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Game of May 18, 2011 at 12:14, 13 players
1. margalang -379
2. yab -406
3. kellybelly -436

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeglru   H2    72    72   reglued
 2. ?eeflns   5E    90   162   fellness
 3. ahiintv   6D    32   194   nah
 4. eefhimt   G7    33   227   fehme
 5. ejlmost   L1    40   267   jests
 6. adimntu  11E    40   307   taedium
 7. abnosvx  10I    59   366   axons
 8. deeiprt   M6    76   442   priested
 9. ?biiswz   8L    72   514   zimb
10. adeinor   2A    72   586   ordainer
11. abgnoot   1A    55   641   boonga
12. aegortu  13F    62   703   outraged
13. ackorsy  14A    59   762   croaky
14. aailstv   1K    45   807   ajiva
15. einopww  A12    39   846   wice
16. ilopqrs   3C    45   891   spoiler
17. cinouvy   8A    45   936   unvoiced
18. iilttwy  14J    32   968   wit

Remaining tiles: ilqty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5481 Filemargalang   2 16:26  -379  589     1.7014 kellybelly  2 14:49  -436  532 
  2.6260 Fileyab         0 20:56  -406  562     2.7361 ste11a      2  2:09  -859  109 
  3.7014 Filekellybelly  2 14:49  -436  532            Group: intermediate
  4.5237 FileFaeythe     0  7:44  -618  350     1.6260 yab         0 20:56  -406  562 
  5.4058 Filejimbo       1 23:04  -659  309            Group: novice
  6.4231 Filenaomiari    0  9:45  -726  242     1.5481 margalang   2 16:26  -379  589 
  7.4140 Filetminor      0 21:34  -731  237     2.5237 Faeythe     0  7:44  -618  350 
  8.  -  FileGlecyl      0 10:49  -838  130     3.5798 mylover81   0  1:18  -950   18 
  9.7361 Fileste11a      2  2:09  -859  109            Group: not rated
 10.  -  Fileblue.sand   0  2:14  -922   46     1.4058 jimbo       1 23:04  -659  309 
 11.  -  Filenyizzle     0  4:10  -922   46     2.4231 naomiari    0  9:45  -726  242 
 12.  -  Filemexals      0  1:35  -940   28     3.4140 tminor      0 21:34  -731  237 
 13.5798 Filemylover81   0  1:18  -950   18     4.  -  Glecyl      0 10:49  -838  130 
                                             5.  -  blue.sand   0  2:14  -922   46 
                                             6.  -  nyizzle     0  4:10  -922   46 
                                             7.  -  mexals      0  1:35  -940   28 

On 1st draw, REGLUED H2 72 --- REGLUE to glue again [v]
Other tops: GRUELED H4 72, GRUELED H6 72, REGLUED H6 72
Other moves: GRUELED H2 70, GRUELED H3 70, GRUELED H7 70, GRUELED H8 70, REGLUED H3 70
GRUELED H4 72 jimbo
REGLUED H2 22 yab
REGLUED H8 20 tminor
URGED H8 18 mylover81
RULED H8 16 margalang
DRUG H8 12 Glecyl

On 2nd draw, FELLNE(S)S 5E 90 --- FELLNESS extreme cruelty [n]
Other tops: FELLNES(S) 5E 90
Other moves: (U)NSELFED 8A 86, FEL(I)NES G7 77, FEL(I)NES I7 77, FEN(N)ELS G7 77, FEN(N)ELS I7 77
FEEL(I)NGS 4B 22 tminor
FEN(A)GLES 4D 22 yab
F(I)RES 2F 17 margalang
FL(U)ES 7E 8 jimbo

On 3rd draw, NAH 6D 32 --- NAH no [adv]
Other tops: VANISH L1 32
Other moves: AH 6E 31, HIT 6J 30, NINTH I3 30, HI 6J 27, HAINT 4J 26
AH 6E 31 margalang
HAVEN F2 21 tminor
THIN 4C 21 yab
THINS L1 18 jimbo

On 4th draw, FEHME G7 33 --- FEHM a medieval German criminal court [n]
Other tops: FEHME I7 33
Other moves: FEHM G7 32, FEHM I7 32, FETISH L1 32, HEFTE G7 31, HEFTE I7 31
HI 6J 27 margalang
FEET 4J 24 kellybelly
HEMS L2 18 yab
FEH J4 17 Faeythe
THIEF 3E 16 tminor
HITS L2 14 jimbo

On 5th draw, JESTS L1 40 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other tops: JOLES L1 40, JOLTS L1 40
Other moves: LOMES F8 36, MOLESTED 8A 36, OMELETS 11E 36, TOMES F8 36, LOME F8 35
JOLTS L1 40 margalang, kellybelly
JETSOMS L2 34 yab
MOE F8 24 Faeythe
JET 3G 19 tminor
JOSTLED 8B 16 jimbo

On 6th draw, TAEDIUM 11E 40 --- TAEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other tops: IDEATUM 11E 40
Other moves: MANTID H10 38, MANITU H10 35, ADMIN H11 32, ADMIT H11 32, MAUND F10 32
NAM F8 32 kellybelly
UNTAMED 11B 20 yab
MAD 7C 18 margalang
JAM 1L 12 Faeythe
MEDIANT 8F 11 tminor

On 7th draw, AXONS 10I 59 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other moves: AXON 10I 58, AX 10I 52, OX 10I 52, JABS 1L 39, JOBS 1L 39
AXONS 10I 59 kellybelly
JOBS 1L 39 yab, Faeythe
JABS 1L 39 margalang
VEX J4 29 tminor
AXONS F11 14 jimbo
TAX E11 10 Glecyl

On 8th draw, PRIESTED M6 76 --- PRIEST to ordain as a priest (one authorized to perform religious rites) [v]
Other moves: RESPITED M8 74, PREEDITED 8D 68, PITTERED E8 61, PRETTIED E8 61, JEEP 1L 39
JEEP 1L 39 margalang, kellybelly, yab
JEED 1L 36 Faeythe
TREPID 2J 22 tminor
STRIDE M10 14 jimbo

On 9th draw, ZI(M)B 8L 72 --- ZIMB an Ethiopian insect [n]
Other moves: ZI(G)S 8L 66, ZI(N)S 8L 66, ZI(P)S 8L 66, ZI(T)I 8L 66, ZI(T)S 8L 66
ZI(P)S 8L 66 Faeythe, yab
ZI(T)S 8L 66 margalang
JIBS 1L 39 kellybelly
J(*)WS 1L 39 naomiari
Z(O)OMS K8 15 jimbo

On 10th draw, ORDAINER 2A 72 --- ORDAINER one that ordains [n]
Other moves: DEBONAIR O6 62, ORDAINED 13F 62, ADJOIN 1J 42, INJERA 1J 39, REJOIN 1J 39
JADE 1L 36 Faeythe, margalang, kellybelly, yab, naomiari
ADORNED 13G 11 tminor
BINDER O8 10 jimbo
ADORE F11 8 Glecyl

On 11th draw, BOONGA 1A 55 --- BOONGA (New Zealand) offensive word for a Pacific Islander [n]
Other moves: BOONG 1A 50, BOAT 1A 41, BOON 1A 41, BOOT 1A 41, BATOONED 8A 36
BOOT 1A 41 kellybelly
JONG 1L 36 Faeythe, margalang
JOTA 1L 33 yab
TONG A1 21 Glecyl
BOOT A1 21 jimbo, tminor
JAB 1L 12 naomiari

On 12th draw, OUTRAGED 13F 62 --- OUTRAGE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other tops: RAGOUTED 13F 62
Other moves: JUGA 1L 36, JATO 1L 33, JEAT 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, JOUR 1L 33
JUGA 1L 36 yab
JOUR 1L 33 Faeythe
JURE 1L 33 margalang
RATE L12 17 kellybelly
OUTRAGED 13F 12 tminor
JAR 1L 10 naomiari
GRATED 13H 9 jimbo
BOET A1 7 Glecyl
BORE A1 7 nyizzle

On 13th draw, CROAKY 14A 59 --- CROAKY low and hoarse [adj]
Other moves: CASKY 14B 57, CORKY 14B 57, ROCKY 14B 57, JOKY 1L 54, KARSY 14B 53
JOKY 1L 54 yab
JACK 1L 51 kellybelly, Faeythe, margalang, naomiari
JOCK 1L 51 jimbo
TOY H13 18 nyizzle
BOOKS A1 16 Glecyl

On 14th draw, AJIVA 1K 45 --- AJIVA inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: JAVA 1L 42, VACS A12 39, JAIL 1L 33, JILT 1L 33, SALIVA 15F 33
JAVA 1L 42 kellybelly
VACS A12 39 yab
JAIL 1L 33 margalang, Glecyl, naomiari
ORALIST B1 9 jimbo
SIC A12 6 nyizzle

On 15th draw, WICE A12 39 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other moves: WEEP 12L 34, WEEP L12 34, PICE A12 33, WINCE A11 33, WIN 14J 32
WICE A12 39 margalang
WEEP 12L 34 kellybelly
WINCE A11 33 yab
SPEW 3L 18 naomiari
VOW N1 18 Glecyl
TOP H13 15 nyizzle
PINED 8D 11 jimbo
FAWN E5 10 tminor

On 16th draw, SPOILER 3C 45 --- SPOILER one that spoils [n]
Other moves: SPOIL 15F 27, PROS 15C 26, POISER 3D 25, PIE 9K 24, QI 12D 24
SPOILER 3C 45 ste11a
PESO 12L 22 margalang
PER 12L 18 kellybelly
W*PS 12A 18 yab
SOPS 3L 12 jimbo
SPOILED 8B 11 tminor
NIPS D6 9 naomiari

On 17th draw, UNVOICED 8A 45 --- UNVOICE to deprive of voice or vocal quality [v]
Other moves: YIN 14J 32, YON 14J 32, RUNNY I3 30, YO 14J 29, YU 14J 29
YON 14J 32 ste11a, kellybelly
OY 15C 20 blue.sand
WINY 12A 20 yab
TOY H13 18 margalang
ENVY J5 12 tminor
SOY 3L 12 naomiari
PUN 6M 7 jimbo
NOUN D6 5 Glecyl

On 18th draw, WIT 14J 32 --- WIT intelligence [n] --- WIT to know [v]
Other moves: DITTY H11 30, TWAY D12 28, WEY 12L 28, WEY L12 28, YEW 12L 28
WIT 14J 32 ste11a
TWAY D12 28 kellybelly, margalang
YEW L12 28 mexals
WELT 12L 26 blue.sand
YET L12 22 naomiari
STY 3L 12 yab
SILT 3L 8 jimbo

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