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Game of May 19, 2011 at 14:10, 8 players
1. kellybelly -320
2. SuperH -430
3. PruKat -611

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiilox   H3    40    40   oxtail
 2. adhilnr   3F    86   126   rhodinal
 3. eghioru   5E    36   162   routhie
 4. aaiklsu   2J    60   222   kulas
 5. ?aaiors   1D    78   300   aporias
 6. adenrwy   G5    77   377   underway
 7. beennoo  H11    34   411   benne
 8. defostz   1M    41   452   sez
 9. deeiptw   4L    40   492   weep
10. eegmrty  11D    64   556   megabyte
11. aeilntt   O4    27   583   patient
12. aejortv  12A    46   629   jato
13. eilotuv   N9    80   709   outlive
14. aeioopr  A12    39   748   jarp
15. cefgior   6G    37   785   naifer
16. dimnqtu  15J    51   836   quited
17. dfgioov  13A    26   862   agood
18. bcfgios   L9    35   897   fisc
19. bcgmnov   2A    24   921   comb

Remaining tiles: gnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6982 Filekellybelly  4 13:19  -320  601     1.6982 kellybelly  4 13:19  -320  601 
  2.5793 FileSuperH      1 17:57  -430  491            Group: novice
  3.  -  FilePruKat      0 22:04  -611  310     1.5793 SuperH      1 17:57  -430  491 
  4.5237 Filern.roselle  0  7:52  -799  122     2.5237 rn.roselle  0  7:52  -799  122 
  5.  -  Filechoosblues  0  4:18  -801  120            Group: not rated
  6.3040 FileGlecyl      0  4:49  -862   59     1.  -  PruKat      0 22:04  -611  310 
  7.  -  Filelarryc      0  9:27  -870   51     2.  -  choosblues  0  4:18  -801  120 
  8.2452 Filesathish     0  1:24  -903   18     3.3040 Glecyl      0  4:49  -862   59 
                                             4.  -  larryc      0  9:27  -870   51 
                                             5.2452 sathish     0  1:24  -903   18 

On 1st draw, OX(T)AIL H3 40 --- OXTAIL the tail of an ox [n]
Other tops: OXALI(C) H3 40, OXALI(S) H3 40
Other moves: LI(M)AX H8 38, (B)OLIX H8 38, (C)ALIX H8 38, (S)ALIX H8 38, OXALI(C) H4 26
OX(T)AIL H3 40 kellybelly
LAX H8 20 Glecyl
LAX H7 20 SuperH
LOX H7 20 PruKat
(F)OX H6 18 sathish

On 2nd draw, RHODINAL 3F 86 --- RHODINAL an aldehyde found in citronella, used in soaps and perfumes [n]
Other moves: HANDRAIL 6C 68, HANDRAIL 6G 68, HAIL G3 32, HAIN G3 32, AHI I2 28
HAIL G3 32 kellybelly
HI I3 27 SuperH
HOLD 3G 13 Glecyl, larryc
HAIR 6G 9 PruKat

On 3rd draw, ROU(T)HIE 5E 36 --- ROUTHIE plentiful [adj]
Other moves: HIE 2J 31, HOE 2J 31, HUE 2J 31, EH 2I 29, OH 2I 29
HOE 2J 31 kellybelly
HI 2J 28 SuperH
HIRE J2 15 larryc

On 4th draw, KULAS 2J 60 --- KULA ceremonial gift exchange between W Pacific islands [n]
Other moves: KULA 2J 40, AKA 2I 38, SAKAI 2J 36, KA 2J 34, KI 2J 34
KI 2J 34 SuperH
SILK N3 31 choosblues
LAIKS 9D 27 kellybelly
SKULL 8D 10 PruKat
OAK F5 9 larryc

On 5th draw, A(P)ORIAS 1D 78 --- APORIA an expression of doubt for rhetorical effect [n]
Other moves: A(P)ORIAS 2A 75, RASO(R)IAL 8A 74, (R)ASORIAL 8A 74, A(B)ROSIA 9D 71, ORI(N)ASAL 8A 71
SAI(L)OR 9H 20 kellybelly
LAIRS L2 20 SuperH
SKI J1 7 PruKat
LIARS 8H 6 Glecyl
(K)RAALS 8D 5 larryc

On 6th draw, UNDERWAY G5 77 --- UNDERWAY in progress [adv]
Other moves: WADY 4L 45, WANY 4L 43, WARY 4L 43, WANEY 6B 42, DEWY 4L 41
WEY 6D 32 kellybelly
AWAY D1 20 Glecyl, PruKat
OW F5 13 SuperH
DINER 7G 9 larryc

On 7th draw, BENNE H11 34 --- BENNE the sesame plant [n]
Other tops: BONNE H11 34
Other moves: BEEN 4L 27, BENE 4L 27, EBON H12 27, OBOE H12 27, BOON F8 24
BONNE H11 34 kellybelly
BENNY 12C 20 SuperH
BEAN 11E 12 PruKat

On 8th draw, SEZ 1M 41 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: DOZE F12 41
Other moves: TOZE F12 39, ZONED 14F 39, FEZ 6J 38, SEZ F12 38, DOZENS 14D 36
ZONED 14F 39 kellybelly, SuperH, choosblues
ABET 11G 6 PruKat

On 9th draw, WEEP 4L 40 --- WEEP to express sorrow by shedding tears [v]
Other moves: WEED 4L 36, WEID 4L 36, WEPT 4L 36, DEEP 4L 32, P**D 4L 32
WINED 14F 21 kellybelly
NEWED 14H 17 SuperH
WIND 14F 16 PruKat

On 10th draw, MEGABYTE 11D 64 --- MEGABYTE 1,048,576 bytes [n]
Other moves: PREMY O4 36, EMERY I7 30, PEERY O4 30, TYEE I12 30, TYER I12 30
PREMY O4 36 kellybelly
PEERY O4 30 choosblues
YEN 14F 14 SuperH
GENE 14F 9 PruKat

On 11th draw, PATIENT O4 27 --- PATIENT able to endure disagreeable circumstances without complaint [adj] --- PATIENT calm and uncomplaining [adj] --- PATIENT one who is under medical treatment [n] --- PATIENT to make calm and uncomplaining [v]
Other tops: PANTILE O4 27
Other moves: APLITE O3 24, PANTIE O4 24, PATENT O4 24, PATINE O4 24, PATTEN O4 24
PLANET O4 24 SuperH, kellybelly
PLANT O4 21 PruKat
ALIMENT D8 20 choosblues

On 12th draw, JATO 12A 46 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other tops: JOTA 12A 46
Other moves: VOTER 12A 34, JEAT 10B 33, JEAT 12B 32, JAR 12C 30, JET 12C 30
JOE 12C 30 kellybelly
JANE 14F 27 SuperH
VANE 14F 15 PruKat

On 13th draw, OUTLIVE N9 80 --- OUTLIVE to live longer than [v]
Other moves: INVOLUTE 14G 76, JIVE A12 42, JUVE A12 42, JILT A12 33, JOLE A12 33
JIVE A12 42 kellybelly, PruKat
JUVE A12 42 SuperH

On 14th draw, JARP A12 39 --- JARP to tap an egg against another until one breaks, an Easter competition [v]
Other tops: JAPE A12 39
Other moves: JIAO A12 33, PEER 15L 27, PIER 15L 27, PREE 15L 27, REAP M10 27
JAPE A12 39 kellybelly, SuperH
PROMO D8 12 PruKat
PIE 13M 10 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, NAIFER 6G 37 --- NAIF naive [adj]
Other moves: FRIGOT 6J 35, FEER 15L 33, FIER 15L 33, FREE 15L 33, NAIF 6G 33
FEER 15L 33 SuperH, rn.roselle
FIER 15L 33 kellybelly, PruKat

On 16th draw, QUITED 15J 51 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v]
Other moves: QUIET 15K 45, DIQUAT B8 38, QUAD B10 37, QUIDDIT 7C 36, QUAI B10 35
QUITED 15J 51 kellybelly
QUIET 15K 45 PruKat
QUAD B10 37 rn.roselle, SuperH

On 17th draw, AGOOD 13A 26 --- AGOOD heartily [adv]
Other moves: FIDO 10I 25, FID 10I 24, GOLF 12L 24, DIF M7 23, DOF M7 23
FOLD 12L 20 kellybelly
HID I5 16 SuperH
FIG 13M 14 rn.roselle
ROOD 14A 10 PruKat

On 18th draw, FISC L9 35 --- FISC a state or royal treasury [n]
Other moves: ROCS 14A 31, FIBS L8 30, FICOS M7 30, FOBS L8 30, FIGS L8 29
FIBS L8 30 kellybelly
BOI M9 21 SuperH
FIB 13M 16 rn.roselle
FIN 14F 14 PruKat

On 19th draw, COMB 2A 24 --- COMB to arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) [v]
Other moves: ROC 14A 23, ROM 14A 23, OB M12 21, ODIC 7F 21, OM M12 21
HIM I5 20 kellybelly, SuperH
BIG 13M 12 rn.roselle
MOVE 15E 9 PruKat

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