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Game of May 20, 2011 at 13:04, 6 players
1. rn.roselle -455
2. blurboi123 -863
3. megzee -912

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aademo   H7    74    74   adenoma
 2. ceijrsu  14B    96   170   juicers
 3. ?egorst  11D    82   252   outgoers
 4. adehrst   G3    85   337   trashed
 5. eiinptw  12A    31   368   pewit
 6. aaeilrt   4C    68   436   arterial
 7. efkmoty   3A    42   478   fyke
 8. abbhivy   2B    43   521   bah
 9. eilnorv   A3    39   560   frivol
10. ailnrtu   K5    66   626   lunarist
11. aemnnns  15A    37   663   nams
12. adinouv   8J    42   705   navaid
13. bdiotux   B7    33   738   doux
14. efgiino   3I    37   775   feign
15. belnopu   2J    30   805   blue
16. eegnoyz  L12    56   861   oyez
17. egioopw  M10    33   894   wipe
18. cegnoot   1D    48   942   cogent

Remaining tiles: inooq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5557 Filern.roselle  0 19:07  -455  487     1.5557 rn.roselle  0 19:07  -455  487 
  2.  -  Fileblurboi123  0  9:28  -863   79     2.5209 megzee      0  1:09  -912   30 
  3.5209 Filemegzee      0  1:09  -912   30            Group: not rated
  4.  -  Filejpoulin     0  5:37  -921   21     1.  -  blurboi123  0  9:28  -863   79 
  5.3524 Fileluna1841    0  2:33  -922   20     2.  -  jpoulin     0  5:37  -921   21 
  6.  -  Fileshelbsassy  0  2:45  -925   17     3.3524 luna1841    0  2:33  -922   20 
                                             4.  -  shelbsassy  0  2:45  -925   17 

On 1st draw, ADE(N)OMA H7 74 --- ADENOMA a tumor of glandular origin [n]
Other moves: ADE(N)OMA H3 72, A(L)AMODE H7 72, ADE(N)OMA H2 70, ADE(N)OMA H4 70, ADE(N)OMA H6 70
DAME(S) H4 18 rn.roselle

On 2nd draw, JUICERS 14B 96 --- JUICER a juice extractor [n]
Other moves: JUICERS I1 71, JUS 14F 36, JEU G13 35, JUS G13 35, JUICES 14C 31
JUICERS 14B 46 rn.roselle

On 3rd draw, O(U)TGOERS 11D 82 --- OUTGOER someone who is outgoing [n]
Other moves: D(I)GESTOR 8H 80, GOSTER(E)D 8A 80, GOST(E)RED 8A 80, DROG(U)ETS 8H 77, STOR(A)GE G6 75
G(A)ST 15A 28 rn.roselle

On 4th draw, TRASHED G3 85 --- TRASH to free from trash (worthless or waste matter) [v]
Other tops: TRASHED I3 85
Other moves: HARDSET I3 76, TRASHED G1 69, TRASHED I1 69, HEADREST 9C 68, HEADREST 9G 68
HAST 15A 38 rn.roselle

On 5th draw, PEWIT 12A 31 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other moves: WIPE 12A 30, PINITE 12A 29, TWP 12C 29, NEWT F5 28, PEW F5 27
WIPE 12A 30 rn.roselle
DEW 9G 11 shelbsassy
TIE 3G 4 jpoulin

On 6th draw, ARTERIAL 4C 68 --- ARTERIAL a type of highway [n]
Other tops: ARTERIAL 4F 68
Other moves: ARTERIAL J7 62, LARIATED 8A 30, RETAILED 8A 30, LAARI F5 27, REALIA F2 26
RAT 15A 20 rn.roselle
TRIAL 4F 6 jpoulin
TRAIL 3G 6 shelbsassy

On 7th draw, FYKE 3A 42 --- FYKE a bag-shaped fishnet [n] --- FYKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: FAKEY C3 38, YOM 15A 37, FAKEY I3 36, TYKE 3A 36, YOKE 3A 36
MOT 15A 26 rn.roselle
SMOKE K11 11 jpoulin

On 8th draw, BAH 2B 43 --- BAH an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: YAH 15A 41, BAH 15A 38, YEAH I10 31, BA 2B 29, BABY 5I 28
BAH 15A 38 rn.roselle

On 9th draw, FRIVOL A3 39 --- FRIVOL to behave playfully [v]
Other moves: FLORIN A3 30, LORN 15A 29, VOR 15A 29, AVENIR 13H 26, LORAN 5D 25
VOR 15A 29 rn.roselle

On 10th draw, LUNARIST K5 66 --- LUNARIST one who thinks the moon affects the weather [n]
Other moves: LANT 15A 29, LARN 15A 29, RANT 15A 29, TARN 15A 29, LAT 1A 25
RAT 15A 20 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, NAMS 15A 37 --- NAM legal distraint [n]
Other moves: MANS 15A 35, MANAS 5D 31, NEMAS 5D 31, SAMAN 5D 31, STAMEN E3 31
MANS 15A 35 rn.roselle
AMENS 8K 30 megzee

On 12th draw, NAVAID 8J 42 --- NAVAID a navigational device [n]
Other moves: AVOID 8K 39, AVIAN 8K 36, AVION 8K 36, AVOID H1 32, AVID L12 24
OVA L12 16 rn.roselle
DUN 6J 8 blurboi123

On 13th draw, DOUX B7 33 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: OXID L12 32, BRUX J10 31, BOTA 5D 27, BRUIT J10 27, OBIIT H1 25
TIX 12K 20 rn.roselle
BUT 6J 11 blurboi123

On 14th draw, FEIGN 3I 37 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other moves: GRIEF J10 30, GIFT F8 25, FOE 7M 24, FEE I9 22, FEG 3I 22
FUG 6J 15 blurboi123
FAN M7 11 rn.roselle

On 15th draw, BLUE 2J 30 --- BLUE having the color of the clear sky [adj] --- BLUE to make the colour of a clear sky [v]
Other moves: BOLA 5D 27, BONA 5D 27, BRULE J10 27, PRUNE J10 27, APOLUNE M8 24
PANEL M7 11 blurboi123
POLED O4 11 rn.roselle

On 16th draw, OYEZ L12 56 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: YGOE 1L 51, GRENZ J10 48, ZO 7M 44, GINZO N7 35, NEEZE F2 35
NY N1 30 rn.roselle
GUN 6J 8 blurboi123

On 17th draw, WIPE M10 33 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: WOE M12 30, W*P 1M 30, PEW 1M 29, POW 1M 29, OWE M11 28
PEW 1M 29 rn.roselle
PAW M7 15 blurboi123
ZOO 15L 12 luna1841

On 18th draw, COGENT 1D 48 --- COGENT convincing [adj]
Other moves: COGON 1D 45, CONGE 1D 45, CONGO 1D 45, CENTO 1D 42, CONTE 1D 42
OZONE 15K 42 rn.roselle
CUT 6J 11 blurboi123
HERON D2 8 luna1841

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