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Game of May 21, 2011 at 06:48, 7 players
1. wat505 -549
2. megzee -804
3. Faeythe -813

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deilot   H7    68    68   toluide
 2. aimostv   9F    68   136   voltaism
 3. ?ceeeep  11D    94   230   eyepiece
 4. agortuw  13C    32   262   outgrew
 5. ahnntuy   8K    39   301   haunt
 6. abennru   7K    27   328   arb
 7. adfgors   N6    35   363   fans
 8. aeiltty   O1    38   401   titely
 9. abchnop  12A    34   435   banc
10. afinnor  A12    27   462   barf
11. adeelor  15A    89   551   freeload
12. ehilosy  L11    42   593   shily
13. agiknrv  15K    39   632   kyang
14. ainoopr   G1    64   696   pronaoi
15. eimrsvw   1D    48   744   wimps
16. deginnx   E1    84   828   indexing
17. deiioqr   N2    46   874   qi
18. deioruv   2B    29   903   droner
19. eeiouvz   M3    48   951   zee

Remaining tiles: ijouuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6696 Filewat505      2 13:45  -549  402     1.6696 wat505      2 13:45  -549  402 
  2.5219 Filemegzee      0 11:35  -804  147            Group: novice
  3.5311 FileFaeythe     0 14:26  -813  138     1.5219 megzee      0 11:35  -804  147 
  4.4920 Filewllchp      0  3:58  -891   60     2.5311 Faeythe     0 14:26  -813  138 
  5.5597 Filepattern     1  1:05  -903   48     3.5597 pattern     1  1:05  -903   48 
  6.  -  Filerojin2006   0  3:22  -934   17            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filemaxantonio  0  1:04  -943    8     1.4920 wllchp      0  3:58  -891   60 
                                             2.  -  rojin2006   0  3:22  -934   17 
                                             3.  -  maxantonio  0  1:04  -943    8 

On 1st draw, TOL(U)IDE H7 68 --- TOLUIDE a derivative of glycocoll [n]
Other tops: DELTOI(D) H4 68, DOILTE(R) H4 68, LE(N)TOID H6 68, LIT(H)OED H6 68, O(U)TLIED H6 68, (D)ELTOID H6 68, (P)ILOTED H6 68
Other moves: DELTOI(D) H2 66, DELTOI(D) H3 66, DELTOI(D) H7 66, DELTOI(D) H8 66, DOILTE(R) H2 66
LOT(S) H8 6 wllchp

On 2nd draw, VOLTAISM 9F 68 --- VOLTAISM electricity produced by chemical action [n]
Other moves: MOTIVES 13C 34, MOTIVE 13C 30, MAVIS 14D 26, SATIVE 13C 26, VISTA 14F 26
AIMS G11 21 Faeythe
VOTE 13E 8 maxantonio

On 3rd draw, E(Y)EPIECE 11D 94 --- EYEPIECE the lens or lens group nearest the eye in an optical instrument [n]
Other tops: E(Y)EPIECE K5 94
Other moves: P(R)ECEESE L3 74, PEECE 8K 41, PEEC(E) 8K 38, PE(A)CE 8K 37, PE(E)CE 8K 37
P(A)VE F7 10 Faeythe

On 4th draw, OUTGREW 13C 32 --- OUTGROW to grow too large for [v]
Other moves: GOURA 8K 31, MUGWORT M9 26, WAGER D8 26, WART 12A 26, WAUR 12A 26
WAG G13 20 Faeythe

On 5th draw, HAUNT 8K 39 --- HAUNT to visit frequently [v]
Other moves: HAY 8M 34, HAY 12J 27, AUNTY 12K 26, HAY 10L 26, MYNAH M9 26
ANY 8M 22 Faeythe

On 6th draw, ARB 7K 27 --- ARB a type of stock trader [n]
Other moves: BUNA 12A 26, URBANE 10A 23, BRAE 7L 22, BUREAU D8 22, NABE 10C 21
ARB 7K 27 wat505
WEB I13 8 Faeythe

On 7th draw, FANS N6 35 --- FAN to cool or refresh with a fan (a device for putting air into motion) [v]
Other moves: ORGANS N4 31, SOFAR L11 30, DANS N6 29, GANS N6 29, GROANS N4 29
SOFA 14H 28 wat505
SAG L11 20 Faeythe
GARB 7J 7 megzee

On 8th draw, TITELY O1 38 --- TITELY in a prompt manner [adv]
Other moves: LYTTAE O1 35, TAILYE O1 35, LYTTAE 10A 30, LAITY 12K 26, YAE 12C 25
WAY I13 9 Faeythe

On 9th draw, BANC 12A 34 --- BANC the judges' bench [n]
Other moves: BONACI 2J 32, HAP N2 32, BAH N2 31, CAPH 14A 31, PAH N2 31
HAP N2 32 wat505
CHANT 3K 20 megzee

On 10th draw, BARF A12 27 --- BARF to vomit [v]
Other moves: INBORN A10 24, FANON 12K 23, OAF N2 23, ABRIN A11 21, INORB A8 21
FA 10E 19 wat505
BORN A12 18 megzee
FAINT 1K 9 Faeythe

On 11th draw, FREELOAD 15A 89 --- FREELOAD to live at the expense of others [v]
Other moves: ELODEA 14I 23, ORDEAL 14I 23, ALEE N1 18, ALOED 12K 18, ARLED 12K 18
ALEE N1 18 wat505
FADE 15A 9 Faeythe
WED I13 7 megzee

On 12th draw, SHILY L11 42 --- SHILY in a shy manner [adv]
Other moves: SOILY L11 36, HEY N2 35, HOLEY 12K 35, HOSEY 12K 35, HYLOIST 3I 34
HEY N2 35 wat505
SH*T 1L 8 megzee

On 13th draw, KYANG 15K 39 --- KYANG a Tibetan wild ass [n]
Other moves: VYING 15K 36, AKIN N1 34, IKAN N1 34, YANK 15L 33, YARK 15L 33
YANK 15L 33 megzee
RAYING 15J 30 wat505
YAK 15L 10 Faeythe

On 14th draw, PRONAOI G1 64 --- PRONAOS a vestibule in front of a temple [n]
Other tops: PRONAOI I1 64
Other moves: PAN N2 22, PAR N2 22, PIA N2 22, PIN N2 22, PIR N2 22
PAN N2 22 wat505
PAINT 3K 14 megzee

On 15th draw, WIMPS 1D 48 --- WIMP a weak or ineffectual person [n] --- WIMP to act like a wimp, as in the phrase to wimp out [v]
Other moves: SWIPER 1D 36, SMEW N1 35, PRIMES 1G 33, SIMPER 1D 33, SWIPE 1D 33
PRIMES 1G 33 wat505
PEWS 1G 27 megzee

On 16th draw, INDEXING E1 84 --- INDEXING the linking of wages and prices to cost-of-living levels [n]
Other moves: EX N1 38, XI N2 38, DEANING 5E 36, NIXED 2A 34, WEXING D1 34
EX N1 38 wat505
HEX 12L 13 megzee

On 17th draw, QI N2 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DRONER 2B 29, IRED D3 29, REDO D4 28, RODE D4 28, IRONER 2B 27
QI N2 46 wat505
ADORE 5G 12 rojin2006
HIDE 12L 9 wllchp

On 18th draw, DRONER 2B 29 --- DRONER one that drones [n]
Other tops: IRED D3 29
Other moves: REDO D4 28, RODE D4 28, IRONER 2B 27, WEID D1 27, IDE D3 26
RODE D4 28 wat505
DRIVE 4A 22 wllchp
DOOR 3E 5 rojin2006

On 19th draw, ZEE M3 48 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZO M3 46, ZO 1A 36, AVIZE 5G 34, ZEA B10 32, ZOA B10 32
ZEE M3 48 pattern
ZO M3 46 wat505
OOZE 3G 23 wllchp

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