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Game of May 21, 2011 at 06:04, 5 players
1. Faeythe -601
2. wat505 -902
3. Nuella -928

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afnopru   H4    24    24   furan
 2. ailnrwy   5H    78   102   unwarily
 3. ?dnrstu   M3    70   172   unitards
 4. aehnotz   L1    54   226   zoner
 5. agmopvw   O1    54   280   vampy
 6. ?delmtt   K4    75   355   mattedly
 7. cdefiot   4D    30   385   coiffe
 8. degorst   9C    72   457   stodger
 9. ailorsu   D7    68   525   sutorial
10. aagiknq   F6    34   559   qaid
11. begnory   1H    60   619   bronzy
12. eegilot   8K    24   643   egret
13. dehistv  N10    53   696   hived
14. aceinpt  13G    82   778   patience
15. abiklos   2B    84   862   kolbasi
16. aejoouw  C13    46   908   jaw
17. aeehiox   3A    50   958   hox
18. eeegiou   1C    23   981   geo

Remaining tiles: aeeeeiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5338 FileFaeythe     1 17:58  -601  380     1.6696 wat505      0  3:09  -902   79 
  2.6696 Filewat505      0  3:09  -902   79            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileNuella      0  5:01  -928   53     1.5338 Faeythe     1 17:58  -601  380 
  4.4702 FileAtommotA    0  1:49  -938   43            Group: not rated
  5.4920 Filewllchp      0  2:30  -949   32     1.  -  Nuella      0  5:01  -928   53 
                                             2.4702 AtommotA    0  1:49  -938   43 
                                             3.4920 wllchp      0  2:30  -949   32 

On 1st draw, FURAN H4 24 --- FURAN a chemical used in tanning [n]
Other moves: FRAP H5 18, FRAP H6 18, FRAP H7 18, FRAP H8 18, FURAN H8 18
AFRO H7 14 wat505
FAR H7 12 wllchp

On 2nd draw, UNWARILY 5H 78 --- UNWARILY in an unwary manner [adv] --- WARILY in a wary manner [adv]
Other moves: YAWL G7 29, YAWL I7 29, YAWN G7 29, YAWN I7 29, FAWNY 4H 28
YAWN I7 29 wat505
YAW G7 28 Faeythe

On 3rd draw, UNIT(A)RDS M3 70 --- UNITARD a leotard that also covers the legs [n]
Other moves: DR(A)UNTS 9B 68, DUR(A)NTS 9B 68, DUR(A)NTS G7 68, DUR(A)NTS I7 68, NURDI(E)ST M1 68
STUDY O1 33 Faeythe

On 4th draw, ZONER L1 54 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other tops: HERTZ 8K 54
Other moves: AZOTH G6 53, AZOTE G6 50, AZON G6 49, ZONATE G7 49, ZANTE G7 48
REZ 8M 36 wat505
HAZY O2 29 Faeythe

On 5th draw, VAMPY O1 54 --- VAMPY like a vamp [adj]
Other moves: VAGROM 8J 42, VROW 8L 42, WRAP 8L 39, PROW 8L 36, YAWP O5 36
GAPY O2 13 Faeythe

On 6th draw, MATTEDL(Y) K4 75 --- MATTEDLY in a tangled manner [adv]
Other moves: METTL(E)D G7 74, METTL(E)D I7 74, M(E)TTLED 9C 74, M(O)TTLED 9C 74, METTL(E)D 9C 73
REM 8M 15 Faeythe

On 7th draw, COIFFE 4D 30 --- COIFFE to style the hair [v]
Other moves: FECIT G7 28, COIFED 9D 27, FICE G7 27, FICO G7 27, FOCI G7 27
FEZ 1J 15 Faeythe

On 8th draw, STODGER 9C 72 --- STODGER a dull person [n]
Other moves: DIGESTOR F3 64, GROSZE 1H 48, GROSZ 1H 45, REGRET 8J 27, DERROS 8J 24
SCORED D3 11 Faeythe

On 9th draw, SUTORIAL D7 68 --- SUTORIAL relating to cobbling [adj]
Other moves: RAOULIAS 7B 61, RAIS 10E 26, LOUIS 8A 25, URIAL 8A 25, AIS 10F 23
SAILORS C9 14 AtommotA
SAI 8A 11 Faeythe

On 10th draw, QAID F6 34 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: AKA C12 30, KNAG C12 30, QI 3F 29, KAI C13 28, AKA C11 26
QI 3F 29 AtommotA
GINK F3 19 Faeythe

On 11th draw, BRONZY 1H 60 --- BRONZY of a brownish colour [adj]
Other moves: BRONZE 1H 51, GRENZ 1H 45, BYE C12 32, NEARBY 13B 30, OBEY C12 30
OBEY C12 30 Faeythe

On 12th draw, EGRET 8K 24 --- EGRET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: ETOILE N9 23, SIEGE C9 23, OGEE C11 21, OGLE C11 21, STELE C9 20
EGRET 8K 24 Faeythe

On 13th draw, HIVED N10 53 --- HIVE to cause to enter a hive (a bee's nest) [v]
Other moves: HIVES N10 51, HISTED N10 49, HEIDS N10 47, HIDES N10 47, HEIST N10 45

On 14th draw, PATIENCE 13G 82 --- PATIENCE the quality of enduring calmly [n]
Other moves: PICANTE 2B 80, PLANETIC 14C 70, PELICAN 14B 34, ATELIC 14A 28, INLACE 14B 28
TIC O13 20 Faeythe
PLICATE 14C 17 Nuella

On 15th draw, KOLBASI 2B 84 --- KOLBASI a smoked sausage [n]
Other moves: KABS H12 45, ABASK H11 42, SKAIL H11 42, BALK H12 39, BASK H12 39
BASK H12 39 Faeythe
LIBRAS 11A 16 Nuella
KA(Y) 11I 6 wllchp

On 16th draw, JAW C13 46 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: J*W C13 46
Other moves: JAW 3A 42, JOW 3A 42, JEU C13 40, JA C13 38, JAW 14F 38
JAW 3A 42 Faeythe
JA(Y) 11I 9 wllchp

On 17th draw, HOX 3A 50 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: AX 3B 42, OX 3B 42, HEX 12H 37, ALEXIA 14C 35, HEX 14F 34
AX 3B 42 Faeythe
OKEH B1 11 Nuella
BOO E2 5 wllchp

On 18th draw, GEO 1C 23 --- GEO a gully [n]
Other moves: OGEE E12 21, GO B14 19, GEE E13 18, GEO E13 18, GOALIE 14A 18
HUGE A3 9 Nuella
EE O14 9 Faeythe

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