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Game of May 19, 2011 at 04:57, 5 players
1. TwoFold -420
2. johnny55 -646
3. Faeythe -693

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agiosty   H4    26    26   yogis
 2. ?eeruuv   4D    22    48   every
 3. aceltvx   G6    42    90   axel
 4. ??aadov   C3    83   173   bravado
 5. aeoprst   B8    85   258   esparto
 6. cdeinow   A4    51   309   endow
 7. aefiknp  A11    39   348   faine
 8. adefnrt  C12    32   380   fade
 9. aeiimpt   9E    24   404   palmiet
10. ehhrtuw   8J    46   450   wuther
11. aeilmnn   E7    74   524   impannel
12. aelotuz   F2    42   566   zoeal
13. enoqrsu   L3    44   610   roquets
14. bcegilr   2L    35   645   crib
15. beghnor   1N    32   677   ho
16. cijostu  15E    46   723   sijo
17. ginrtuy  10J    33   756   yu
18. eiinrtt  14H    70   826   nittier
19. dgiklnu   N5    68   894   dukeling

Remaining tiles: bcgt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5536 FileTwoFold     5 20:52  -420  474     1.5536 TwoFold     5 20:52  -420  474 
  2.4419 Filejohnny55    0 19:57  -646  248     2.5248 Faeythe     1 10:21  -693  201 
  3.5248 FileFaeythe     1 10:21  -693  201            Group: not rated
  4.  -  FileCLB5        0  9:52  -756  138     1.4419 johnny55    0 19:57  -646  248 
  5.  -  Filesarahlb2    0  1:02  -887    7     2.  -  CLB5        0  9:52  -756  138 
                                             3.  -  sarahlb2    0  1:02  -887    7 

On 1st draw, YOGIS H4 26 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: GOATY H8 26, STAGY H8 26, STOGY H8 26, YAGIS H4 26, YOGAS H4 26
Other moves: GOATY H4 22, STAGY H4 20, STOGY H4 20, YAGIS H8 20, YOGAS H8 20
STAGY H8 26 TwoFold
STAGY H5 18 johnny55

On 2nd draw, EVERY 4D 22 --- EVERY each without exception [adj]
Other tops: REVE(R)Y 4C 22, VEERY 4D 22, VER(R)EY 4C 22, VE(N)ERY 4C 22, VE(R)REY 4C 22, (C)URVEY 4C 22, (K)URVEY 4C 22, (P)URVEY 4C 22, (R)EVERY 4C 22, (S)EVERY 4C 22, (S)URVEY 4C 22
Other moves: EVE(R)Y 4D 20, EV(E)RY 4D 20, VEE(R)Y 4D 20, VER(R)Y 4D 20, VE(E)RY 4D 20
(S)EVERY 4C 22 TwoFold
GREE(T) 6H 7 johnny55

On 3rd draw, AXEL G6 42 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: AXE G6 40, AX G6 37, EXCEL F1 30, VEXT 3A 30, VEXT E4 28
AXEL G6 42 TwoFold
VEX E4 26 johnny55

On 4th draw, (B)(R)AVADO C3 83 --- BRAVADO a display of bravery [n] --- BRAVADO to display bravery [v]
Other moves: AVO(C)AD(O) F9 73, AV(O)(C)ADO F9 73, DO(G)VA(N)ES 8A 42, (C)O(U)VADES 8A 42, (V)A(I)VODES 8A 42
DOV(E)(S) E2 14 TwoFold
DOVES 8D 11 CLB5, johnny55

On 5th draw, ESPARTO B8 85 --- ESPARTO a strong Spanish grass [n]
Other moves: SEAPORT 10G 77, ESPARTO D8 76, OVERPAST E3 76, PROTEAS B9 76, ESPARTO 10F 75
PADS 8A 24 TwoFold

On 6th draw, ENDOW A4 51 --- ENDOW to provide with something [v]
Other tops: INDEW A4 51, INDOW A4 51, WIDEN A4 51
Other moves: CODEN A4 45, COW A6 45, CODEIN A3 42, DEW A6 42, DOW A6 42
ENDOW A4 51 TwoFold
WED 8A 21 johnny55

On 7th draw, FAINE A11 39 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other moves: KEEF F3 34, FRANK 12A 32, FREAK 12A 32, NEIF F3 30, AKE A13 29
TINK 13B 16 johnny55
RINK 12B 16 CLB5
NA A14 8 TwoFold

On 8th draw, FADE C12 32 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: DEAF F3 31, DEARN C11 31, FAND C12 31, FARD C12 31, FAD C12 30
RAFTED F8 23 TwoFold
FEED F2 16 johnny55

On 9th draw, PALMIET 9E 24 --- PALMIET a riverside plant [n]
Other tops: TEAM F3 24, TEEM F3 24
Other moves: PALMIE 9E 23, PELMA 9E 22, VAMP E4 22, MAP F8 20, MAVIE E2 20
PAVE E2 18 TwoFold
OMIT 5H 12 johnny55

On 10th draw, WUTHER 8J 46 --- WUTHER to blow with a dull roaring sound [v]
Other moves: THEW 10I 35, HEH 10D 34, HEW 10D 34, HETH 10J 33, HETH F3 33
HEW 10D 34 TwoFold
THREW K9 22 johnny55

On 11th draw, IMPANNEL E7 74 --- IMPANNEL to put onto a list for jury duty [v]
Other moves: MALINE 10J 33, MENIAL 10J 33, MAILE 10J 32, ENAMINE 15C 30, MAIL 10J 29
NAM 10D 25 TwoFold
MA 9M 19 Faeythe
MINERAL O4 12 johnny55

On 12th draw, ZOEAL F2 42 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [adj] --- ZOEAL pertaining to a zoea [adj]
Other moves: HALUTZ M8 38, ZOEAE N6 36, ZOEAL N6 36, AGAZE 6G 35, TEAZEL N7 35
ZEE N6 32 Faeythe
ZEE F2 32 TwoFold
LAZE N5 15 johnny55

On 13th draw, ROQUETS L3 44 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other moves: QUEENS N6 37, QUEERS N6 37, QUERNS N6 37, QUEEN N6 36, QUEER N6 36
QUEENS N6 37 johnny55
QUERN N6 36 Faeythe

On 14th draw, CRIB 2L 35 --- CRIB to confine closely [v]
Other moves: BICE 2J 33, CLEG 2L 33, CEIL 2L 31, CIEL 2L 31, CIG 2L 31
BE 10J 27 TwoFold
BIZ 2D 14 Faeythe
BERG O6 7 johnny55

On 15th draw, HO 1N 32 --- HO a prostitute -- usually taken to be offensive [n] --- HO to stop [v] --- HO used to express surprise [interj]
Other moves: OBE 10I 30, BAH 10D 29, EGO 1M 29, BO 1N 28, BE 10J 27
HO 1N 32 Faeythe, TwoFold
HERB N7 15 johnny55

On 16th draw, SIJO 15E 46 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: SCOUT 15E 34, SOUCT 15E 34, STOIC 15E 34, SCOT 15E 31, SCUT 15E 31
JEST 7K 30 TwoFold
JOUST 6J 30 Faeythe
JOIST 4K 13 johnny55

On 17th draw, YU 10J 33 --- YU a precious jade [n]
Other tops: YIRTH M4 33
Other moves: NY 10I 32, IVY E3 30, AYU F9 29, GAY 10D 28, NAY 10D 27
YIN M4 24 TwoFold
ZIG 2F 13 Faeythe

On 18th draw, NITTIER 14H 70 --- NITTY full of nits [adj]
Other tops: NITRITE 14H 70, RETINITE N7 70, TINTIER 14H 70
Other moves: INTERTIE N5 62, ERINITE N8 18, NIT M4 18, RIN M4 18, RIT M4 18
NIT M4 18 TwoFold
ZIT 2F 12 Faeythe
INTER N5 7 sarahlb2

On 19th draw, DUKELING N5 68 --- DUKELING a petty duke [n]
Other moves: GUILD 13I 35, KI 13I 24, KINGED M10 24, KLUGED M10 24, UNKID L11 24
KI 13I 24 TwoFold
ZIG 2F 13 Faeythe

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