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Game of May 18, 2011 at 19:49, 7 players
1. jeff -510
2. margalang -545
3. sunshine12 -633

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?estuvw   H3    30    30   swivet
 2. hinosty   9H    32    62   shinty
 3. acemors   K5    98   160   romances
 4. adeirsv  12G    78   238   advisers
 5. ?efhrtt   3B    80   318   farthest
 6. acennor   2E    28   346   ace
 7. beknopp   1E    46   392   bonk
 8. ademoot   B1    36   428   defoam
 9. eiloptz   A4    99   527   zlote
10. adeloru  13B    78   605   roulade
11. afinnoy  B10    38   643   fairy
12. aaeglnu  14H    78   721   leguaan
13. dijorwx  15G    63   784   wox
14. eelnptu   4A    31   815   zone
15. ailnopt   D2    70   885   prelation
16. bgiioru  15L    41   926   biog
17. eiinqru   2I    88  1014   inquire
18. degiijp   J6    60  1074   jedi

Remaining tiles: giipru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5710 Filejeff        0 17:48  -510  564     1.5710 jeff        0 17:48  -510  564 
  2.5516 Filemargalang   0 16:10  -545  529     2.5516 margalang   0 16:10  -545  529 
  3.5324 Filesunshine12  0 16:27  -633  441     3.5324 sunshine12  0 16:27  -633  441 
  4.5638 Filemichele     0 24:03  -654  420     4.5638 michele     0 24:03  -654  420 
  5.5468 FileTwoFold     0 15:26  -667  407     5.5468 TwoFold     0 15:26  -667  407 
  6.5273 Filern.roselle  2 25:01  -682  392     6.5273 rn.roselle  2 25:01  -682  392 
  7.3924 Filejimbo       0  6:24 -1008   66            Group: not rated
                                             1.3924 jimbo       0  6:24 -1008   66 

On 1st draw, SW(I)VET H3 30 --- SWIVET a state of nervous excitement [n]
Other tops: V(A)WTES H4 30
Other moves: V(A)WTE H4 28, V(I)EWS H4 28, W(A)VES H4 28, W(I)VES H4 28, SW(I)VET H4 24
W(I)VES H4 28 jeff
VETS H5 14 rn.roselle
WEST H5 14 margalang, michele

On 2nd draw, SHINTY 9H 32 --- SHINTY a game like hockey [n] --- SHINTY to play shinty [v]
Other tops: SHINTY 3H 32, SYNTHS 3C 32, SYNTHS 3H 32
Other moves: STONISH 3C 30, HOYS I7 29, TOYISH 9D 29, HOY I7 28, HYSON 9F 28
SHINTY 3H 32 rn.roselle
HOY I7 28 jeff
HOYS 9E 26 margalang
HONESTY 7E 15 michele

On 3rd draw, ROMANCES K5 98 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other tops: CREMONAS K4 98
Other moves: CASEWORM 4D 80, SYCAMORE M8 80, RACEMOSE 7E 68, RACEMOSE 7A 66, ROMANCE K5 44
CAMEOS 3C 22 michele
MAR 8M 22 jeff
COVERS 6F 19 margalang
TRACES L9 16 rn.roselle
OAR 8M 14 TwoFold

On 4th draw, ADVISERS 12G 78 --- ADVISER one who gives counsel [n]
Other moves: ADVISERS 12D 76, ADVISERS 3A 76, READVISE 11D 74, ADVISERS 3D 64, READVISE 7A 64
DRIVES L1 28 jeff, michele
AVE 8M 23 margalang, TwoFold
YEARDS M9 20 sunshine12
VASES 12I 16 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, F(A)RTHEST 3B 80 --- FAR at or to a great distance [adv] --- FARTHEST to the greatest distance [adv]
Other tops: F(U)RTHEST 3B 80
Other moves: TREF(A)H 13B 39, F(I)SHER N10 38, THR(I)FTY M3 38, FET(C)H 13C 37, FRE(S)H 13C 37
FEH 8M 35 margalang
F(A)H 8M 32 sunshine12
(B)ERTH 13C 31 jeff
DE(A)F H12 21 TwoFold
FE(E)T J3 13 michele
HEFTS 3D 12 rn.roselle

On 6th draw, ACE 2E 28 --- ACE to score a point against in a single stroke [v]
Other tops: CANE 4A 28, CARE 4A 28, CASERN N10 28, ECO 2E 28
Other moves: CANNER L1 26, CANNERY M3 26, CANOER L1 26, CANONRY M3 26, CONNER L1 26
CONE 2A 25 jeff
DACE H12 21 sunshine12
CANNER 13B 21 michele
ACE 8M 20 margalang
CHORE F2 18 TwoFold
CASE N10 12 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, BONK 1E 46 --- BONK to hit or thump, to have sexual intercourse [v]
Other tops: PENK 1E 46, PONK 1E 46
Other moves: KEPI J6 44, BOKE J4 42, KENO 1E 42, PEPO 1E 42, POKE J4 42
POKE 1G 35 TwoFold, jeff, michele
BOK 8M 34 margalang
PROBE D2 26 rn.roselle
DOPE H12 21 sunshine12

On 8th draw, DEFOAM B1 36 --- DEFOAM to remove foam from [v]
Other moves: MAFTED B1 32, MADE 4A 31, DAME 4A 30, MASTED N10 30, MODI J6 30
DOME J4 29 jeff
MOOTED 13B 27 michele
MAD 8M 25 margalang
TAMED L2 21 TwoFold
DOOM H12 21 sunshine12
AFOOT B2 20 jimbo
TRODE M11 12 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, ZLOTE A4 99 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: PLOTZ A4 70, TOZE J4 70, POZ J4 67, ZO J6 66, L*Z J4 65
ZO J6 66 michele, margalang, sunshine12
DOZE H12 42 TwoFold, jeff
ZOO 6J 32 rn.roselle
SIZE N12 26 jimbo

On 10th draw, ROULADE 13B 78 --- ROULADE a rolled up cake with a filling [n]
Other moves: ROULADE 11B 72, ROULADE B8 72, ROULADE 13A 71, ROULADE 11A 68, LOURED 13B 23
RADE J4 22 jeff
ADDER H11 21 sunshine12
DOSER N10 20 rn.roselle
LOUDER 13B 19 TwoFold
ADO 8M 17 margalang
DOVE 6F 12 jimbo

On 11th draw, FAIRY B10 38 --- FAIRY an imaginary supernatural being [n]
Other moves: YONI 14F 36, FAY 8M 35, FOY 8M 35, YON 14F 35, YONI J6 34
FAIRY B10 38 rn.roselle
FAY 8M 35 margalang
YON 14F 35 jeff
DEFY H12 33 TwoFold, sunshine12
FIN J11 11 michele
ANNOY C10 8 jimbo

On 12th draw, LEGUAAN 14H 78 --- LEGUAAN (South Africa) a very large lizard [n]
Other moves: AULNAGE 2I 72, ZONE 4A 31, UGALI J5 25, AINGA 12A 24, LINGA 12A 24
AGE J5 21 jeff, TwoFold
AGE 8M 17 margalang
AE A1 17 sunshine12
NAG 8M 17 michele
YEARN M9 16 rn.roselle

On 13th draw, WOX 15G 63 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: JO J6 54, OXID 15F 54, OX 14E 52, OX 15H 51, ROJI 15E 48
JO J6 54 jeff, margalang
OX A14 32 TwoFold
OX 15N 29 sunshine12
AX F13 25 rn.roselle

On 14th draw, ZONE 4A 31 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: PENULT L4 29, LEEP 15L 28, NEEP 15L 28, PENI J6 28, PULI J6 28
LEEP 15L 28 sunshine12
TUP 15M 19 margalang
NUT 8M 14 michele
PUNT D12 14 TwoFold
NET 15M 13 jeff
PEEL E10 12 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, PRELATION D2 70 --- PRELATION
Other moves: PILAO 15K 35, PILOT 15K 35, PINOT 15K 35, PITON 15K 35, ATOP 15L 28
ATOP 15L 28 jeff
PO J6 24 margalang
OPT 8M 20 TwoFold
NIP 8M 20 michele
TOP 15M 19 sunshine12
POINT 6J 15 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, BIOG 15L 41 --- BIOG a biography [n]
Other tops: BROG 15L 41
Other moves: GRUB 15L 36, BIOG 12A 28, BUROO C9 27, GIB 14D 27, GOB 14D 27
BIG 8M 25 sunshine12
BUG 8M 25 margalang, jeff
BOG C9 25 TwoFold
BO A14 19 michele
BOG 6J 12 rn.roselle

On 17th draw, INQUIRE 2I 88 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other moves: QUINE L1 50, QUIRE L1 50, ENQUIRY M3 40, INQUIRY M3 40, QIS N10 32
QUINE L1 50 michele
QUIRE L1 50 jeff
INQUIRY M3 40 rn.roselle, sunshine12
QUIN D12 28 margalang
QI 12A 21 TwoFold

On 18th draw, JEDI J6 60 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEEP O1 48, JUDGE L1 46, JIG C9 45, JEED O1 42, JUPE L1 42
JEEP O1 48 TwoFold, sunshine12, margalang, jeff, michele
JEED O1 42 rn.roselle

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