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Game of May 19, 2011 at 08:50, 6 players
1. kellybelly -558
2. margalang -709
3. sathish -779

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eimnou   H4    72    72   moineau
 2. ?dhkuwz   6F    47   119   whizz
 3. adeefgs  11C    31   150   fadges
 4. ceiostu  12A    27   177   cues
 5. ceiiory   K2    43   220   ricey
 6. deknopr  13D    71   291   pronked
 7. ginorrt  14I    77   368   rorting
 8. eeinosx  14D    59   427   sex
 9. aaeehot  15E    37   464   hote
10. egiinvw   N8    67   531   vinewing
11. abeiqrt   M9    47   578   qat
12. aaefilo  A10    33   611   facial
13. aeilrrs   8B    59   670   realiser
14. adelnou   B1    76   746   unloader
15. adejntt   1A    45   791   jutted
16. beimotu   2H    34   825   imbrute
17. aaabilo   1H    35   860   boa
18. aainopv  15L    32   892   ingo
19. aalopvy   4K    32   924   copay

Remaining tiles: alv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7042 Filekellybelly  3  9:24  -558  366     1.7042 kellybelly  3  9:24  -558  366 
  2.5527 Filemargalang   0 12:37  -709  215            Group: novice
  3.2446 Filesathish     0 11:12  -779  145     1.5527 margalang   0 12:37  -709  215 
  4.4374 FileCruiser     0  5:05  -814  110     2.5253 Faeythe     1  3:14  -865   59 
  5.5253 FileFaeythe     1  3:14  -865   59            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filekatelucy99  0  3:14  -910   14     1.2446 sathish     0 11:12  -779  145 
                                             2.4374 Cruiser     0  5:05  -814  110 
                                             3.  -  katelucy99  0  3:14  -910   14 

On 1st draw, MOINE(A)U H4 72 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other tops: MEOUIN(G) H4 72
Other moves: MEOUIN(G) H2 68, MEOUIN(G) H3 68, MEOUIN(G) H7 68, MEOUIN(G) H8 68, MOINE(A)U H2 68

On 2nd draw, WHI(Z)Z 6F 47 --- WHIZZ to move rapidly with a hissing sound [v]
Other tops: Z(O)UK G9 47
Other moves: DZ(O) G8 46, MUZH(I)K 4H 46, (A)DZ G7 46, Z(O) G9 41, (M)UZHIK 6D 41

On 3rd draw, FADGES 11C 31 --- FADGE to succeed [v]
Other tops: SHEAF G5 31
Other moves: FASHED G3 30, FEASED 11E 29, FADES 11D 27, FEEDS 11D 27, SAFED 11H 27
FEED 8G 8 sathish

On 4th draw, CUES 12A 27 --- CUE to give a signal to an actor [v]
Other moves: CUSHIE G3 26, COUTHIE G2 25, WHI(Z)ZIEST 6F 25, TOCO 5E 24, ICES 12A 23
ZEST J6 13 sathish

On 5th draw, RICEY K2 43 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other tops: COREY K2 43, COYER K4 43
Other moves: CORY K3 41, RICY K3 41, COY K4 39, CRY K4 39, ICY K4 39

On 6th draw, PRONKED 13D 71 --- PRONK to show off [v]
Other moves: POKED 1K 52, POKER 1K 49, PROKE 1K 49, PRONK 1K 49, POCKED A10 45
PRIDE 3I 22 sathish

On 7th draw, RORTING 14I 77 --- RORT to falsify accounts [v]
Other moves: RORTING 12I 75, TRICORN A9 27, ROTING 14I 25, ORGIC A8 24, CROG A12 21
GRIND E7 7 sathish
ROT 2K 3 katelucy99

On 8th draw, SEX 14D 59 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: EXO 14E 55, EX 14E 52, EXINES 15E 46, EXCISE A10 45, EXINES 15D 45
SEX 14D 59 kellybelly
(A)XES 9H 18 sathish
ROSE 2K 8 katelucy99

On 9th draw, HOTE 15E 37 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: ETHE L2 34, ETH L2 30, HATE 15H 30, HETE 15H 30, THE L3 30
HOTE 15E 37 kellybelly
EAT 5K 3 katelucy99

On 10th draw, VINEWING N8 67 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: VIEWING O8 45, VICING A10 36, WRING 2J 34, VINIC A8 30, WINGE O11 30
WRING 2J 34 kellybelly
W(A)VE 9G 17 sathish

On 11th draw, QAT M9 47 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 13M 44, QI M13 44, QI M9 44, BURQA 10G 40, BRAVE 8K 33
QI M13 44 margalang
BRAVE 8K 33 kellybelly
RATE 2K 8 sathish

On 12th draw, FACIAL A10 33 --- FACIAL a beauty treatment for the face [n]
Other tops: FACIAE A10 33, FACILE A10 33, FECIAL A10 33
Other moves: FRAIL 2J 32, FOLIC A8 30, CALIF 4K 28, HAAF G6 28, CAFE A12 27
FRAIL 2J 32 kellybelly
CAFE A12 27 margalang

On 13th draw, REALISER 8B 59 --- REALISER one that realises [n]
Other moves: SALE O9 29, SILE O9 29, LASHER G3 22, MARCELS 4H 22, RASHER G3 22
CARES 4K 16 margalang, kellybelly
RESALE 8C 7 sathish

On 14th draw, UNLOADER B1 76 --- UNLOADER one that unloads [n]
Other moves: UNLOADER 2D 63, LADRONE 2H 24, LAUNDER B2 24, LOUNDER B2 24, ALONG O10 21
LAUNDER B2 24 kellybelly
DO 5E 11 margalang
DON J13 4 sathish

On 15th draw, JUTTED 1A 45 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JOTTED 4A 44, JEAN A4 43, JEAT A4 43, JUNTA 1A 39, JOTA 4A 38
JUTTED 1A 45 kellybelly
JUNTA 1A 39 margalang
JUT 1A 30 Cruiser
TAINTED 3I 18 sathish

On 16th draw, IMBRUTE 2H 34 --- IMBRUTE to make brutal [v]
Other moves: BROME 2J 30, BRUME 2J 30, BIOME C4 28, BRUIT 2J 26, BRUTE 2J 26
BRUTE 2J 26 Cruiser
BOOM 4A 22 margalang
BOOT 4A 18 kellybelly
BITE 11K 12 sathish

On 17th draw, BOA 1H 35 --- BOA a large snake [n]
Other tops: BAA 1H 35
Other moves: BA 1H 28, BO 1H 28, BALATA L10 26, OBIA C3 25, ABA 1M 21
BAA 1H 35 Faeythe
BOOL 4A 18 kellybelly
BOIL 4A 18 Cruiser, margalang
BAN 10L 5 sathish

On 18th draw, INGO 15L 32 --- INGO the inner sides of a doorway [n]
Other moves: NAPA 1L 30, NIPA 1L 30, JAAP A1 27, PAV L10 24, PAIN A4 23
PAV L10 24 Faeythe
PAIN A4 23 kellybelly
POON 4A 18 margalang
VAT L12 12 Cruiser

On 19th draw, COPAY 4K 32 --- COPAY a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patient [n]
Other tops: POOVY 4A 32
Other moves: PLAY A4 29, PLOY A4 29, COALY 4K 28, VIA 13M 28, JAAP A1 27
JAAP A1 27 kellybelly
POLY 4A 24 Cruiser
YA 1N 20 margalang
VAN 10L 6 sathish

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