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Game sheet of choosblues (file), Game of May 18, 2011 at 06:52

Word find
Word played
1 BEIORTT             BETTOR H4 22 22  
2 ?AEGHKZ             KHAZE(N) 3F 44 66  
3 ADLOTVY DELAY J2 21 -10 21 2/2 DAVY 4C 31 97 3/4
4 ACEINOR CODER C2 16 -86 37 2/2 VERONICA E4 102 199 3/4
5 AEHLLNO HOLE 4J 20 -26 57 1/2 HALLO 2J 46 245 3/4
6 ADEIINS ASIDE O1 33 -30 90 1/2 DRAISINE 9G 63 308 1/4
7 ?AAENWX WAXE(S) 1F 47 -32 137 2/3 AX(O)NE 8K 79 387 1/4
8 BDEINOR             BONDER O1 42 429 2/4
9 ACIORST             C(O)NSORTIA M7 76 505 2/4
10 EFGINOW             BOWING 4H 46 551 3/4
11 EGMRSSU SMUDGERS C1 26 -50 163 3/3     76 627 3/4
12 ADFJMNU             JAFA 15L 66 693 3/4
13 AEILMNT             ALIMENT B8 74 767 3/4
14 DEFIPUV             UPDIVE A4 59 826 3/4
15 EGLPTWY             YEW 1H 40 866 3/4
16 EFGIORT             FIER A12 46 912 3/4
17 EGIOPQT QIS 1A 36   199 3/3       948 3/4
18 ELOOPTU             LOUPE 5K 25 973 3/4

Total: 199/973 or -774 for 20.45%
Rank: 5327

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