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Game of May 19, 2011 at 09:36, 8 players
1. margalang -400
2. Cruiser -633
3. MarsBar -670

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeiprw   H4    80    80   wiretap
 2. aemnoqy   6F    38   118   qorma
 3. ?deehrt   8H    83   201   tethered
 4. bceiitu   O8    98   299   decubiti
 5. acerrss  11E    98   397   crasser
 6. degiijn   5J    33   430   jedi
 7. adelosv   N1    37   467   vadose
 8. deeinnr   1J    36   503   endive
 9. eflosty  14J    40   543   flyest
10. aenopru  10F    39   582   unpaper
11. aainrtx   2H    54   636   taxa
12. aagiotv   1E    30   666   vagi
13. egilnoy   3I    35   701   yogi
14. aikloor  15G    34   735   korai
15. elmntuz  M11    30   765   mzee
16. bfnotuw   O1    25   790   enow
17. fhnottu  12A    37   827   fouth
18. bgilnot  13C    30   857   toing
19. bllnotu  14A    29   886   blunt

Remaining tiles: llno

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5531 Filemargalang   0 19:45  -400  486     1.5531 margalang   0 19:45  -400  486 
  2.4401 FileCruiser     0 14:09  -633  253     2.5246 Faeythe     0  5:23  -792   94 
  3.  -  FileMarsBar     1 12:26  -670  216            Group: not rated
  4.  -  FileChingy      0 16:16  -702  184     1.4401 Cruiser     0 14:09  -633  253 
  5.2974 FileGlecyl      0 22:37  -708  178     2.  -  MarsBar     1 12:26  -670  216 
  6.5246 FileFaeythe     0  5:23  -792   94     3.  -  Chingy      0 16:16  -702  184 
  7.  -  FileRooster     0  1:41  -858   28     4.2974 Glecyl      0 22:37  -708  178 
  8.  -  Filepurvy61     0  3:27  -876   10     5.  -  Rooster     0  1:41  -858   28 
                                             6.  -  purvy61     0  3:27  -876   10 

On 1st draw, WIRE(T)AP H4 80 --- WIRETAP to intercept messages by means of a concealed monitoring device [v]
Other tops: PAW(K)IER H2 80, WA(S)PIER H4 80
Other moves: PAW(K)IER H4 78, WIRE(T)AP H6 78, PAW(K)IER H3 74, PAW(K)IER H6 74, PAW(K)IER H7 74
WIPER H4 28 Rooster
WRAP(S) H4 26 margalang
(S)WIPER H7 22 Cruiser
PAIRE H8 16 Glecyl

On 2nd draw, QORMA 6F 38 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: MAYO G7 37, MAYO I7 37, MOYA I7 37, MONEY G5 34, MAY G7 32
YAM G7 32 Faeythe
YOM I9 25 margalang
WOMEN 4H 20 Cruiser
YAWN 4F 10 Chingy

On 3rd draw, (T)(E)THERED 8H 83 --- TETHER to fasten to a fixed object with a rope [v]
Other tops: (T)ETHER(E)D 8H 83
Other moves: WRET(C)HED 4H 82, WRE(A)THED 4H 82, W(I)THERED 4H 82, W(U)THERED 4H 82, DIETHER(S) 5G 81
HER(S) K3 28 margalang
H(I)DER I9 25 Faeythe
WR(A)TH 4H 20 Chingy
Q(U)EER F6 15 Cruiser
HEART 9F 10 Glecyl

On 4th draw, DECUBITI O8 98 --- DECUBITUS posture in bed [n]
Other moves: BRUCITE M7 30, CUBE 7J 26, BEET 7G 25, CUBITI 7A 24, CUTE 7J 22
BICE 5J 20 margalang
QUITE F6 16 Cruiser
QUIET F6 16 MarsBar
QUIT F6 13 Glecyl
TUBED O4 9 Chingy

On 5th draw, CRASSER 11E 98 --- CRASS grossly vulgar or stupid [adj]
Other moves: CRASSER 11D 80, SCARERS 11B 80, SCARRES 11B 80, CARESSER N2 76, CARESSER L2 70
RACERS K1 33 margalang
SCRAPERS 10D 16 Chingy
RECESS L7 16 MarsBar
CREWS 4E 10 Cruiser

On 6th draw, JEDI 5J 33 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEEING J10 32, GIDJEE N3 31, JEDI 7C 31, JEED N6 31, JIG 5J 31
JEDI J10 28 MarsBar, Chingy
JADE 9G 28 margalang
JIB 12M 12 Cruiser
HEIRING K8 11 Glecyl

On 7th draw, VADOSE N1 37 --- VADOSE located above the permanent groundwater level [adj]
Other moves: VALSE N2 33, ALDOSE N1 31, DEVAS N1 31, DOVES N1 31, VADES N1 31
DOVES N1 31 margalang, Cruiser
LOVES N1 29 Chingy
VALIDER M2 24 Glecyl
SOLE N5 19 MarsBar

On 8th draw, ENDIVE 1J 36 --- ENDIVE an herb cultivated as a salad plant [n]
Other moves: DERIVE 1J 33, INNERVE 1I 33, DIVE 1L 30, DRIVE 1K 30, IDEE 7F 29
ENDIVE 1J 36 MarsBar
DRIVE 1K 30 Cruiser, margalang
DIVE 1L 30 Faeythe
DRIED 3J 14 Chingy
RICE E9 6 Glecyl

On 9th draw, FLYEST 14J 40 --- FLY knowing [adj]
Other moves: FOETAL 2J 39, PEYOTL 10H 36, FLYTED 3I 34, FOYLED 3I 34, FY 2J 34
OF 2I 26 margalang
FROSTY F10 22 MarsBar
EYE J1 14 Chingy
SLOB 12L 12 Cruiser
YORE F9 9 Glecyl
AFT G11 7 Faeythe

On 10th draw, UNPAPER 10F 39 --- UNPAPER to remove paper from [v]
Other moves: UNPOPE 10F 38, POPERA 10H 30, PAPER 10H 29, PUPAE 10H 29, UNROPE 15E 29
PONE 10J 24 margalang
PRUNER F10 16 Cruiser
PACER E9 9 Chingy
ROUL K11 4 Glecyl

On 11th draw, TAXA 2H 54 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: NIX 2H 51, RAX 2H 51, TAX 2H 51, TIX 2H 51, AX 2I 50
TAX 2H 51 margalang
TAXI 13G 25 Chingy
TAXER M11 24 MarsBar
TEX M13 20 Cruiser

On 12th draw, VAGI 1E 30 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other tops: VIGA 1E 30
Other moves: VIGA 15G 29, AGITA 1D 27, TAIGA 1D 27, TAVA 1E 27, VITA 1E 27
VIA 15H 23 margalang
VOTE M11 14 MarsBar
VET M13 12 Cruiser
GOD L3 10 Chingy
AT H1 6 Glecyl

On 13th draw, YOGI 3I 35 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: ELOGY 15F 35, LINGY 15F 35
Other moves: LONGED 3I 34, YONI 3I 33, GLEY 15G 32, GOEY 15G 32, GYNIE 15F 32
VEINY E1 22 Cruiser
VINYL E1 22 MarsBar
LOGE 15G 20 margalang
VEIL E1 7 Glecyl

On 14th draw, KORAI 15G 34 --- KORE an ancient Greek statue of a young woman [n]
Other moves: KAROO 12I 33, KARO 12I 31, ILKA 15G 29, KOLA 15G 29, KORA 15G 29
LI 7E 13 margalang
COOK E11 10 Cruiser, Glecyl
VIAL E1 7 MarsBar

On 15th draw, MZEE M11 30 --- MZEE an old person in East Africa [n]
Other tops: MEZE M11 30, MZEE M12 30
Other moves: MOZ 4M 28, ZEK G13 26, ZIN M4 25, ZIT M4 25, L*Z M13 24
ZIT M4 25 margalang
AMEN F1 12 MarsBar
CENT E11 6 Glecyl
NUB 12M 5 Cruiser
AT F1 4 purvy61

On 16th draw, ENOW O1 25 --- ENOW enough [n]
Other tops: BOW G5 25
Other moves: OF O3 21, OOF G5 21, OW O3 21, TOW G5 21, UFO 7K 20
OW O3 21 margalang
COUNT E11 7 Glecyl
C*NT E11 6 purvy61

On 17th draw, FOUTH 12A 37 --- FOUTH abundance [n]
Other moves: FOHN 12C 30, FOH 12C 25, OOF G5 21, OOH G5 21, HOUF 9C 20
HIN M4 17 margalang
FOUR F8 7 Glecyl

On 18th draw, TOING 13C 30 --- TOING as in toing and froing [n]
Other tops: BOOING B10 30, OBLONG B9 30
Other moves: BOONG B10 28, GIBE 7E 28, GONIF A8 27, BIONT B10 26, BOLINE 7C 26
FLOG A12 24 margalang
FOIL A12 21 Glecyl

On 19th draw, BLUNT 14A 29 --- BLUNT not sharp or pointed [adj] --- BLUNT to make blunt [v]
Other moves: BUNT 14B 27, FLUB A12 27, UNTO 14C 25, LUNT 14B 23, BO 14E 21
FULL A12 21 margalang, Glecyl

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