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Game of May 20, 2011 at 16:57, 3 players
1. cipka_616 -476
2. SPIDER767 -720
3. Glecyl -846

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeeln   H8    64    64   alienee
 2. ?abloor  15B   101   165   robalos
 3. aaklmsv  11E    52   217   kamelas
 4. aijortu  10J    57   274   jurat
 5. aehnttv  B10    34   308   hatter
 6. efiotwy   A7    52   360   wifey
 7. eiilosu   O8    31   391   ousel
 8. deetvwy  12J    36   427   yeve
 9. cdenort   F6    69   496   notecard
10. adopssw  12A    32   528   stow
11. afhinns   9K    31   559   fah
12. ennopux   G5    39   598   pox
13. cdeegno   B2    84   682   congeed
14. deinnov   2B    66   748   connived
15. giinprt   1H    45   793   piing
16. agimqst   N6    34   827   qat
17. agiimru   O1    41   868   gurami
18. bdirsuz   C1    40   908   zobu
19. diirrst   D2    29   937   nitrids

Remaining tiles: iir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5919 Filecipka_616   1 21:59  -476  461     1.6171 SPIDER767   1 10:00  -720  217 
  2.6171 FileSPIDER767   1 10:00  -720  217            Group: novice
  3.3240 FileGlecyl      0 10:56  -846   91     1.5919 cipka_616   1 21:59  -476  461 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3240 Glecyl      0 10:56  -846   91 

On 1st draw, AL(I)ENEE H8 64 --- ALIENEE one to whom property is transferred [n]
Other tops: AL(I)ENEE H3 64, AL(I)ENEE H4 64, AL(I)ENEE H6 64, AL(I)ENEE H7 64
Other moves: AL(I)ENEE H2 62, AL(I)ENEE H5 62, AL(K)ENE H3 12, AL(K)ENE H4 12, AL(K)ENE H7 12
LEAN(S) H4 10 cipka_616

On 2nd draw, ROBALO(S) 15B 101 --- ROBALO a marine food fish [n]
Other moves: BAROLO(S) 15B 95, NO(N)LABOR 12H 70, (N)ONLABOR 12F 68, BAROLO(S) I4 65, ROBALO(S) I4 65
BOAR(S) 15D 45 cipka_616

On 3rd draw, KAMELAS 11E 52 --- KAMELA an Asian tree yielding an orange dye [n]
Other moves: KALAM 14A 36, KAMA 14A 32, KAMELAS 14E 31, ASLAKE 13C 30, KAMA 14C 30
KAMA 14A 32 cipka_616

On 4th draw, JURAT 10J 57 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: JATO 10J 54, JA(I) 10F 54, JIAO 10J 54, JOTA 10J 54, JOUR 10J 54
JURAT 10J 57 cipka_616

On 5th draw, HATTER B10 34 --- HATTER a hatmaker [n] --- HATTER to trouble [v]
Other tops: VATTER B10 34
Other moves: THEAVE 13C 32, HAVEN M9 30, HETMAN G8 27, HEAVEN 14G 25, HATE 14C 24
HAN 14A 18 cipka_616

On 6th draw, WIFEY A7 52 --- WIFEY an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: YOWIE C9 46, YOWIE A6 38, WEFT 12J 36, WIFE A7 35, WYTE A7 35
FOE A8 23 cipka_616
WAY M9 13 Glecyl

On 7th draw, OUSEL O8 31 --- OUSEL a European bird [n]
Other tops: EUSOL O8 31, LOUIES O5 31
Other moves: ILEUS O6 28, LIEUS O6 28, LOUIS O6 28, LOUSE O7 28, SILENI 12D 26
LIS 12D 14 cipka_616
LOUSE K8 5 Glecyl

On 8th draw, YEVE 12J 36 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other tops: WAVEY M9 36
Other moves: VAWTED M9 34, WEY 12J 34, YEW 12J 34, TWEEDY N10 33, WAVED M9 32
WED 12J 30 cipka_616

On 9th draw, NOTECARD F6 69 --- NOTECARD a card used for sending short messages [n]
Other moves: NOTECARD 8C 62, ENCODER 14H 32, ENCORED 14H 32, CODEN 12D 29, CERATED M7 28
CADENT M9 24 cipka_616
WEND 7A 9 Glecyl

On 10th draw, STOW 12A 32 --- STOW to put away [v]
Other tops: STAW 12A 32
Other moves: STAP 12A 30, STOP 12A 30, SPAWS E4 29, PAWED M9 28, SWAPS E4 28
PAWED M9 28 cipka_616

On 11th draw, FAH 9K 31 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other moves: FAHS E5 29, FAS 13M 28, HAS 13M 28, HIS 13M 28, FAH E5 25
HAS 13M 28 cipka_616
FUSES K9 8 Glecyl

On 12th draw, POX G5 39 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: NOX G5 37, EX G6 36, OX G6 36, XU 13M 36, EXON B5 34
XU 13M 36 SPIDER767, cipka_616

On 13th draw, CONGEED B2 84 --- CONGEE to bow politely [v]
Other moves: CONGEED N2 79, CONGEED I2 66, CONGED H1 44, CONED E5 34, CONGE H1 34

On 14th draw, CONNIVED 2B 66 --- CONNIVE to feign ignorance of wrongdoing [v]
Other moves: NEVOID H1 41, DOVEN E5 38, DOVIE E5 38, DOVE E5 34, DOVIE H1 34
HAVEN M9 22 cipka_616
CODEN 2B 10 Glecyl

On 15th draw, PIING 1H 45 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other moves: PIRNIT 1H 42, RIPING 1H 39, PING 1H 36, PIG 1H 33, PINT 1H 33
PING 1H 36 cipka_616
PENT H1 21 Glecyl

On 16th draw, QAT N6 34 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QIS N6 34
Other moves: QAT H4 29, QIS H4 29, ATHAMES M7 26, QI H4 25, STIGMA 3I 25
MA 8L 21 cipka_616

On 17th draw, GURAMI O1 41 --- GURAMI a food fish [n]
Other moves: GAM E7 23, GUM E7 23, MOA C11 22, MOI C11 22, ROMA 3A 22
GRAM L1 14 Glecyl

On 18th draw, ZOBU C1 40 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU 3A 40
Other moves: HAZED M9 36, HAZERS M9 36, HAZER M9 34, HAZES M9 34, URBS C5 29
ZA 7M 21 cipka_616
ZA E14 11 Glecyl

On 19th draw, NITRIDS D2 29 --- NITRID a compound of nitrogen [n]
Other moves: NITRID D2 25, NITID D2 23, DIETS 13F 22, DIS 13M 20, EDS 13H 20
HARES M9 16 cipka_616

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