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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of May 21, 2011 at 16:50

Word find
Word played
1 ABEJLNS             JELABS H4 46 46  
2 ?ANRSTY             AN(C)ESTRY 5E 90 136  
3 ADEILRT             DIELYTRA L1 80 216  
4 DEIOUVZ             DOZED 1H 48 264  
5 ?EGHMRS             H(O)MAGERS E2 63 327  
6 IILNOSW             WINO 2G 27 354  
7 FIKOORS             KAFIR 8K 36 390  
8 AAEEIPY             APIARY 8A 36 426  
9 AADILNO KINO K8 16 -44 16 3/4 ORDALIAN O7 60 486 6/6
10 ENNOSTU KENTS K8 18 -42 34 3/4 NOUNIEST C4 60 546 6/6
11 ADEINOU KIND K8 18 -12 52 2/4 DENI D1 30 576 6/6
12 EEILMUV VIED 1A 24 -4 76 2/4 LIEVE 3J 28 604 4/6
13 ACEGIOT AGED 1A 18 -12 94 4/4 GOETIC N1 30 634 4/6
14 AAOPTUU KUTA K8 16 -9 110 4/5 UP O1 25 659 4/7
15 ABCGOOT GOAD 1A 18 -14 128 4/4 OCTAGON 14I 32 691 4/7
16 EEIMRRT TRIMER 15D 29 -53 157 3/4 MITERER 15C 82 773 4/7
17 AEEEHQU QUAD 1A 42   199 3/5       815 4/7
18 BEEHOWX WAX L13 21 -31 220 4/4 OX B5 52 867 4/7
19 BEEFHUW             FEH N10 37 904 4/7

Total: 220/904 or -684 for 24.33%
Rank: 5582

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