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Game of May 21, 2011 at 10:47, 7 players
1. beth85 -761
2. margalang -809
3. kellybelly -844

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaailmt   H4    20    20   matai
 2. aegorty   G6    28    48   aygre
 3. eprsttu   F1    78   126   sputter
 4. ?dnouww  F10    40   166   widow
 5. aeeelps  15A    39   205   elpees
 6. aeefhos   1A    48   253   fashes
 7. ?giquvz   4A    54   307   qiviut
 8. mnortuy   2B    35   342   yom
 9. acdirst  13C    78   420   carotids
10. aabchno  H11    42   462   china
11. adenoov  12H    31   493   hooved
12. eflnrtu   L7    62   555   refluent
13. abilnou   A4    48   603   qibla
14. aeiklou   C1    40   643   souvlaki
15. beiijno   E9    36   679   job
16. adeeinn   M1    71   750   adenine
17. eioorxz   L1    76   826   zero
18. eginoor   K2    82   908   goonier

Remaining tiles: giintx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filebeth85      0  7:07  -761  147     1.6970 kellybelly  0  3:11  -844   64 
  2.5606 Filemargalang   0  4:25  -809   99            Group: novice
  3.6970 Filekellybelly  0  3:11  -844   64     1.5606 margalang   0  4:25  -809   99 
  4.  -  Filefelicity93  0  5:03  -877   31            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filejc4dc       0  3:13  -889   19     1.  -  beth85      0  7:07  -761  147 
  6.3200 FileGlecyl      0  1:48  -892   16     2.  -  felicity93  0  5:03  -877   31 
  7.  -  Filebendeloian  0  1:55  -902    6     3.  -  jc4dc       0  3:13  -889   19 
                                             4.3200 Glecyl      0  1:48  -892   16 
                                             5.  -  bendeloian  0  1:55  -902    6 

On 1st draw, MATAI H4 20 --- MATAI (Maori) a coniferous evergreen tree of New Zealand, aka black pine [n]
Other moves: LAMIA H4 16, LAMIA H8 16, MATAI H8 16, TALMA H4 16, TALMA H8 16

On 2nd draw, AYGRE G6 28 --- AYGRE sour [adj]
Other moves: GAYER I3 26, YAGER G7 26, YAGER I3 26, EYOT G6 25, EYOT I6 25
MARGE 4H 16 Glecyl

On 3rd draw, SPUTTER F1 78 --- SPUTTER to eject particles in short bursts [v]
Other moves: STRUMPET 4D 74, TRUMPETS 4E 74, UPSETTER 10A 68, PUTTERS I8 67, SPUTTER I8 67

On 4th draw, W(I)DOW F10 40 --- WIDOW to deprive of a husband [v]
Other tops: (S)WOWND H10 40
Other moves: D(R)OWNS 1A 39, SWOWND 1F 39, SWOWND(S) 1F 39, W(I)DOWS 1A 39, SWOUN(E)D 1F 36
WOUND F10 34 beth85

On 5th draw, ELPEES 15A 39 --- ELPEE a long-playing record [n]
Other tops: ELPEES H10 39
Other moves: ASLEEP 15E 36, SAPELE 15F 36, ELAPSE H10 33, PASSEE 1D 33, PASSEL 1D 33
SLEEP 15F 33 beth85

On 6th draw, FASHES 1A 48 --- FASH to bother or annoy [v]
Other tops: FASHES 1D 48
Other moves: FOSSAE 1D 39, SHEAFS 1A 39, FESSE 1D 36, FOSSA 1D 36, FOSSE 1D 36
SHOES 1F 24 beth85

On 7th draw, QIV(I)UT 4A 54 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other tops: Q(I)VIUT 4A 54
Other moves: QUIG(H)T 4A 50, QI(S) E11 46, QUI(N)ZE D10 46, SQUIZ C1 46, QI E11 45
QUIT 4C 26 beth85

On 8th draw, YOM 2B 35 --- YOM day [n]
Other moves: MOY E11 30, ATRIUM B1 28, YOM E9 28, AUTONYM 5H 24, MOTORY 13C 24
TRY H10 16 beth85

On 9th draw, CAROTIDS 13C 78 --- CAROTID an artery in the neck [n]
Other moves: DRASTIC I8 67, QADIS A4 45, QAIDS A4 45, DICAST H10 43, DARICS H10 37
WARDS 14F 11 felicity93
QI A4 11 jc4dc
MATS 4H 6 beth85

On 10th draw, CHINA H11 42 --- CHINA fine porcelain ware [n]
Other tops: CHIAO H11 42, CHINO H11 42
Other moves: NAH 14H 32, NOH 14H 32, AHA 14I 30, BAH E9 30, BOH E9 30
WEB 10F 8 beth85, jc4dc
SON J13 5 felicity93

On 11th draw, HOOVED 12H 31 --- HOOVE to hover [v] --- HOOVED having hooves [adj]
Other moves: HOOVEN 12H 29, DEAN 14A 27, HOOVE 12H 27, AVOW 14C 26, AEON 14A 24
MOON 4H 6 felicity93

On 12th draw, REFLUENT L7 62 --- REFLUENT flowing back [adj]
Other moves: QUERN A4 42, FEU 14A 28, FUNDER M9 28, FED 12D 26, FERULA D8 26
TURNED M7 9 felicity93

On 13th draw, QIBLA A4 48 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other tops: AQUILON A3 48
Other moves: QUINOA A4 45, QUINOL A4 45, QUAIL A4 42, QUINA A4 42, QUINO A4 42

On 14th draw, SOUVLAKI C1 40 --- SOUVLAKI a Greek shish kebab [n]
Other moves: LAKER E9 37, OAKER E9 37, AUK 14B 32, EUK 14B 32, LEAK E8 32
TAKE 14L 16 margalang

On 15th draw, JOB E9 36 --- JOB to work by the piece [v]
Other moves: JIB I3 28, JIBE K4 28, JOB I3 28, JOBE K4 28, JOLE 10J 27
JANE D12 22 margalang

On 16th draw, ADENINE M1 71 --- ADENINE an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: ADENINE K1 68, DEAN 14A 27, DEEN 14A 27, INDEED M10 26, INDENE K4 23
DEN I3 12 margalang

On 17th draw, ZERO L1 76 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZORI L1 76
Other moves: ZOO L1 48, ZO L1 45, RAZE 1L 42, ZEX I3 42, EXO N2 37
ZOO L1 48 kellybelly
XI N1 33 margalang

On 18th draw, GOONIER K2 82 --- GOONY stupid [adj]
Other moves: RENIG B6 29, GOONIE K2 28, GOORIE K2 28, IGNORE K4 27, NOOGIE K2 27
DOOR M12 16 margalang, kellybelly
POOR 2F 6 bendeloian

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