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Game of May 19, 2011 at 00:21, 6 players
1. buzzboy -193
2. lorrie1161 -589
3. cennet77 -733

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aekmrsz   H4    56    56   zerks
 2. acdelst   5E    40    96   tedesca
 3. ?aanotw   4A    24   120   whata
 4. beioosy   3C    35   155   yebo
 5. gosuvxy   2F    29   184   yugs
 6. eilnopv   A4    33   217   wolve
 7. ?efhiir   8H    89   306   shiftier
 8. deglmoo   6A    28   334   loomed
 9. delnopx   4K    50   384   podex
10. ehiprrw   3L    42   426   wipe
11. aabeelt   O8    83   509   rateable
12. cfiosuv   M7    38   547   vicious
13. aeilnrr   B8    70   617   larnier
14. diinnot   2M    33   650   nod
15. ehmnnru   6J    37   687   hm
16. aagnrtt  A12    30   717   gnat
17. aefgitt   1G    32   749   gaitt
18. einoruu  L11    20   769   inure
19. aijlnor  15H    39   808   joiner
20. afilnqu  J14    31   839   qi

Remaining tiles: afilnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filebuzzboy     7 23:03  -193  646     1.  -  buzzboy     7 23:03  -193  646 
  2.  -  Filelorrie1161  2 15:50  -589  250     2.  -  lorrie1161  2 15:50  -589  250 
  3.  -  Filecennet77    0 13:05  -733  106     3.  -  cennet77    0 13:05  -733  106 
  4.  -  Filedarlinw1    0  2:32  -781   58     4.  -  darlinw1    0  2:32  -781   58 
  5.  -  FileLiann       0  1:39  -815   24     5.  -  Liann       0  1:39  -815   24 
  6.  -  Filelonda830    0  3:12  -817   22     6.  -  londa830    0  3:12  -817   22 

On 1st draw, ZERKS H4 56 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other moves: MAZERS H4 40, MAZER H4 38, MAZES H4 38, ZERKS H8 38, MAZERS H3 36
ZERKS H4 56 buzzboy
MAZERS H4 40 darlinw1
MARKS H8 24 Liann

On 2nd draw, TEDESCA 5E 40 --- TEDESCA German (fem) [n]
Other moves: CELESTA 5E 36, SELECTA 5E 36, ZEALS 4H 28, ZETAS 4H 28, CADE I3 26
ZETAS 4H 28 buzzboy
TACKLED 7E 18 darlinw1

On 3rd draw, W(H)ATA 4A 24 --- WHATA a building on stilts or a raised platform for storing provisions [n]
Other tops: WAN(N)A 4A 24, WA(N)NA 4A 24, WON(G)A 4A 24
Other moves: AS(E)A I4 23, TAWAS I1 23, WANT(S) 4A 23, WA(G)ON 6B 23, WONT(S) 4A 23
NAW 4D 19 buzzboy

On 4th draw, YEBO 3C 35 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other moves: YOBS I7 31, OYES 3B 30, YOB I7 30, YES 3C 27, BOYOS 4K 26
YOBS I7 31 buzzboy

On 5th draw, YUGS 2F 29 --- YUG an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other moves: GOOSEY F1 28, YGO 2F 28, YOUS 2F 28, YUG 2F 28, YOS 2F 27
YUGS 2F 29 buzzboy
SOX 8H 10 cennet77

On 6th draw, WOLVE A4 33 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other tops: WOVEN A4 33
Other moves: VIEW A1 30, PLEW A1 27, PLOW A1 27, LIVEN 6B 22, LOIPEN 6A 22
WOVEN A4 33 buzzboy
WIPE A4 9 cennet77

On 7th draw, SHIF(T)IER 8H 89 --- SHIFTY dubious [adj]
Other moves: FI(S)HIER B8 79, FIRESHI(P) 8D 67, FI(N)ISHER 8D 67, FIR(T)H 6F 58, FI(S)HER 6C 40
FI(S)HIER B8 29 buzzboy
CHIEF J5 21 lorrie1161
HARE K4 7 cennet77

On 8th draw, LOOMED 6A 28 --- LOOM to appear in an enlarged and indistinct form [v]
Other tops: GEM 6D 28
Other moves: EM 6E 26, MOE 9I 25, MODGE 4K 24, MOOED 4K 24, MOR 6F 24
MOOED 4K 24 buzzboy
HOMED I8 12 lorrie1161

On 9th draw, PODEX 4K 50 --- PODEX the rump [n]
Other moves: EXPLODE N8 46, EXPO 7L 45, VEX 7A 40, VOX 7A 40, EXO 7L 38
EXPLODE N8 46 buzzboy
OXEN C6 20 lorrie1161
HEX I8 14 cennet77

On 10th draw, WIPE 3L 42 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: PREX O1 39, WHEEP N2 38, HIRE 3L 36, WIRE 3L 36, HEW 3L 34
PREX O1 39 buzzboy
WIPER N1 20 lorrie1161
WIPE M7 16 cennet77

On 11th draw, RATEABLE O8 83 --- RATEABLE capable of being rated [adj]
Other moves: EATABLE 1I 82, EATABLE B8 74, HATEABLE I8 67, HEATABLE I8 67, TAAL 2L 38
RATEABLE O8 33 buzzboy
TAPE N1 12 lorrie1161
BELT N7 8 cennet77

On 12th draw, VICIOUS M7 38 --- VICIOUS dangerously aggressive [adj]
Other moves: COS 2M 36, COIFS 6K 25, CUIFS 6K 25, COIF 6K 24, CUIF 6K 24
COS 2M 36 buzzboy
SIC 9A 20 lorrie1161

On 13th draw, LARNIER B8 70 --- LARNEY of clothes, smart [adj]
Other moves: AIRLINER J7 62, ALEXIN O1 39, NAILER 1G 34, ILEX O1 33, LAR 2M 30
LAR 2M 30 buzzboy
NAILERS 13G 9 lorrie1161

On 14th draw, NOD 2M 33 --- NOD to give a quick forward motion of the head [v]
Other tops: DOT 2M 33, TOD 2M 33
Other moves: NOT 2M 30, OD 2N 27, DANTON 9A 21, DINO L10 21, DO 2M 21
TOD 2M 33 buzzboy
FIND K8 16 lorrie1161

On 15th draw, HM 6J 37 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: HEM A13 31, HUM A13 31, HERM 2A 29, HEM C13 28, HM L11 27
HEM A13 31 lorrie1161
HUM A13 31 buzzboy

On 16th draw, GNAT A12 30 --- GNAT a small winged insect [n]
Other tops: GNAR A12 30, GRAN A12 30, GRAT A12 30
Other moves: ATTAR A11 27, ANGA L10 22, TRAT A12 22, GANT L12 20, GART L12 20
GRAN A12 30 buzzboy
GRANTS 13H 8 lorrie1161
RAG 14B 4 cennet77

On 17th draw, GAITT 1G 32 --- GAITT a child [n]
Other moves: EFT C12 31, FETA C12 30, FETT C12 30, FEG C13 29, GAIT 1G 29
EFT C12 31 buzzboy
FEAT K8 14 cennet77, londa830
GIFTS 13I 11 lorrie1161

On 18th draw, INURE L11 20 --- INURE to accustom oneself to accept unpleasant things [v]
Other moves: ONE C11 18, RAINE 9A 18, ONE 9I 17, OURN 2A 17, RAIN 9A 17
ONE C11 18 buzzboy
HORN I8 8 cennet77
HIRE I8 8 londa830

On 19th draw, JOINER 15H 39 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other tops: JAILER 15H 39
Other moves: JARL 2A 31, RAJA 9A 31, RAJ 9A 30, JAR 14J 26, JAR 2A 26
JAILER 15H 39 buzzboy, lorrie1161
HAIR I8 8 cennet77

On 20th draw, QI J14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MAQUI D6 26, AQUA 9B 23, FA 7C 22, IF 9I 17, INFULA J8 17
QI J14 31 lorrie1161, buzzboy
FRAIL 10A 8 cennet77

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