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Game of May 19, 2011 at 19:31, 11 players
1. margalang -368
2. cipka_616 -378
3. SuperH -388

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aenouu   H7    64    64   nouveau
 2. beiopry   I7    33    97   yep
 3. aginosu   J9    67   164   sagouin
 4. ceerstv  15H    33   197   ventres
 5. ailnrtz  N10    34   231   nazirs
 6. ainprtv   G6    31   262   tarp
 7. acgiort   F1    77   339   argotic
 8. ehillst   1D    36   375   heats
 9. deioowy  12L    42   417   dozy
10. ?ceijrx   1A    60   477   excheats
11. beehiot   O5    35   512   bothie
12. ailmrtw   N4    33   545   maw
13. ?diklln  15F    36   581   inventress
14. eflmoru  11A    76   657   fumerole
15. abeiilo  A11    33   690   fable
16. aeinoov   C9    28   718   vimen
17. defgirt   M7    46   764   firedog
18. adenqsw   L3    34   798   snawed
19. adillot  B10    39   837   dulia
20. ijkooqt  14F    64   901   qi

Remaining tiles: jkloot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5566 Filemargalang   2 21:54  -368  533     1.5566 margalang   2 21:54  -368  533 
  2.5866 Filecipka_616   1 22:01  -378  523     2.5866 cipka_616   1 22:01  -378  523 
  3.5787 FileSuperH      3 19:29  -388  513     3.5787 SuperH      3 19:29  -388  513 
  4.5338 Filern.roselle  3 17:07  -398  503     4.5338 rn.roselle  3 17:07  -398  503 
  5.5262 FileFaeythe     0 19:46  -421  480     5.5262 Faeythe     0 19:46  -421  480 
  6.5610 Filelorrie1161  2 14:49  -474  427     6.5610 lorrie1161  2 14:49  -474  427 
  7.5283 FileOasthouse1  2 22:15  -489  412     7.5283 Oasthouse1  2 22:15  -489  412 
  8.5347 Filesunshine12  2 15:00  -501  400     8.5347 sunshine12  2 15:00  -501  400 
  9.5369 Filesabs        1 15:51  -505  396     9.5369 sabs        1 15:51  -505  396 
 10.4267 Filenaomiari    1 18:04  -532  369            Group: not rated
 11.  -  Filesarkel77    0  4:13  -856   45     1.4267 naomiari    1 18:04  -532  369 
                                             2.  -  sarkel77    0  4:13  -856   45 

On 1st draw, NOU(V)EAU H7 64 --- NOUVEAU newly arrived or developed [adj]
Other tops: NOU(V)EAU H2 64, NOU(V)EAU H3 64, NOU(V)EAU H4 64, NOU(V)EAU H6 64, NOU(V)EAU H8 64
Other moves: NOU(V)EAU H5 62, EUOUA(E) H3 12, EUOUA(E) H4 12, EUOUA(E) H8 12, (D)OUANE H3 12
OUN(C)E H8 10 naomiari
UN(D)UE H6 8 lorrie1161
(Q)UEAN H4 8 Faeythe
ONE H7 6 rn.roselle
NA(M)E H6 6 margalang
NOU(N) H6 6 Oasthouse1
(C)ANE H5 6 cipka_616
ANO(N) H5 6 sabs
ANE H7 6 SuperH

On 2nd draw, YEP I7 33 --- YEP an affirmative reply [n] --- YEP yes [adv]
Other tops: YIP I7 33
Other moves: ROPY G6 30, PIOY G6 28, BEY G11 27, BYRE G12 26, OYER I6 26
BYE G12 25 margalang
PYRE 11E 18 cipka_616
PROBE 11D 18 rn.roselle, Oasthouse1, Faeythe
BUYER 13G 17 SuperH
PORNY 7E 15 naomiari
BURP 13G 12 lorrie1161
PRAY 12F 9 sabs

On 3rd draw, SAGOUIN J9 67 --- SAGOUIN a South American monkey [n]
Other moves: IGNEOUS 11E 32, NAGS G6 24, NOGS G6 24, SAGO G6 24, AGO G7 23
AGS G7 23 Faeythe
GENIUS 11G 14 SuperH
AGAIN 12H 12 sabs
SING J9 12 margalang
SOUPING 9F 11 cipka_616, lorrie1161
SUNNY 7E 9 Oasthouse1
SUN 13G 5 sarkel77

On 4th draw, VENTRES 15H 33 --- VENTRE to venture [v]
Other tops: VENTERS 15H 33
Other moves: CENTERS 15H 30, CENTRES 15H 30, EVENTS 15G 30, NERVES 15J 30, TENRECS 15H 30
VENTERS 15H 33 lorrie1161, SuperH, margalang
EVENTS 15G 30 rn.roselle, Oasthouse1, cipka_616
SEVEN 15F 24 naomiari
STERN 15F 15 sarkel77
STEN 15G 12 Faeythe
NET 15J 4 sunshine12

On 5th draw, NAZIRS N10 34 --- NAZIR an Indian court official [n]
Other moves: TZARINA 12B 32, AZONAL 12H 30, GLITZ 11J 30, RIZ 14M 30, AIZLE 11D 28
ZAIRE M11 28 margalang
LAZE M12 26 naomiari, sabs
RAZE M12 26 Oasthouse1, sunshine12
RAZE 11E 26 rn.roselle
TZAR L12 26 lorrie1161
ZINS N12 26 SuperH
ZANY 7F 17 sarkel77
AZON 12H 13 Faeythe
GRANT 11J 12 cipka_616

On 6th draw, TARP G6 31 --- TARP a protective canvas covering [n]
Other moves: INVAR O7 28, NAZI 12L 28, RIZA 12L 28, RIPT K10 26, PART G6 25
TARP G6 31 rn.roselle
RIZ 12L 24 Faeythe, sunshine12
PRIVATE 11B 24 naomiari
PRAT O8 22 margalang
NAT O11 20 cipka_616
RAT O11 20 lorrie1161
PAVE 11E 18 Oasthouse1
VAN M9 14 SuperH
VIN 13M 12 sabs
TINY 7F 8 sarkel77

On 7th draw, ARGOTIC F1 77 --- ARGOT a specialized vocabulary [adj] --- ARGOTIC pertaining to argot [adv]
Other moves: CAGOT O7 28, CAGOT O9 28, CAZ 12L 28, CIGAR O7 28, COZ 12L 28
CIGAR O7 28 lorrie1161
COZ 12L 28 Oasthouse1
CRAG O8 26 cipka_616
RIZ 12L 24 Faeythe, sunshine12
GROT O8 19 rn.roselle
GRAT O8 19 margalang
GI K10 15 SuperH

On 8th draw, HEATS 1D 36 --- HEAT to make hot [v]
Other tops: HEALS 1D 36, HEAST 1D 36
Other moves: HELIAST 1B 33, LETHALS 1B 33, LITHES O6 31, ETHALS 1C 30, HALITES 1E 30
HEALS 1D 36 Oasthouse1, rn.roselle, cipka_616
SIZE 12L 28 sunshine12
SHALL 1D 27 sabs
HAILS 1E 24 SuperH
HALTS 1E 24 lorrie1161, naomiari, margalang
HIS E4 24 Faeythe

On 9th draw, DOZY 12L 42 --- DOZY drowsy [adj]
Other moves: WOODY O6 41, YOWED O7 41, OOZY 12L 40, DEWY O7 38, WOODY C1 36
DOZY 12L 42 SuperH, sabs, rn.roselle
DEWY O7 38 cipka_616
WIZ 12L 30 lorrie1161
HOWDY D1 30 naomiari, Oasthouse1, Faeythe
DOZE 12L 30 margalang

On 10th draw, EXCHEATS 1A 60 --- EXCHEAT plunder or gain [n]
Other moves: (E)XCHEATS 1A 57, J(A)XIE O6 56, ICE(B)OX M8 55, (P)REXY O8 53, EX(C)HEATS 1A 51
OX M12 36 Faeythe, cipka_616, margalang, SuperH
EXIT 5C 22 sabs
JI(N)XED L7 21 sunshine12
RICE O7 20 rn.roselle
JET 5D 20 Oasthouse1

On 11th draw, BOTHIE O5 35 --- BOTHIE a humble cottage [n]
Other tops: BEHOTE O5 35
Other moves: HI 2A 33, THEBE O6 32, BOH M11 30, H*B* O7 29, HOB M11 29
HI 2A 33 rn.roselle, SuperH, Oasthouse1, cipka_616, margalang
BOH M11 30 Faeythe
XI B1 18 sabs
CHIT C1 18 lorrie1161
THEE 11E 14 naomiari
EE O9 4 sunshine12

On 12th draw, MAW N4 33 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: LAW N4 31, RAW N4 31, TAW N4 31, AW N5 30, MAW E4 30
MI 2A 30 rn.roselle, sabs, margalang, cipka_616, SuperH
CLAW C1 18 Oasthouse1
XI B1 18 Faeythe
WITH 8L 14 lorrie1161
MATE 11E 12 naomiari
MATT 5C 12 sunshine12

On 13th draw, INVENTRES(S) 15F 36 --- INVENTRESS [n]
Other moves: CLINK(E)D C1 30, KID E4 30, (A)KIN E3 29, INLO(C)K 4C 28, DI 2A 27
DI 2A 27 margalang, rn.roselle, SuperH
HIK(E)D D1 24 naomiari
L(E)K M3 24 cipka_616
D(I)KING 3A 22 lorrie1161
XI B1 18 sunshine12, sabs
K(A)M 4L 16 Faeythe
DIM 4L 12 Oasthouse1

On 14th draw, FUMEROLE 11A 76 --- FUMEROLE a hole which emits volcanic vapours [n]
Other moves: FORUM 14B 42, OLEUM 14B 36, ROOMFUL 4D 32, MU 2A 30, FLUME 14C 28
FORUM 14B 42 sunshine12
MU 2A 30 Faeythe, cipka_616
FORM M1 24 sabs
FUME M1 22 rn.roselle
MEL M3 19 margalang
MOL M11 18 SuperH
FLOG 3C 16 lorrie1161, naomiari, Oasthouse1

On 15th draw, FABLE A11 33 --- FABLE to compose or tell fictitious tales [v]
Other moves: BALOO M9 29, OBIA 13L 28, FOLIA A11 27, FOLIE A11 27, BEMOIL C9 26
FABLE A11 33 lorrie1161, SuperH, sunshine12, Oasthouse1
LI 2A 24 sabs, margalang
LEAF A8 21 cipka_616, rn.roselle
BAL M3 19 Faeythe
BLOAT 5B 14 naomiari

On 16th draw, VIMEN C9 28 --- VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n]
Other moves: AVION M1 25, AI 2A 24, HOOVEN D1 24, XENIA B1 24, OVEN M2 23
OVEN M2 23 rn.roselle, sabs
BOVINE 13A 22 Oasthouse1
VAN M3 21 margalang
MOVIE C11 20 lorrie1161, naomiari, cipka_616
MAVEN C11 20 Faeythe
ENVOI D11 18 SuperH
XI B1 18 sunshine12

On 17th draw, FIREDOG M7 46 --- FIREDOG a metal support for logs in a fireplace [n]
Other moves: DEFOG M9 38, DEFT M3 34, FR*GG*D 3C 34, DEFER D10 33, FIREDOG 4A 32
DEFOG M9 38 Faeythe
FR*GG*D 3C 34 lorrie1161
GRIEF M1 30 rn.roselle
DI 2A 27 SuperH, margalang
TI 2A 24 sabs
FIDGET 3C 24 sunshine12
FEG M3 24 cipka_616
HEFT D1 20 Oasthouse1
GRIM 4K 14 naomiari

On 18th draw, SNAWED L3 34 --- SNAW to snow [v]
Other moves: AWED E3 32, AWNED L4 32, SAWED L4 32, WANED L4 32, QI F14 31
QI F14 31 cipka_616, sunshine12, naomiari, lorrie1161, rn.roselle
DAW M3 26 margalang
QAT 5D 24 SuperH
QI 8L 21 sabs, Faeythe

On 19th draw, DULIA B10 39 --- DULIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: AULOI B10 30, ALOD K4 28, DI 2A 27, DETAIL D10 25, DIOTA K2 25
ALOD K4 28 cipka_616
DI 2A 27 Faeythe, margalang, SuperH, rn.roselle, lorrie1161, sabs, sunshine12
DOW 6J 11 Oasthouse1
DILLS 3H 7 naomiari

On 20th draw, QI 14F 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: JOT K5 49, JOOK K2 46, JO K5 41, JOIST 3I 40, TOKO 14D 36
QI 14F 64 sunshine12, naomiari, margalang
JOT K5 49 SuperH, cipka_616, Faeythe
QI F14 31 rn.roselle, sabs
JOT F10 26 Oasthouse1
COOK C1 20 lorrie1161

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