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Game of May 20, 2011 at 04:00, 8 players
1. TwoFold -440
2. rn.roselle -521
3. kellybelly -630

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aadeirt   H2    70    70   radiate
 2. aadntuv   8B    63   133   avaunted
 3. ?bhoouz   1D    78   211   booze
 4. adeghlw   2E    48   259   whare
 5. aglostu   3E    39   298   togas
 6. ?eeknrs   5D    94   392   kernites
 7. abeeort   C7    80   472   overbeat
 8. dfiilps  15A    41   513   lisp
 9. eginotx   I8    69   582   detoxing
10. adefosv  11E    44   626   seafood
11. adhilor  H11    50   676   folia
12. ceflmor  14H    40   716   inforce
13. iimnrty   K1    63   779   ministry
14. adeipru  O12    44   823   padi
15. eilmnqr   1K    30   853   mimer
16. ceehilw  12A    38   891   chewie
17. ejquuvy  L12    36   927   jury
18. egllnuv   M1    20   947   mvule

Remaining tiles: glnnqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5612 FileTwoFold     0 19:53  -440  507     1.7002 kellybelly  3  7:59  -630  317 
  2.5445 Filern.roselle  1 17:54  -521  426            Group: novice
  3.7002 Filekellybelly  3  7:59  -630  317     1.5612 TwoFold     0 19:53  -440  507 
  4.  -  Fileluna1841    0 20:55  -663  284     2.5445 rn.roselle  1 17:54  -521  426 
  5.3389 Filetonikay     0 27:18  -707  240     3.5588 margalang   0  2:22  -907   40 
  6.4189 Filejohnny55    0  5:53  -861   86            Group: not rated
  7.5588 Filemargalang   0  2:22  -907   40     1.  -  luna1841    0 20:55  -663  284 
  8.  -  Filewombi       0  1:25  -912   35     2.3389 tonikay     0 27:18  -707  240 
                                             3.4189 johnny55    0  5:53  -861   86 
                                             4.  -  wombi       0  1:25  -912   35 

On 1st draw, RADIATE H2 70 --- RADIATE to emit rays [v]
Other tops: TIARAED H6 70
Other moves: AIRDATE H2 68, AIRDATE H3 68, AIRDATE H4 68, AIRDATE H6 68, AIRDATE H7 68
TIRADE H8 18 wombi, TwoFold
AIRTED H7 18 rn.roselle
TREAD H5 12 tonikay
TRIAD H5 12 luna1841

On 2nd draw, AVAUNTED 8B 63 --- AVAUNT to depart [v]
Other moves: AVAUNT 3H 26, VANDA 9E 21, NAVAID 5D 20, DANT I3 19, DATA G3 19
VIAND 5G 18 rn.roselle
DAUNT 9H 17 wombi
DATA 9H 16 luna1841
DAN 9H 15 TwoFold
RANT 2H 6 tonikay

On 3rd draw, BOOZ(E) 1D 78 --- BOOZE to drink liquor excessively [v]
Other moves: Z(E)BU 1G 66, B(E)Z 1G 63, OOZ(E) 1E 60, BOZO(S) G1 52, B(A)ZOO G1 52
ZOO(N) G3 49 TwoFold
ZOA B6 32 luna1841
HAZ(E) 3G 29 tonikay

On 4th draw, WHARE 2E 48 --- WHARE a house [n]
Other moves: HARED 2F 45, WARED 2F 45, HARELD 2F 44, HARLED 2F 44, HARD 2F 40
EH 2E 28 rn.roselle
ZED G1 22 TwoFold, tonikay
WHALE B6 21 luna1841

On 5th draw, TOGAS 3E 39 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: TOGA 3E 34, GALIOTS 5E 32, LATIGOS 5E 32, SALIGOT 5E 32, SEGO I1 31
GALS 3G 26 TwoFold
STAG J2 21 rn.roselle
GLOATS B5 11 luna1841
AGAST B6 10 tonikay

On 6th draw, KERNI(T)ES 5D 94 --- KERNITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: (W)AKENERS B7 76, KER(O)SINE 5C 72, KNEA(D)ERS D5 72, KREESIN(G) 5C 72, RE(W)AKENS D5 72
SEEK(E)R 9H 24 TwoFold
(S)EEK 9H 20 tonikay
SANK B7 18 rn.roselle
SNE(A)KER F7 10 luna1841

On 7th draw, OVERBEAT C7 80 --- OVERBEAT to beat too much [v]
Other moves: ABORTEE 9I 65, RESE(T)TED I1 33, OVERBET C7 28, BEARE 6B 27, BEATER 4J 24
BEATER 4J 24 TwoFold
BATE 4J 18 rn.roselle
DEBATER I8 12 luna1841
BEET J4 8 tonikay

On 8th draw, LISP 15A 41 --- LISP to pronounce the letters S and Z imperfectly [v]
Other moves: FLIP D12 38, IFS 15A 32, FIDS 6J 31, FID 6J 30, FILS 6J 30
FLIP D12 38 TwoFold
PIS 15A 29 tonikay
FIDS 4J 23 rn.roselle
DRIPS 10B 14 luna1841

On 9th draw, DETOXING I8 69 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, OXGATE B5 41, EX D11 40, OX D11 40, XI D12 38
XI 6J 52 TwoFold, kellybelly
EX D11 40 rn.roselle
EXIT 12C 22 tonikay
TAXING 13B 16 luna1841

On 10th draw, SEAFOOD 11E 44 --- SEAFOOD edible fish or shellfish from the sea [n]
Other moves: ODEA H12 42, FOVEAS 6J 37, FOVEA 6J 36, FADGES 15F 33, FAVOSE 4J 33
FADES 4J 25 rn.roselle
FOGS 15G 24 TwoFold
AGED 15H 18 kellybelly
FOXED 12G 17 luna1841
SEED 9H 14 tonikay

On 11th draw, FOLIA H11 50 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other moves: AXOID 12H 39, LITHO 10G 39, DOTH 10G 37, DHOTI 10F 36, HOARD 6J 36
HOARD 6J 36 kellybelly
HOLD 6J 31 rn.roselle
FAH H11 25 TwoFold
FADO H11 24 tonikay
DEAL 9H 15 luna1841

On 12th draw, INFORCE 14H 40 --- INFORCE to compel [v]
Other moves: FORCE 6J 35, FORME 6J 35, INCOMER 14H 34, FOREL 6J 33, FLOP D12 32
FORCE 6J 35 kellybelly
FORM 6J 32 TwoFold
FORCE 4J 27 rn.roselle
MINCER 14G 16 luna1841
FINE 14G 9 tonikay

On 13th draw, MINISTRY K1 63 --- MINISTRY the act of ministering [n]
Other moves: MINTY 6J 36, TYIN 10I 31, MY 10F 28, MINY 6J 27, MIRIN 6J 27
MINTY 6J 36 kellybelly, TwoFold
MINTY 4J 26 rn.roselle
MISTY K3 10 luna1841
TIMER N11 7 tonikay

On 14th draw, PADI O12 44 --- PADI a rice field [n]
Other moves: PARDI O11 41, PERDU O11 41, PRIDE O11 41, PRUDE O11 41, PURDA O11 41
PRIDE O11 41 TwoFold, rn.roselle, johnny55
PA 10F 22 kellybelly
PRICE M11 18 luna1841
RAD 7K 6 tonikay

On 15th draw, MIMER 1K 30 --- MIMER one that mimes [n]
Other moves: RESI(T)E I1 26, MERIL 1K 24, MILER 1K 24, MINER 1K 24, RIEM 10C 24
MIMER 1K 30 kellybelly
MINER 1K 24 johnny55, TwoFold
MINCE M11 18 rn.roselle
QUINS E7 14 luna1841
RILE 7K 5 tonikay

On 16th draw, CHEWIE 12A 38 --- CHEWIE chewing-gum [n]
Other moves: THEIC 10I 34, THEW 10I 34, TWICE 10I 34, TWEEL 10I 32, EWE 10E 31
CHEWIE 12A 38 kellybelly
EH 2M 24 rn.roselle
RECHEW O1 18 TwoFold
THEW 6K 18 luna1841
WIRE L12 16 johnny55
MILE M1 12 tonikay

On 17th draw, JURY L12 36 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: JEU N10 30, JOEY 7B 30, QUEP 12L 30, TYE 10I 30, VERY L12 28
JURY L12 36 kellybelly, rn.roselle
JAY B7 27 TwoFold
JEE F10 26 margalang
IVY 4K 18 luna1841

On 18th draw, MVULE M1 20 --- MVULE an African tree [n]
Other moves: UNINFORCED 14F 18, VENULE N9 17, GANE B7 16, MULLEN M1 16, ULE 2M 16
EVEN N1 14 kellybelly, rn.roselle
VEE F10 14 margalang
INGLE 4K 14 luna1841
MULE M1 12 TwoFold
SING E11 5 johnny55, tonikay

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