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Game of May 17, 2011 at 13:53, 5 players
1. mylover81 -359
2. jonb5 -490
3. margalang -684

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acgotu   H4    22    22   cagot
 2. ?besttw   5E    44    66   abwatts
 3. cdeimsv   4A    32    98   viced
 4. ?ehiotu   8A    83   181   whiteout
 5. aelmosz   B2    44   225   zoism
 6. aadeilp   K1    61   286   palisade
 7. ahilnor   1I    48   334   alphorn
 8. aaeggpt   N1    24   358   ragtag
 9. deknqry   8J    45   403   yerked
10. aeilmrs   O8    86   489   dismaler
11. enooort   C1    27   516   torc
12. beeoosw   9I    27   543   wos
13. abennxy   6B    36   579   meany
14. aeeiloq   D1    23   602   alee
15. bdefjno  10F    51   653   jobed
16. eeiinor  H10    27   680   boreen
17. efiinpr  14J    34   714   feirie
18. fiinuvx  13C    46   760   fixive
19. ennpquu  12A    63   823   quep

Remaining tiles: innnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5780 Filemylover81   1 23:43  -359  464     1.5780 mylover81   1 23:43  -359  464 
  2.5253 Filejonb5       0 20:38  -490  333     2.5253 jonb5       0 20:38  -490  333 
  3.5457 Filemargalang   0  8:09  -684  139     3.5457 margalang   0  8:09  -684  139 
  4.  -  FileMeathome50  1  3:48  -722  101            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechattymona  0  2:20  -781   42     1.  -  Meathome50  1  3:48  -722  101 
                                             2.  -  chattymona  0  2:20  -781   42 

On 1st draw, CAGOT H4 22 --- CAGOT a member of an outcast class [n]
Other tops: CAGOT(S) H4 22, CAGOU(L) H4 22, CATGU(T) H4 22, CAUG(H)T H4 22, CA(T)GUT H4 22, COUGA(N) H4 22, COUGA(R) H4 22
Other moves: CAGO(T) H4 20, CAG(O)T H4 20, CA(R)GO H4 20, COGU(E) H4 20, COT(E)AU H4 20
CA(R)GO H4 20 mylover81
G(R)OUT H4 14 jonb5

On 2nd draw, (A)BWATTS 5E 44 --- ABWATT a unit of power [n]
Other moves: TEWA(R)TS 5E 36, B(O)WETS I5 32, B(O)WES I5 31, B(O)WET I5 31, T(A)WSE G5 27
BOWS 7G 16 mylover81
W(A)GS 6F 15 jonb5

On 3rd draw, VICED 4A 32 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: VISED 4A 28, MEDICS 9C 26, MEDICS G7 25, MEDICS I7 25, TIMED I5 25
MOVED 7G 18 jonb5
MOVIE 7G 17 mylover81

On 4th draw, (W)HITEOUT 8A 83 --- WHITEOUT an arctic weather condition [n]
Other moves: TOUCHIE(R) C1 76, HI(D)EOUT G7 75, HI(D)EOUT I7 75, OUTCHI(D)E C1 74, SHOUTIE(R) K5 70
(S)HOVE A1 30 jonb5
(S)HIVE A1 30 mylover81

On 5th draw, ZOISM B2 44 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: HAZELS B8 38, MEZCAL C1 38, AZOLE 6A 37, HAZEL B8 37, HAZES B8 37
HAZELS B8 38 mylover81
SIZEL C7 25 jonb5

On 6th draw, PALISADE K1 61 --- PALISADE to fortify with a fence of stakes [v]
Other moves: AECIA C2 35, HELIPAD B8 30, LAIC C1 27, PADI 7C 24, PIED 7C 24
PUD G7 18 mylover81

On 7th draw, ALPHORN 1I 48 --- ALPHORN a wooden horn used by Swiss herdsmen [n]
Other moves: LORCHA C1 46, RANCHO C1 46, ANCHO C2 44, PHIAL 1K 42, RALPH 1H 42
HARP 1H 27 jonb5, mylover81
HAIL 2J 15 chattymona

On 8th draw, RAGTAG N1 24 --- RAGTAG the disreputable element of society [n]
Other tops: ETAPE 8K 24, PEAG 7C 24
Other moves: ATTAP J4 22, HEAT L1 22, PALATE 3I 22, PEAT 7C 22, AGAPE L8 21
HAP B8 14 mylover81
PITA C7 10 chattymona
PEG 8J 8 jonb5

On 9th draw, YERKED 8J 45 --- YERK to beat vigorously [v]
Other moves: KY 6E 39, KERNED 8J 36, KEY 6D 36, REDENY 8J 36, TYED J5 35
DONKEY F7 24 jonb5
QI C7 21 mylover81
KINDER C7 17 chattymona

On 10th draw, DISMALER O8 86 --- DISMAL cheerless and depressing [adj]
Other moves: LARMIERS L6 75, MEASLIER E7 70, MORALISE F7 64, SEAM 9K 32, MARC C1 31
HAMS B8 15 mylover81
YAMS J8 15 jonb5

On 11th draw, TORC C1 27 --- TORC a metal collar or necklace [n]
Other moves: ORC C2 25, ONER N11 20, NOTER 9C 19, TENOR 9C 19, TONER 9C 19
ORC C2 25 jonb5
OZONE 2A 14 mylover81

On 12th draw, WOS 9I 27 --- WO woe [n]
Other moves: EWE N13 26, BES 9I 25, BOS 9I 25, OOSE 9I 24, OOSE D1 23
HOW B8 17 mylover81
HOBOS B8 16 jonb5

On 13th draw, MEANY 6B 36 --- MEANY a nasty person [n]
Other tops: ABY 6D 36, BAYE N12 36
Other moves: BY 6E 35, BEY 6D 34, ANY 6D 32, BAY N12 32, BEY N12 32
HEX B8 29 mylover81, jonb5, margalang

On 14th draw, ALEE D1 23 --- ALEE toward the side of a vessel sheltered from the wind [adv]
Other moves: ALEE N11 20, OLEA N11 20, AL D1 18, EA A1 18, EA D1 18
QIS 10M 14 margalang, mylover81
ALE 14M 6 jonb5

On 15th draw, JOBED 10F 51 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JUBE G7 41, JUDO G7 39, JUD G7 38, JOB 10H 37, JUN G7 36
JOB 10H 37 mylover81
JOE 14M 20 margalang
YOB J8 14 jonb5

On 16th draw, BOREEN H10 27 --- BOREEN a lane in Ireland [n]
Other tops: BONIER H10 27
Other moves: ONER 11H 26, IRONE 11D 25, ONIE 11F 25, EINE 11G 24, HEROINE B8 24
IRONE 11D 25 mylover81
JOIN F10 11 margalang
HORN B8 9 jonb5

On 17th draw, FEIRIE 14J 34 --- FEIRIE nimble [adj]
Other tops: FERINE 14J 34, PREIFE 14J 34, PRIEFE 14J 34
Other moves: PREIFE 13C 30, PRIEFE 13C 30, FILING 3I 28, KNIFER M8 28, PIRNIE 14J 28
KNIFER M8 28 mylover81
HIP B8 14 margalang
KIN M8 8 jonb5

On 18th draw, FIXIVE 13C 46 --- FIXIVE acting to fix a photographic image [adj]
Other tops: INFIX L11 46, UNFIX L11 46
Other moves: TIX I5 38, TUX I5 38, FIX 9C 37, FOX 11G 31, XU 13L 31
UNFIX L11 46 mylover81
TIX I5 38 Meathome50
IF 9B 23 margalang
FIR M12 12 jonb5

On 19th draw, QUEP 12A 63 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: EQUIP L11 38, QUIP L12 36, QUIPU D11 34, EQUIP D10 32, QUINE D11 30
QUEP 12A 63 Meathome50
EQUIP L11 38 mylover81, jonb5
QUEEN K11 28 margalang

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