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Game of May 20, 2011 at 12:16, 5 players
1. kellybelly -246
2. blue.sand -284
3. Glecyl -662

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeilop   H4    24    24   pibal
 2. ?aeoryy   G5    34    58   hayey
 3. acemnnr   F6    48   106   cream
 4. ijorstv   E9    41   147   joist
 5. gilnoos  14B    83   230   loosing
 6. ?lnqttu  12A    46   276   quats
 7. dhiorst  15A    50   326   sidh
 8. adelrrt  H11    24   350   radge
 9. bdeioor  11G    72   422   broodier
10. ehkllox  10J    52   474   kex
11. eilnrvw   L8    38   512   vexil
12. aaehnot   N9    34   546   throne
13. cefgotw  O12    58   604   weft
14. aaenruz   O5    44   648   azure
15. eginorw   4J    38   686   winger
16. aefiost  13J    28   714   tisane
17. aaeiorv   J1    23   737   airwave
18. dglnotu   1F    30   767   outland
19. acgmnou   2B    26   793   macon
20. efginpu   1A    27   820   nef

Remaining tiles: gipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6963 Filekellybelly  4 16:54  -246  574     1.6963 kellybelly  4 16:54  -246  574 
  2.6513 Fileblue.sand   1 22:20  -284  536     2.6513 blue.sand   1 22:20  -284  536 
  3.3132 FileGlecyl      1 10:52  -662  158            Group: novice
  4.5209 Filemegzee      0  5:41  -769   51     1.5209 megzee      0  5:41  -769   51 
  5.  -  Fileblurboi123  0  1:53  -817    3            Group: not rated
                                             1.3132 Glecyl      1 10:52  -662  158 
                                             2.  -  blurboi123  0  1:53  -817    3 

On 1st draw, PIBAL H4 24 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: OBELIA H3 22, PAOLI H4 20, PIBAL H8 20, PILAO H4 20, PILEA H4 20
PLEB H7 16 kellybelly
BOP H6 14 blue.sand

On 2nd draw, (H)AYEY G5 34 --- HAYEY resembling hay [adj]
Other moves: RE(N)AY I3 30, RE(S)AY I3 30, *f*Y I4 28, O(K)AY G4 28, YAB(B)Y 6F 28
YAY I7 28 kellybelly
YAY G7 28 blue.sand
PAR(T)Y 4H 18 Glecyl

On 3rd draw, CREAM F6 48 --- CREAM to select the best from a group [v]
Other moves: CREM F6 43, CRENA F6 42, NACRE F4 37, ACRE F5 36, CARMEN I5 33
CARMEN I5 33 blue.sand
CAME F8 24 kellybelly

On 4th draw, JOIST E9 41 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: JORS E9 39, JOTS E9 39, JOR E9 37, JOT E9 37, JOIST 11C 34
JOIST E9 41 kellybelly
JOTS E9 39 blue.sand

On 5th draw, LOOSING 14B 83 --- LOOSE to set free [v] --- LOOSING an act of loosing [n]
Other moves: SOLOING 14E 75, SOOLING 14E 75, LOOSINGS 12B 72, LOOTINGS 13B 72, SOLOING I8 64
LOOSING 14B 33 kellybelly
PIBALS H4 24 blue.sand

On 6th draw, QU(A)TS 12A 46 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other tops: QU(I)NS 12A 46, QU(I)TS 12A 46
Other moves: QU(E)LL B10 33, QU(I)LL B10 33, QU(O)LL B10 33, Q(I) D11 33, Q(I) 15A 31
QU(I)TS 12A 46 kellybelly
QU(I)NS 12A 46 blue.sand
QU(A)TS 12A 46 Glecyl

On 7th draw, SIDH 15A 50 --- SIDH a hill inhabited by supernatural beings in Irish folklore [n]
Other moves: DISH 15A 49, DOSH 15A 49, TOSH 15A 46, SHOGI H11 39, THIGS H11 39
HOGS H12 36 kellybelly
HODS 15A 35 blue.sand
DIGS H12 24 Glecyl

On 8th draw, RADGE H11 24 --- RADGE a bad temper [n] --- RADGE angry [adj]
Other tops: DAL I5 24
Other moves: LARGE H11 21, TARGE H11 21, TERGA H11 21, AL I6 19, PARLED 4H 18
RADGE H11 24 kellybelly
PARTED 4H 18 Glecyl, blue.sand

On 9th draw, BROODIER 11G 72 --- BROODY tending to brood [adj]
Other moves: PREBID 4H 22, PROBED 4H 22, BROIDER 11G 20, BROODER 11G 20, DOOBIE 13H 20
BROODIER 11G 22 kellybelly, blue.sand
POOR 4H 6 Glecyl

On 10th draw, KEX 10J 52 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: OKEH 10I 47, HEX 10J 46, HOX 10J 46, HOKE 10J 43, HELIX L8 38
HEX 10J 46 blue.sand
OXO J9 26 kellybelly
HOOK J10 19 Glecyl

On 11th draw, VEXIL L8 38 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other moves: WRIER N10 32, ELIXIR L7 28, VINEWED K5 28, NIXIE L8 26, DRIVEL 13H 22
RELIVED K5 22 kellybelly
RIVER N11 16 megzee
VILER N7 10 blue.sand

On 12th draw, THRONE N9 34 --- THRONE to place on a throne (a royal chair) [v]
Other moves: THANA I2 26, AVANT 8K 24, OVATE 8K 24, PHAETON 4H 24, PHONATE 4H 24
VANE 8L 21 kellybelly, megzee, blue.sand

On 13th draw, WEFT O12 58 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other moves: WOF O12 29, EFT O13 25, FOE O8 25, OFT O13 25, WOE O8 25
WEFT O12 58 kellybelly
WOE O8 25 blue.sand
POW 4H 8 megzee

On 14th draw, AZURE O5 44 --- AZURE a blue colour [n]
Other moves: ZEA O8 43, NAZE O6 41, RAZE O6 41, ZEA O7 38, ZA O8 35
RAZE O6 41 kellybelly, blue.sand
PREZ 4H 15 Glecyl
PANE 4H 6 megzee

On 15th draw, WINGER 4J 38 --- WINGER a certain player in soccer [n]
Other moves: OWNER 4K 34, OWER 4L 32, WEIR 4L 32, GOIER 4K 30, GONER 4K 30
GROWN N1 20 kellybelly
ORE M13 18 blue.sand

On 16th draw, TISANE 13J 28 --- TISANE a tea of herbs or barley [n]
Other tops: EOSINE 13J 28
Other moves: DEFIS 13H 26, EF 5J 25, OAF 3L 25, OF 5J 25, FATES E2 24
EF 5J 25 kellybelly
OF 5J 25 blue.sand

On 17th draw, AIRWAVE J1 23 --- AIRWAVE the medium of radio and television transmission [n]
Other moves: AVOWER J1 22, CABOVER 6F 22, VOGIER M2 22, VOWER J2 21, AGAVE M3 20
VOWER J2 21 kellybelly
VIGOR M2 18 blue.sand

On 18th draw, OUTLAND 1F 30 --- OUTLAND a foreign land [n]
Other moves: GLAND 1H 27, UNGLAD 1F 24, DUGONG M2 22, DONGA 1F 21, GONAD 1G 21
UNGLAD 1F 24 blue.sand
DONGA 1F 21 kellybelly
NOTA 1G 12 Glecyl

On 19th draw, MACON 2B 26 --- MACON a red or white French wine [n]
Other tops: COUGAN 2A 26
Other moves: MNA 2F 25, CAUM 2C 24, GUACO 2B 24, MANGO 2B 24, MUNGO 2B 24
CAM 2D 23 blue.sand, kellybelly
NON L4 3 blurboi123

On 20th draw, NEF 1A 27 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: GUP 1A 26, FEG 3A 24, FEN 1A 24, FIG 3A 24, FUG 3A 24
GUP 1A 26 blue.sand, kellybelly

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