrx   E4   110   620   anorexia
11. adfirty   8A    51   671   frayed
12. aeioqrt   1D    44   715   qi
13. aegginz   A1    81   796   avize
14. aghlntu  D10    33   829   galuth
15. eeflnot  12H    80   909   felstone
16. certtty  15C    42   951   cherty
17. cgiinrt   8J    30   981   tewing
18. giimnrt  14H    81  1062   mitring

Remaining tiles: cjrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6277 Fileyab         2 22:55  -635  427     1.6277 yab         2 22:55  -635  427 
  2.5538 Filemargalang   0 22:34  -696  366            Group: novice
  3.5314 FileFaeythe     0 19:11  -720  342     1.5538 margalang   0 22:34  -696  366 
  4.5397 Filesunshine12  0  7:45  -878  184     2.5314 Faeythe     0 19:11  -720  342 
  5.2786 Filesathish     0 10:19  -968   94     3.5397 sunshine12  0  7:45  -878  184 
  6.4102 Filejimbo       0  6:40 -1004   58            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filechattymona  0  4:15 -1023   39     1.2786 sathish     0 10:19  -968   94 
  8.3312 FileIce         0  1:11 -1051   11     2.4102 jimbo       0  6:40 -1004   58 
                                             3.  -  chattymona  0  4:15 -1023   39 
                                             4.3312 Ice         0  1:11 -1051   11 

On 1st draw, DEVO(T)ES H2 78 --- DEVOTE to give oneself wholly to [v]
Other tops: DEVO(R)ES H2 78, VO(I)DEES H4 78
Other moves: DEVO(R)ES H4 74, DEVO(T)ES H4 74, DEVO(R)ES H3 72, DEVO(R)ES H6 72, DEVO(R)ES H7 72
DEVO(T)ES H2 28 yab, margalang
DOVES H4 22 Faeythe
V(I)DEOS H8 20 sathish

On 2nd draw, HEBONAS 3G 38 --- HEBONA anything with a poisonous juice [n]
Other moves: FOHNS G7 30, FOHNS I7 30, FAHS G7 29, FOHN G7 29, FOHN I7 29
DOH 2H 15 Faeythe
FA(T)S 6F 14 margalang
BA(T)H 6F 14 yab
BEANS 3G 11 Ice
FANS 8E 7 sathish

On 3rd draw, POKED 2J 56 --- POKE to push or prod [v]
Other tops: PIKED 2J 56
Other moves: POKIE 2J 54, KEPI 2J 44, KIPE 2J 44, KEP 2J 41, KIP 2J 41
PICKED 2C 30 Faeythe
PACKED L2 30 margalang
KED 2F 23 yab
CODE 7E 9 sathish

On 4th draw, SOLA(T)IUM 6D 63 --- SOLATIUM a compensation given for damage to the feelings [n]
Other moves: MALIS 1K 43, MOLAS 1K 43, AMIS 1L 37, ISM 4J 36, SOM 4J 36
MOD 2F 17 yab, Faeythe
MA(T)S 6F 11 margalang
AISLE 7D 6 sathish

On 5th draw, AMBEROU(S) K5 94 --- AMBEROUS containing amber [adj]
Other moves: (C)ORBEAUS 8A 86, OU(T)BRAVE 4B 83, A(M)BEROUS 8A 80, BARO(Q)UES 8A 80, RUBEO(L)AS 8A 80
SABO(T)EUR D6 24 yab
KAB L2 18 margalang
BO(L)ERO E5 14 Faeythe
RES(T) M1 3 sathish

On 6th draw, TUP J8 25 --- TUP to copulate with a ewe [v]
Other tops: PAW G5 25
Other moves: ERUPT 8K 24, TWIRPS D1 24, UNRIP 5A 24, PIN 1M 23, PIR 1M 23
UPSTIR D4 18 yab
W*P 10J 16 Faeythe
WI(S)T 12I 12 margalang
TURNIPS 8B 10 sathish

On 7th draw, ALEW 1L 38 --- ALEW a greeting cry, halloo [n]
Other tops: ALOW 1L 38
Other moves: AWETO 5D 32, WELT L8 31, ALOWE 5B 30, AWOL 1J 30, ALIT 1L 29
WAI(S)T 12H 22 margalang
(S)WALE 12K 16 Faeythe
WA(S)TE 12I 14 sathish

On 8th draw, OWED L7 35 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other moves: NOWED 7E 33, ENDOW 5A 30, OWED 7F 30, WED L8 30, DAWEN G5 28
WED 2F 20 yab
DATE G5 14 Faeythe
DEW(S) 12H 9 margalang

On 9th draw, VISIONED 2A 83 --- VISION to imagine [v]
Other moves: OLIVINES F5 63, VISIVE 4D 33, VISIES D1 26, VISNES D1 26, VISONS D1 26
VI(S)IONS 12I 20 yab
VEINS D2 16 Faeythe
VINES D2 16 margalang

On 10th draw, ANOREXIA E4 110 --- ANOREXIA lack of appetite [n]
Other moves: NIXE 7E 40, NIX M5 38, RAX M5 38, REX M5 38, AX M6 37
AXE 7F 37 margalang
AVER A1 24 Faeythe
(S)IXER 12K 24 sunshine12
XENIA(S) 12F 13 yab
AXE 5K 10 sathish

On 11th draw, FRAYED 8A 51 --- FRAY to wear off by rubbing [v]
Other moves: RIFTY F8 45, FAIRY F10 42, FADY D8 41, RIFT F8 41, DIF F8 40
FRAYED 8A 51 yab
IF F9 35 Faeythe
F*RT*D 8A 33 margalang
RAID 11D 5 sathish

On 12th draw, QI 1D 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT D10 37, QAT 1B 29, AVERT A1 27, OVATE A1 27, OVERT A1 27
QAT 4D 24 Faeythe, margalang
QAT C7 23 sunshine12, yab

On 13th draw, AVIZE A1 81 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: ZAS D4 48, GAZING D10 43, ZIGAN D11 43, AZINE D10 41, ZING D11 39
GRAZING B7 38 sunshine12
AGNIZE C8 36 yab
RIZ B8 32 Faeythe
ZAIRE B5 16 margalang
GIGA 10D 10 sathish

On 14th draw, GALUTH D10 33 --- GALUTH an exile [n]
Other moves: ARUHE 7D 31, HANGUL D10 29, HANG L12 28, HUNG L12 28, LAUGH D11 28
(S)NATH 12K 22 sunshine12
GHA(S)T 12H 20 yab
(S)HUNT 12K 16 margalang
RAH B8 14 Faeythe
LAUGH(S) 12F 10 jimbo

On 15th draw, FEL(S)TONE 12H 80 --- FELSTONE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: FORELENT B6 71, FLEET F10 36, FLOTE F10 36, FLEE F10 33, FLOE F10 33
FOEHN 15A 33 yab
HOTEL 15D 24 sunshine12, margalang, jimbo
FLOUT 13A 16 Faeythe
NOTE(S) 12G 5 chattymona

On 16th draw, CHERTY 15C 42 --- CHERTY resembling chert [adj]
Other moves: TECHY 15A 39, THRETTY 15C 39, FYCE H12 36, YECH 15A 36, CENTRY N10 34
CHERTY 15C 42 yab
YET 13M 26 Faeythe
LEY J12 14 sunshine12
YEN N10 14 margalang
FRETTY A8 13 chattymona

On 17th draw, TEWING 8J 30 --- TEW to work hard [v]
Other moves: CITRINE O6 27, CRINGE O7 27, CRINITE O6 27, DIG F8 27, INCITER O7 27
CITRINE O6 27 yab
CRINE O8 21 margalang
REIGN O11 18 sunshine12
CURT 13C 12 jimbo
CURER 9I 11 Faeythe
RIFT H10 7 chattymona

On 18th draw, MITRING 14H 81 --- MITRE to raise to the rank of a bishop [v]
Other moves: MINGIN N10 30, MINING N10 30, DIG F8 27, MIC C13 24, DIN F8 21
MERIT O11 21 sunshine12, margalang
REIGN O11 18 yab
FIRMING A8 14 chattymona
GRUNT 13B 12 jimbo

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