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Game of May 20, 2011 at 01:39, 8 players
1. TwoFold -412
2. monthree -482
3. SPIDER767 -748

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eloorsz   H4    50    50   zeloso
 2. abeinwy   G7    38    88   yawn
 3. aehpttw   I7    42   130   wheat
 4. ?aaaceu  H11    29   159   aceta
 5. acehrtx  13H    54   213   excheat
 6. agimnrr   5G    72   285   rearming
 7. ?deenou   M1    68   353   enounced
 8. deiopst   O7   103   456   podites
 9. beimruy   1J    48   504   umbery
10. agirstv  15E    64   568   stravaig
11. aeegijn  15E    48   616   stravaiging
12. abilnru  N10    26   642   bint
13. finooqs   5E    32   674   forearming
14. floprsu   1H    51   725   plumbery
15. aeillrt   2B    72   797   triella
16. adeinoq   4L    57   854   quad
17. deijost  14B    36   890   jedis
18. finortu   L7    31   921   fortune
19. eeikouv   4A    39   960   kieve

Remaining tiles: eioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5567 FileTwoFold     1 22:41  -412  548     1.6432 monthree    1 22:42  -482  478 
  2.6432 Filemonthree    1 22:42  -482  478     2.6513 blue.sand   0  3:28  -921   39 
  3.  -  FileSPIDER767   0  9:34  -748  212            Group: novice
  4.5460 Filelorrie1161  1 10:27  -758  202     1.5567 TwoFold     1 22:41  -412  548 
  5.  -  FileRexatious1  0  5:58  -786  174     2.5460 lorrie1161  1 10:27  -758  202 
  6.2911 Filetonikay     1  7:04  -836  124            Group: not rated
  7.4189 Filejohnny55    0  4:46  -896   64     1.  -  SPIDER767   0  9:34  -748  212 
  8.6513 Fileblue.sand   0  3:28  -921   39     2.  -  Rexatious1  0  5:58  -786  174 
                                             3.2911 tonikay     1  7:04  -836  124 
                                             4.4189 johnny55    0  4:46  -896   64 

On 1st draw, ZELOSO H4 50 --- ZELOSO with fervour (music) [adv]
Other moves: ZEROS H4 48, ZELOSO H3 32, ZELOSO H7 32, ZELOSO H8 32, OOZES H4 30
ZEROS H4 48 TwoFold
OOZES H4 30 monthree
OOZES H5 28 johnny55

On 2nd draw, YAWN G7 38 --- YAWN to open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation of air [v]
Other moves: WANEY G5 37, WAY G7 37, WEY G7 37, YAW G7 37, YEW G7 37
WAY G7 37 TwoFold
WINY G7 29 monthree

On 3rd draw, WHEAT I7 42 --- WHEAT a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: WHET I7 41, HAW I5 33, WHAP I9 29, WHEAT I9 29, PAH I3 27
WHET I7 41 monthree
HAW I5 33 TwoFold
WASP 8F 9 johnny55

On 4th draw, ACE(T)A H11 29 --- ACETUM vinegar [n]
Other tops: ACU(T)E H11 29
Other moves: AZA(L)EA 4G 28, Z(O)AEA 4H 26, CAU(D)AE J2 25, CAU(S)AE J2 25, AEC(I)A H11 23
CA(T) I3 19 TwoFold
CA(N) I3 19 SPIDER767
C(R)AZE 4E 15 monthree
(F)AZE 4F 12 johnny55

On 5th draw, EXCHEAT 13H 54 --- EXCHEAT plunder or gain [n]
Other moves: EXARCH 13H 52, EXACTER 13H 48, EXCRETA 13H 48, HEXACT J10 48, RETEACH 5E 48
HERTZ 4D 34 monthree
HEXER 13G 27 TwoFold
(T)AX 14H 25 Rexatious1
CHAT(T)ER 14D 15 johnny55

On 6th draw, REARMING 5G 72 --- REARM to arm again [v]
Other moves: MARGARIN 15D 64, MARGARIN 15G 62, ZIRAM 4H 32, MAGI 14K 30, ZIGAN 4H 30
MAIN 12L 26 SPIDER767, Rexatious1
GAM I3 23 TwoFold
MARRING 15G 11 monthree

On 7th draw, ENOUN(C)ED M1 68 --- ENOUNCE to announce [v]
Other tops: DENOUN(C)E M3 68
Other moves: DUE(C)ENTO N7 66, ENGOU(L)ED N3 65, EUDEMON(S) K1 60, ENOUN(C)ED M4 59, EUDAE(M)ON 15E 59
NO(S)ED O11 37 TwoFold, monthree
(S)OD O13 28 Rexatious1, SPIDER767

On 8th draw, PODITES O7 103 --- PODITE a limb segment of an arthropod [n]
Other tops: DEPOSIT O9 103, DOPIEST O8 103
Other moves: EPIDOTES 1G 86, POETISED 1G 86, POETISED L7 82, DESPOTIC 12A 80, IMPOSTED K4 76
DEPOSIT O9 53 Rexatious1, TwoFold
DEPOSE 1H 30 monthree

On 9th draw, UMBERY 1J 48 --- UMBERY like umber [adj]
Other moves: MURTI N10 40, BERIME 1H 39, BIREME 1H 39, EMERY 1K 39, MERCY J10 39
BEERY 1K 33 monthree
YE J10 29 Rexatious1
MEER 1L 27 TwoFold

On 10th draw, STRAVAIG 15E 64 --- STRAVAIG to stravage [v]
Other moves: GRAVITAS 15B 63, GRAVITAS 15F 63, STRAVAIG 15C 63, GIRTS N10 31, GAIN 2J 24
TARTS N10 22 TwoFold
RIGHTS K10 20 monthree
GRAVITAS 15B 13 Rexatious1

On 11th draw, STRAVAIGING 15E 48 --- STRAVAIG to stravage [v]
Other moves: AJEE 12L 37, AINEE 2K 27, AJEE 10I 27, JEEING 2E 27, AGENT N9 24
JEE 14D 18 blue.sand
JIN 2H 16 TwoFold
JAGS E12 12 monthree

On 12th draw, BINT N10 26 --- BINT a woman [n]
Other tops: BANT N10 26, BUAT N10 26, BUNT N10 26
Other moves: BLAE 12L 24, BLUE 12L 24, BUNIA 14B 24, NUBIA 14B 24, RUBAI 14B 24
BUNT N10 26 monthree
AB 12K 21 blue.sand
BAA I3 19 TwoFold, lorrie1161
ALIBI 10K 13 tonikay

On 13th draw, FOREARMING 5E 32 --- FOREARM to arm in advance [v]
Other moves: FINOS 14B 26, INFOS 14B 26, OF 12K 25, ORFS J4 25, FINOS 2F 22
FISH K10 20 monthree
QIS 2H 18 TwoFold
QIS E13 12 lorrie1161

On 14th draw, PLUMBERY 1H 51 --- PLUMBERY the work of a plumber [n]
Other tops: PULSATOR 11D 51
Other moves: SLUMBERY 1H 45, UPFURLS J1 30, FLOP 4C 27, FLOP 2G 25, FOP 4D 25
FLOP 4C 27 TwoFold, monthree
FLOPS E11 20 tonikay, lorrie1161

On 15th draw, TRIELLA 2B 72 --- TRIELLA (Australia) a bet nominating the winners of three specified horse races [n]
Other moves: LITERALS E8 66, TALLIERS E8 66, TRIELLAS E8 66, RAINE 2J 30, REALLIE L7 22
EAT 2H 15 TwoFold
LATH K10 14 monthree
TAILERS E9 14 lorrie1161
ALERTS E10 12 tonikay

On 16th draw, QUAD 4L 57 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: QUAI 4L 53, QUA 4L 49, QAID 4C 36, QI 1A 35, QADI 4B 33
QUAD 4L 57 TwoFold, tonikay, lorrie1161
QI 1A 35 SPIDER767
QAIDS E11 30 monthree

On 17th draw, JEDIS 14B 36 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEDIS 4B 33, JETSON 10B 31, JOES 3A 30, TIED 1A 30, JEDI 4B 29
JOT 4D 27 TwoFold
JOISTS E10 26 monthree
JESTS E11 24 lorrie1161
JET F13 12 tonikay

On 18th draw, FORTUNE L7 31 --- FORTUNE to endow with wealth [v]
Other moves: FON 15A 29, FOR 15A 29, FIN 13C 28, FIT 13C 28, FON 13C 28
FOR 15A 29 TwoFold, monthree, lorrie1161

On 19th draw, KIEVE 4A 39 --- KIEVE a large tub [n]
Other moves: EVOKE 4A 31, KERVE J3 30, VOE 15A 29, EEK 13C 28, EIK 13C 28
KO 15A 27 lorrie1161
IRK C1 14 monthree
ROVE C2 14 TwoFold
VIE D1 10 tonikay

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