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Game of May 18, 2011 at 15:16, 4 players
1. blue.sand -327
2. sunshine12 -532
3. naomiari -543

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acoprtv   H4    28    28   cavort
 2. ?dhorsu   5D    94   122   unhoards
 3. eilstuy   J3    72   194   sedulity
 4. adeghno   4A    30   224   hang
 5. aeelnot   F1    65   289   anethole
 6. deenpwy   1E    45   334   yawped
 7. aeeimru   A4    33   367   heaume
 8. ?cdmoov   B9    30   397   mooved
 9. adeknst   E8    77   474   dankest
10. ceggios  10D    25   499   onces
11. aeeinor  F10    24   523   canier
12. abiilnt   D9    29   552   boat
13. aelnort  15F    24   576   relator
14. eiijprx  A13    42   618   pix
15. aeiiorw  C13    28   646   we
16. ginoruz  14K    39   685   zori
17. eijlnnr  O12    29   714   rile
18. afiinqu   M9    44   758   faquir
19. bfgiiin  N10    31   789   bi
20. fgiijnn  K11    30   819   ginzo

Remaining tiles: fgijn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6450 Fileblue.sand   3 11:34  -327  492     1.6450 blue.sand   3 11:34  -327  492 
  2.5348 Filesunshine12  1 12:20  -532  287            Group: novice
  3.4284 Filenaomiari    0 19:49  -543  276     1.5348 sunshine12  1 12:20  -532  287 
  4.3312 FileIce         0 17:24  -709  110            Group: not rated
                                             1.4284 naomiari    0 19:49  -543  276 
                                             2.3312 Ice         0 17:24  -709  110 

On 1st draw, CAVORT H4 28 --- CAVORT to frolic [v]
Other tops: VAPOR H4 28
Other moves: CAPTOR H4 26, CARTOP H4 26, CARTOP H7 26, PARVO H4 26, CAPOT H4 24
VAPOR H4 28 blue.sand

On 2nd draw, U(N)HOARDS 5D 94 --- UNHOARD to take from a hoard [v]
Other tops: U(P)HOARDS 5D 94
Other moves: H(Y)DROUS 10B 82, CHORUS(E)D 4H 80, CHO(N)DRUS 4H 78, DOUR(A)HS 10B 76, DROU(T)HS 10B 76
HOUR G7 26 blue.sand
CRUDS 4H 16 Ice
HO(A)RDS 7G 13 naomiari

On 3rd draw, SEDULITY J3 72 --- SEDULITY the state of being diligent [n]
Other moves: ULYIE 4B 32, LUSTY 10F 30, LYES 4C 30, TYES 4C 30, STYLIE 10H 29
STYLE 10H 28 blue.sand
YIELDS J1 14 naomiari
SLUT K5 4 Ice

On 4th draw, HANG 4A 30 --- HANG to attach from above only [v]
Other tops: HONG 4A 30
Other moves: HOAED G7 28, HAED G7 27, HEAD G7 27, HOED G7 27, HAEN 4A 26
HEAD G7 27 blue.sand
HUNG D4 16 naomiari

On 5th draw, ANETHOLE F1 65 --- ANETHOLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ETHANOL A2 30, LETHEAN A1 30, EOTHEN A1 27, HANTLE A4 27, LATHEE A1 27
LATHE A1 24 naomiari
TEAL G7 14 blue.sand
HONE F5 9 Ice

On 6th draw, YAWPED 1E 45 --- YAWP to utter a loud, harsh cry [v]
Other moves: DEAWY 1D 42, HYPED A4 42, NEPHEW A1 42, WEANED 1D 42, YEANED 1D 42
PAWNED 1E 36 blue.sand
WAYED 1E 36 sunshine12
SEEP 3J 12 Ice

On 7th draw, HEAUME A4 33 --- HEAUME a medieval helmet [n]
Other tops: HAREEM A4 33, HERMAE A4 33, HERMAI A4 33, HUMERI A4 33
Other moves: HAREM A4 30, HARIM A4 30, HEAME A4 30, HERMA A4 30, URAEMIA B2 30
HAREEM A4 33 sunshine12
EME 3A 23 blue.sand
SERUM 3J 14 Ice
MEAN C1 12 naomiari

On 8th draw, MOOV(E)D B9 30 --- MOOVE to move [v]
Other moves: D(S)OMO B6 29, DO(T)COM B9 27, MOOV(E)D E8 26, M(H)O B6 25, (T)OMCOD B7 25
MOV(E)D E8 24 blue.sand
MOV(E)D I10 17 naomiari
AV(E) 6A 13 sunshine12

On 9th draw, DANKEST E8 77 --- DANK unpleasantly damp [adj]
Other moves: STANKED G9 71, INTAKE 8J 33, KNEADS B1 33, KVAS 12A 32, TAKES 10D 31
TEAK K8 25 blue.sand
STANKS 3J 20 sunshine12
ENDS K10 15 naomiari
DATE 14B 5 Ice

On 10th draw, ONCES 10D 25 --- ONCE one single time [n]
Other moves: COSIE C7 21, SCYE 10H 21, SOIGNE 10A 21, VICES 12B 20, VOCES 12B 20
VICES 12B 20 naomiari
ICE C7 13 blue.sand
TOSE 14E 6 Ice

On 11th draw, CANIER F10 24 --- CANY like cane [adj]
Other tops: CANOER F10 24
Other moves: CANOE F10 23, CONIA F10 23, CORIA F10 23, EVENER 12A 20, RANEE 2D 19
TRAINEE 14E 11 blue.sand
SORE 3J 8 Ice
RAIN C1 8 naomiari

On 12th draw, BOAT D9 29 --- BOAT to travel by boat (watercraft) [v]
Other moves: LIBANT B1 26, BIALI B2 24, ALB B4 23, BAL A13 21, BAN A13 21
BIT A13 21 blue.sand
RIB 15F 15 sunshine12
BIN C2 10 naomiari
TAB 9J 5 Ice

On 13th draw, RELATOR 15F 24 --- RELATOR one who relates [n]
Other tops: LEARNT B2 24, LOANER B2 24, REALTOR 15F 24
Other moves: LANATE B1 22, LORATE B1 22, ORNATE B1 22, RELATA B1 22, TOLANE 2B 22
RANTER 15F 18 blue.sand
RENTAL 15F 18 sunshine12
SNORT 3J 10 Ice
LEAN C1 8 naomiari

On 14th draw, PIX A13 42 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: WEX G1 40, EX G12 39, XI C13 37, REX A13 34, EX A14 30
PIX A13 42 blue.sand
AXE 6A 26 sunshine12
PAX B3 21 naomiari
TRIP 9J 9 Ice

On 15th draw, WE C13 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: WAE I7 28, WAI I7 28
Other moves: AWARE B2 26, RAW I5 26, REW C13 24, WE I7 22, REWAN 2B 21
WE I7 22 blue.sand
OWER K10 19 sunshine12
SAWER 3J 16 naomiari

On 16th draw, ZORI 14K 39 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: AZON 6A 37, ZO 3B 37, ZIG 14I 33, AZO 6A 32, ZIGAN B1 32
ZO 3B 37 blue.sand
ZOA B2 24 sunshine12
ZOO K13 12 naomiari, Ice

On 17th draw, RILE O12 29 --- RILE to anger [v]
Other moves: JINNI N10 28, INANER B2 24, JEAN B2 24, JINN C1 22, INLIER 8J 21
JEAN B2 24 naomiari, sunshine12
SINNER 3J 12 blue.sand

On 18th draw, FAQUIR M9 44 --- FAQUIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAQUIR 12J 36, FAQIR 12K 34, FAQIR M10 34, QUA 13I 34, QUA N10 34
QUA N10 34 blue.sand
QUAIR 12K 28 sunshine12
QUIN C1 26 naomiari

On 19th draw, BI N10 31 --- BI a bisexual [n]
Other moves: GINZO K11 30, GI N10 25, FANG B3 21, FIB L8 21, BANG B3 20
FIB L8 21 blue.sand
QI 11M 11 sunshine12
FIB 9M 8 naomiari

On 20th draw, GINZO K11 30 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other tops: JIG L8 30
Other moves: JIN L8 28, FIG L8 22, GIF L8 22, GJU 12K 22, JINN C1 22
JIG L8 30 blue.sand
JIN C2 20 sunshine12
JAB 10L 12 naomiari

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