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Game of May 20, 2011 at 06:16, 5 players
1. rn.roselle -561
2. wombi -617
3. megzee -779

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeflrss   H4    78    78   falsers
 2. aabiior   4H    20    98   fibro
 3. aimnoot  10A    68   166   amotions
 4. ?cdenoz   E4   126   292   endozoic
 5. aadervw   8A    54   346   warez
 6. aelnpty   9E    76   422   operantly
 7. adeegot   3I    85   507   goateed
 8. ?afhost   M7    90   597   haylofts
 9. aklptux   D1    38   635   klap
10. deiloru   1A    33   668   duiker
11. aeghirt   J8    68   736   ingather
12. eiiilmv   O1    27   763   vide
13. delmnny   N2    42   805   deely
14. abiostu   5J    32   837   aboil
15. egijmrw  A10    42   879   awmrie
16. einqsux   B1    58   937   unisex
17. gijnouu  15E    39   976   junior
18. cgnqtuu   O6    26  1002   uncut

Remaining tiles: gqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5488 Filern.roselle  1 18:34  -561  441     1.5488 rn.roselle  1 18:34  -561  441 
  2.  -  Filewombi       0 20:31  -617  385     2.5322 megzee      1  9:43  -779  223 
  3.5322 Filemegzee      1  9:43  -779  223            Group: not rated
  4.4015 FileLucylulu    1 15:06  -826  176     1.  -  wombi       0 20:31  -617  385 
  5.  -  Filemsfiles     0  4:42  -938   64     2.4015 Lucylulu    1 15:06  -826  176 
                                             3.  -  msfiles     0  4:42  -938   64 

On 1st draw, FALSERS H4 78 --- FALSER a falsifier [n]
Other tops: FLASERS H4 78
Other moves: FALSERS H2 72, FALSERS H3 72, FALSERS H6 72, FALSERS H7 72, FALSERS H8 72
FLARES H4 26 wombi, rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, FIBRO 4H 20 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: AROBA G2 19, RABI I3 18, RIBA G3 18, ABA G7 17, *B* G7 17
BAR I3 15 rn.roselle
SOB 10H 11 wombi

On 3rd draw, AMOTIONS 10A 68 --- AMOTION the removal of a corporate officer from his office [n]
Other moves: MOTIONAL 6A 64, AMOTIONS 7A 62, ANIMATO 5D 24, MOAI 3I 24, MOAN 3I 24
MOB J2 13 rn.roselle
ARM K3 10 megzee

On 4th draw, ENDOZ(O)IC E4 126 --- ENDOZOIC involving passage through an animal [adj]
Other tops: END(O)ZOIC E4 126
Other moves: ENDOZO(I)C C7 94, CO(G)NIZED E6 88, (I)CONIZED E6 88, CANZO(N)E A9 81, CA(L)ZONE A9 81
C(R)AZED A8 54 megzee
ZEA A8 36 rn.roselle
ADZE A10 24 wombi

On 5th draw, WAREZ 8A 54 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: VAWARD A7 45, ADWARE A10 42, AWAVE A8 36, AVOWED C8 34, WEAVED 4A 34
WAVED 4B 24 megzee
MAWED B10 22 rn.roselle
WEAR A8 21 wombi

On 6th draw, (O)PERANTLY 9E 76 --- OPERANTLY [adv]
Other moves: PALY D1 34, PATY D1 34, PLAY D1 34, YELP D1 34, YEP 5J 31
PLAY D1 34 rn.roselle
PRAY K3 18 megzee
WEAN A8 7 msfiles, wombi

On 7th draw, GOATEED 3I 85 --- GOATEE a small pointed beard [adj] --- GOATEED having a goatee [adj]
Other moves: GOATEED F1 75, GOATEE 3I 31, GEDACT 11A 27, GOATEE D1 27, GEODE D1 26
GLOATED L8 22 megzee
GLADE L8 18 wombi
TOGED 4B 14 rn.roselle
GREET K3 12 Lucylulu
READ K4 10 msfiles

On 8th draw, HAY(L)OFTS M7 90 --- HAYLOFT a loft for hay storage [n]
Other moves: HOL(D)FAST L7 78, HA(Y)LOFTS L6 76, FANTO(O)SH J7 73, FANT(O)OSH J7 73, ASH(R)AF A10 45
FLASH L8 30 megzee
FADS O1 27 rn.roselle
HAD O1 21 wombi
FAD(E) O1 21 Lucylulu

On 9th draw, KLAP D1 38 --- KLAP to slap (South African slang) [v]
Other moves: PAX N6 32, KLAP L8 31, KULA D1 30, KUTA D1 30, PUKA D1 30
PAX N6 32 wombi
AX N10 23 rn.roselle
FAX 12M 21 Lucylulu
SAX 14M 20 megzee
PEAK N2 20 msfiles

On 10th draw, DUIKER 1A 33 --- DUIKER a small antelope [n]
Other tops: KELOID 1D 33, LIRKED 1A 33, LURKED 1A 33
Other moves: LOUED L11 32, DIRKE 1A 30, DROILED O3 30, KIDEL 1D 30, RIDDLE O1 30
DORK 1A 27 msfiles
RODED O1 24 rn.roselle
LODE O1 18 wombi
FED 12M 9 Lucylulu

On 11th draw, INGATHER J8 68 --- INGATHER to gather in [v]
Other moves: DREIGH O3 36, DRIEGH O3 36, HIDAGE O1 36, GERAH N2 34, ARIGHT A10 33
HIDER O1 30 rn.roselle
HAT N6 21 wombi
TIDE O1 18 megzee
RIGHT 13I 10 Lucylulu

On 12th draw, VIDE O1 27 --- VIDE see -- used to direct a reader to another item; VIDE is the only form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other tops: LIME K11 27, LIVIER 15E 27, MEDII O1 27, MIRV 15H 27
Other moves: ME 2J 26, TIME K9 25, VIM N6 25, LIMIER 15E 24, LIVER 15F 24
VIDE O1 27 rn.roselle, megzee
LIVIER 15E 27 Lucylulu
VILER 15F 24 wombi

On 13th draw, DEELY N2 42 --- DEELY as in deely boppers, a hairband with two bobbing antennae-like projections [adj]
Other moves: EMYD 5J 41, NERDY 15H 39, MENED N2 34, ADENYL A10 33, MANED 5G 33
LYRE 15H 21 wombi
YEN N6 21 rn.roselle
YOB J2 16 Lucylulu

On 14th draw, ABOIL 5J 32 --- ABOIL boiling [adj]
Other moves: LABIS L9 31, SABOT 5G 31, TABIS 5G 31, ABAS 5H 29, *B*S 5H 29
ABOUT O6 26 wombi
BURST 15H 24 rn.roselle
STAB 13L 6 Lucylulu

On 15th draw, AWMRIE A10 42 --- AWMRIE a cupboard for sacred vessels [n]
Other moves: JIRRE 15H 39, JIRRE 15G 36, WEM K11 35, WEIR K11 33, JEWIE 14F 31
JAW 11I 26 rn.roselle, wombi
JAR 11I 20 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, UNISEX B1 58 --- UNISEX the condition of not being distinguishable as to sex [n]
Other moves: QUERNS 15G 48, QUIRES 15G 48, SQUIER 15E 45, SQUIRE 15F 45, UNISEX O6 44
SQUIRE 15F 45 wombi
XI K11 38 rn.roselle
QUINE 14F 34 Lucylulu

On 17th draw, JUNIOR 15E 39 --- JUNIOR one who is lower in rank or age than another [n]
Other moves: JO L11 37, JOTUN K7 33, JOUR 15G 33, JOR 15H 30, UNRIG 15H 24
JOUR 15G 33 wombi
JOR 15H 30 rn.roselle

On 18th draw, UNCUT O6 26 --- CUT to divide into parts with a sharp-edged instrument [adj] --- UNCUT not cut [adj]
Other moves: QAT 11I 24, SUQ 14M 24, TUN C3 20, UTU C4 20, GUT 14F 19
QI H14 11 rn.roselle
QI 3A 11 wombi

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