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Game of May 18, 2011 at 11:30, 6 players
1. yab -492
2. mylover81 -543
3. margalang -611

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiqrrw   H4    46    46   quire
 2. eegilns   3H    82   128   seeling
 3. aaceiot   2F    32   160   aceta
 4. enorstz   L1    88   248   trizones
 5. agilrst   8C    60   308   glariest
 6. aaelovw   1A    50   358   avowal
 7. ?amnouy   J8    72   430   tautonym
 8. deegiox   M5    46   476   doxie
 9. aehintu  15F    92   568   inhumate
10. afhiklr  14C    37   605   firk
11. abdgruy  15A    37   642   brad
12. deeinrw   N8    93   735   rewiden
13. dehmotv   O5    42   777   hove
14. bdilops   K5    38   815   pod
15. cimpstu   E5    52   867   impacts
16. aejlotu   I8    39   906   sjoe
17. abeilnu  13G    28   934   biennale
18. fgotuuy   F5    36   970   fy

Remaining tiles: gotuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6265 Fileyab         2 20:52  -492  478     1.6265 yab         2 20:52  -492  478 
  2.5800 Filemylover81   2 13:51  -543  427            Group: novice
  3.5479 Filemargalang   1 12:36  -611  359     1.5800 mylover81   2 13:51  -543  427 
  4.4067 Filejimbo       0 24:20  -654  316     2.5479 margalang   1 12:36  -611  359 
  5.4155 Filetminor      0 19:54  -769  201            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileGlecyl      0  7:09  -923   47     1.4067 jimbo       0 24:20  -654  316 
                                             2.4155 tminor      0 19:54  -769  201 
                                             3.  -  Glecyl      0  7:09  -923   47 

On 1st draw, Q(U)IRE H4 46 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: Q(U)IRE H8 28, Q(U)IRE H5 26, Q(U)IRE H6 26, Q(U)IRE H7 26, WERRI(S) H4 24
Q(U)IRE H4 46 mylover81, yab
WIRER H8 18 jimbo

On 2nd draw, SEELING 3H 82 --- SEEL to stitch closed the eyes of, as a falcon during training [v] --- SEELING a ceiling (Spenser) [n]
Other moves: LEESING 3E 74, LEESING 9E 74, SEELING 9H 74, LEESING G6 67, SEELING G6 67
SEELING 3H 32 mylover81
SINGLE 3H 30 jimbo
SLING 9H 21 yab
SLINGER 7B 10 tminor
SILEN 8E 5 Glecyl

On 3rd draw, ACETA 2F 32 --- ACETUM vinegar [n]
Other moves: EAT 2H 26, ETA 2H 26, COATE 2D 24, CATE 2E 23, CITE 2E 23
COIT L1 18 yab
AGATE N2 16 jimbo
CAGE N1 14 mylover81
NOTICE M3 11 Glecyl
CRATE 7G 11 tminor

On 4th draw, TRIZONES L1 88 --- TRIZONE a country formed of three zones [n]
Other moves: TRIZONES 6F 71, ZON(U)RES 5E 60, ZOSTER O1 57, ZEST O1 51, ZEINS L1 48
RITZES L2 30 yab
REZONES 8C 17 jimbo
ZERO 7F 15 Glecyl

On 5th draw, GLARIEST 8C 60 --- GLARY glaring [adj]
Other moves: GASLIT O1 33, SLAIRG O3 33, STRIGA O3 33, GAST O1 27, GIST O1 27
GAST O1 27 margalang
SIT 9H 20 yab
STAIR 1K 15 mylover81
TRIAGES 7G 11 tminor
GRISTLE 8B 9 jimbo
REAL 8G 4 Glecyl

On 6th draw, AVOWAL 1A 50 --- AVOWAL an open declaration [n]
Other moves: AGLOW N2 34, AVOWAL 3A 26, WAE K5 26, WOE K5 26, AVOW 3C 25
VOWEL D4 22 tminor, jimbo
SAVE 8L 21 yab, margalang
SOWL 8L 21 mylover81

On 7th draw, TAU(T)ONYM J8 72 --- TAUTONYM a taxonomic name in which the specific name repeats the generic [n]
Other moves: AUTONYM(S) J6 66, AUTON(O)MY J6 66, AUT(O)NOMY J6 66, (T)AUTONYM J5 66, AN(A)TOMY 1I 39
SOMY 8L 27 margalang
YAU(P)ON E7 16 yab
MOAN 5K 12 tminor
(Q)UAY E6 6 jimbo

On 8th draw, DOXIE M5 46 --- DOXIE a doctrine [n]
Other tops: DEXIE M5 46
Other moves: EXODE M6 44, OXIDE M6 44, OXID M6 43, OXIME 15G 42, DEX M5 41
OXIME 15G 42 yab
OX M6 36 margalang
VEXED B1 32 mylover81
DE(T)OX 11H 24 jimbo
AXED E8 24 tminor

On 9th draw, INHUMATE 15F 92 --- INHUMATE to bury [v]
Other moves: HAURIENT F5 65, HEMATIN 15H 39, HAEMIN 15G 36, HEMINA 15H 36, HETMAN 15G 36
HUMANE 15H 36 yab
HITMAN 15G 36 mylover81
HIM 15H 24 margalang
HAUNT E7 16 jimbo
HINT 13H 8 tminor

On 10th draw, FIRK 14C 37 --- FIRK to whip [v]
Other tops: FAIK 14C 37, FLAK 14C 37, HAIK 14C 37, HARK 14C 37
Other moves: ILKA 14D 36, RAKI 14D 36, KA 14F 34, KHALIFA E6 34, KI 14F 34
KHALIF E6 32 yab
HI 14F 28 margalang
SILK 8L 24 mylover81
FAKIR E7 24 jimbo
HARK F6 19 tminor

On 11th draw, BRAD 15A 37 --- BRAD to fasten with thin nails [v]
Other moves: GABY K10 34, GRAD 15A 34, GRAY N3 34, ABY 15A 32, BAY 15A 32
BRAD 15A 37 margalang
BARDY E7 22 jimbo
TRAY 1L 21 mylover81
BADGE M11 18 tminor

On 12th draw, REWIDEN N8 93 --- REWIDEN to widen again [v] --- WIDEN to make wide or wider [v]
Other moves: IRONWEED 12H 80, WIN(T)ERED 11G 72, WEIRED N10 51, REWIND N10 39, WEND 9E 36
VIEWED B1 34 mylover81
TREW 1L 21 margalang
WARNED E7 20 yab
WINGER C5 12 jimbo

On 13th draw, HOVE O5 42 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HOD K5 42
Other moves: METHOD 1J 41, MOTHED 1J 41, DOH K5 40, HOME O5 39, HOT K5 39
HOVE O5 42 mylover81
HOME O5 39 yab
HOM O13 31 margalang
MOUTH 10H 10 jimbo

On 14th draw, POD K5 38 --- POD to produce seed coverings [v]
Other tops: BOD K5 38
Other moves: BOS K5 35, POL K5 35, POS K5 35, DOBIE M11 32, DOL K5 31
TOPS 1L 18 margalang, mylover81
DOBLAS E4 18 yab
ESQ(U)IRED H2 17 jimbo
SPOIL 12H 16 tminor

On 15th draw, IMPACTS E5 52 --- IMPACT to pack firmly together [v]
Other moves: VISCUM B1 38, SITUP O11 34, SPIM K9 28, STUMP 1K 27, TITUPS 1J 27
IMPACTS E5 52 yab
STUMP 1K 27 margalang
TUMP 1L 24 mylover81
MU(T)TS 11H 12 jimbo
STAMP E6 9 tminor

On 16th draw, SJOE I8 39 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: TAJ O13 34, JETLAG C3 30, OUTJET 10C 29, JAFA C12 28, JATO D3 28
JAFA C12 28 mylover81
JOLT 10B 27 tminor, margalang, jimbo
JU(T)E 11H 20 yab

On 17th draw, BIENNALE 13G 28 --- BIENNALE a show that occurs every two years [n]
Other moves: VIABLE B1 26, ELAN O12 23, ILEA O12 23, LAB M11 23, LIB M11 23
VIABLE B1 26 yab, jimbo
NAB O13 19 mylover81
TUBE 1L 18 margalang
VEIL B1 14 tminor
BELT 10B 12 Glecyl

On 18th draw, FY F5 36 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FOY F4 34, G*Y F4 32, TOY F4 31, OY F5 30, FOGY 3C 28
TOFT 1L 21 mylover81
TOFU 1L 21 yab
OY O14 17 margalang
GUY C8 8 jimbo

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