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Game of May 18, 2011 at 23:35, 6 players
1. Faeythe -573
2. darlinw1 -711
3. johnny55 -745

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?blorsw   H7    80    80   barlows
 2. abdeiln  12H    80   160   windable
 3. adenotw   M8    80   240   downbeat
 4. aceeinr  15G    83   323   increate
 5. acdfhmy   O8    45   368   chyme
 6. ?ijnruv  14J    43   411   unjam
 7. eenopsu   8B    62   473   eupnoeas
 8. aefhrtu   E5    40   513   haunter
 9. egimrrt   F1    31   544   retrim
10. degiort   L3    77   621   goitred
11. defiioo   1D    42   663   foredo
12. aflouvx   K2    51   714   falx
13. aegpsvy   M2    42   756   pays
14. aegikos   1L    52   808   kago
15. ainqstz  12A    59   867   zatis
16. egiioqu  B10    34   901   quag
17. aiilnot  A12    42   943   zati
18. eeiilov   D1    20   963   five
19. eiilnov  C10    31   994   intel

Remaining tiles: iov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5244 FileFaeythe     1 21:30  -573  421     1.5244 Faeythe     1 21:30  -573  421 
  2.  -  Filedarlinw1    0 14:53  -711  283            Group: not rated
  3.4428 Filejohnny55    0 12:41  -745  249     1.  -  darlinw1    0 14:53  -711  283 
  4.  -  Filebuzzboy     2  9:48  -764  230     2.4428 johnny55    0 12:41  -745  249 
  5.  -  Fileadnilf      0  7:00  -877  117     3.  -  buzzboy     2  9:48  -764  230 
  6.  -  FileLiann       0  5:24  -972   22     4.  -  adnilf      0  7:00  -877  117 
                                             5.  -  Liann       0  5:24  -972   22 

On 1st draw, B(A)RLOWS H7 80 --- BARLOW a jackknife [n]
Other tops: BOWL(E)RS H2 80
Other moves: BLOW(E)RS H4 78, BOWL(E)RS H4 78, B(A)RLOWS H4 78, BLOW(E)RS H2 74, BLOW(E)RS H3 74
BLOW(E)RS H8 22 johnny55

On 2nd draw, WINDABLE 12H 80 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [adj] --- WINDABLE able to be wound [adj]
Other moves: BINDABLE 7C 68, BINDABLE 7H 67, BILANDER 9A 63, BAL(A)DINE 8E 61, B(A)LADINE 8G 61
BALLED 10F 17 johnny55
BABEL 7F 11 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, DOWNBEAT M8 80 --- DOWNBEAT the first beat of a musical measure [n]
Other moves: WANTONED J7 68, DOWNBEAT 7D 66, DANEWORT 9B 65, TEARDOWN 9E 65, WALDO N10 34
WEANED O8 30 johnny55
WROTE 9G 13 Faeythe

On 4th draw, INCREATE 15G 83 --- INCREATE not created [adj]
Other moves: CINEREAL N5 78, CINEREA N2 75, CINEREA L2 74, CINEREA I4 72, CINEREAS 13A 72
CATER 15K 24 Faeythe
CRANE 9G 11 darlinw1
CARER 9F 9 johnny55

On 5th draw, CHYME O8 45 --- CHYME a self-digested food [n]
Other tops: CHAFED O8 45
Other moves: FADDY 8K 42, CADDY 8K 39, CHAFE O8 39, AYAH 14K 37, HAAF 14K 37
FAY 14L 33 Faeythe
FADDY K9 26 johnny55
MARCH 9F 16 darlinw1

On 6th draw, UNJA(M) 14J 43 --- UNJAM to undo things tightly crammed together [v]
Other moves: (A)JAR 14K 34, JAN(E) 14L 33, JAN(N) 14L 33, JAR 14L 33, JAR(K) 14L 33
JAR 14L 33 Faeythe
JIN J10 26 johnny55

On 7th draw, EUPNOE(A)S 8B 62 --- EUPNOEA normal breathing [n]
Other moves: PEONES L4 24, PEONES 14B 22, OE N9 21, UNPOSED K6 20, UPSEE L4 20
SWEY 10L 12 Faeythe
SPORE 9E 9 johnny55
BONUS 7H 8 adnilf

On 8th draw, HAUNTER E5 40 --- HAUNTER one that haunts [n]
Other moves: TREFAH L4 35, HAUF 9C 34, TREFAH 14B 33, FARTHEL 10B 29, HATEFUL 10B 29
FROTH F6 27 Faeythe
FEATHER B7 15 adnilf

On 9th draw, RETRIM F1 31 --- RETRIM to trim again [v] --- TRIM to make trim by cutting [v]
Other moves: GRIM F3 28, GEM F4 27, ITEM F3 27, MERIT F10 27, RIEM F3 27
GRIME L4 22 darlinw1
GRIMES 13C 20 adnilf
TIMED K8 16 johnny55
MITER 10B 15 Faeythe

On 10th draw, GOITRED L3 77 --- GOITRED afflicted with a goiter [adj]
Other tops: GRODIEST 13B 77
Other moves: GOITRED 14A 75, GOITERED B2 74, GOITERED 2B 70, GOITERED B4 64, DORTIER 1D 30
GORED 1D 27 Faeythe
GOITER 1A 24 darlinw1
RETROD 1F 21 adnilf

On 11th draw, FOREDO 1D 42 --- FOREDO to destroy [v]
Other tops: DOOFER 1A 42
Other moves: FIRED 1D 39, FORDO 1D 39, FIRIE 1D 36, FEOD F10 31, FED F10 30
FIRED 1D 39 darlinw1
ROOFED 1F 30 adnilf, johnny55
FRIED 1E 27 Faeythe

On 12th draw, FALX K2 51 --- FALX a sickle-shaped structure [n]
Other moves: FAUX M1 43, FLUX M1 43, FOX M2 41, VOX M2 41, FAX 7A 40
FOX M2 41 Faeythe
FLEX 10C 30 darlinw1, johnny55
FAUX C6 23 adnilf

On 13th draw, PAYS M2 42 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [v]
Other moves: YAPS M2 41, YEPS M2 41, GAYS M2 40, GYVES 12A 39, PEAGS M1 38
PAYS M2 42 buzzboy
YAPS M2 41 Faeythe
PAYS I5 24 darlinw1
GAPES B5 10 Liann

On 14th draw, KAGO 1L 52 --- KAGO a Japanese basketwork passenger litter [n]
Other moves: KAES 1L 49, KAIE 1L 49, KAIS 1L 49, KAGOS 12A 41, KAIES 12A 39
SIK 1M 31 buzzboy
SEEK B7 18 darlinw1
FAG D1 7 Faeythe
HIS 5E 6 Liann

On 15th draw, ZATIS 12A 59 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: QUINTAS C7 54, NAZIS 12A 41, AZINES 10A 37, QATS 12B 37, ZINS 12B 37
ZAS D4 35 buzzboy
SQUIZ C6 34 johnny55
QUIZ C7 33 Faeythe, darlinw1

On 16th draw, QUAG B10 34 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAI B10 33, QUA B10 32, QUITE 3C 30, QUOTE 3C 30, QUIET 3B 28
QUAG B10 34 Faeythe
QUAI B10 33 buzzboy
QUITE 3C 30 darlinw1

On 17th draw, ZATI A12 42 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: TAIL N9 30, FINIAL D1 29, FONTAL D1 29, INTIL C10 29, AGIN 13A 27
ZATI A12 42 buzzboy
ANT J5 16 darlinw1
AT J5 15 Faeythe
OIL O1 3 Liann

On 18th draw, FIVE D1 20 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other tops: LEVITE 3B 20, LOOIE 11G 20
Other moves: EVOE 2A 19, LEVE 2A 19, LIVE 2A 19, LOVE 2A 19, VELE 2A 19
VIOLET 3A 18 buzzboy
VIN J10 14 Faeythe
OIL O1 3 Liann

On 19th draw, INTEL C10 31 --- INTEL military intelligence [n]
Other moves: INTO C10 29, OLIVINE B2 24, INVITE 3B 20, LOOIE 11G 20, VOILES I3 19
INTO C10 29 buzzboy
INVITE 3B 20 darlinw1
VIN J10 14 Faeythe

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