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Game of May 21, 2011 at 21:20, 10 players
1. SuperH -522
2. Oasthouse1 -541
3. Andy1990 -642

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eenssuy   H4    24    24   yeses
 2. ?aabgnt   5E    90   114   abnegate
 3. efmnopu   H1    45   159   empyeses
 4. aadinru   M3    28   187   radian
 5. acnoosu   8K    24   211   canon
 6. adehhis   3A    86   297   headship
 7. deoqruz   A1    54   351   dzho
 8. ?bllruw   1G    63   414   wellcurb
 9. eilortt   8A    77   491   triolets
10. aaefgop   2A    39   530   zoaea
11. emntuuw   6J    28   558   we
12. adeiirt   O5    60   618   daintier
13. lnoostu   O1    48   666   sou
14. efgintv  N11    25   691   feign
15. emoprtu   K8    78   769   computer
16. eiinoty  15G    39   808   nitery
17. egjknor  14F    41   849   joke
18. cfinovx   L8    45   894   axion
19. cilqruv   7C    44   938   qi
20. cflruvv   4J    30   968   fural

Remaining tiles: cgvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5875 FileSuperH      2 24:15  -522  446     1.5875 SuperH      2 24:15  -522  446 
  2.5425 FileOasthouse1  1 26:04  -541  427     2.5425 Oasthouse1  1 26:04  -541  427 
  3.3682 FileAndy1990    1 20:36  -642  326     3.5459 sunshine12  2  4:10  -833  135 
  4.4470 Filenaomiari    1 19:33  -667  301     4.5481 lorrie1161  0  1:13  -961    7 
  5.2826 Filerobboem     0 14:33  -804  164            Group: not rated
  6.5459 Filesunshine12  2  4:10  -833  135     1.3682 Andy1990    1 20:36  -642  326 
  7.  -  Filesparky_p    0  8:31  -885   83     2.4470 naomiari    1 19:33  -667  301 
  8.  -  Filevidalia     0  2:43  -927   41     3.2826 robboem     0 14:33  -804  164 
  9.  -  Filesmartie67   0  1:40  -942   26     4.  -  sparky_p    0  8:31  -885   83 
 10.5481 Filelorrie1161  0  1:13  -961    7     5.  -  vidalia     0  2:43  -927   41 
                                             6.  -  smartie67   0  1:40  -942   26 

On 1st draw, YESES H4 24 --- YES to give an affirmative reply to [v]
Other tops: SESEY H8 24
Other moves: SEYENS H3 20, SEYENS H4 20, SEYENS H7 20, SEYENS H8 20, SESEY H4 18
YENS H8 14 Oasthouse1
YENS H7 14 naomiari
YENS H6 14 Andy1990
SENSE H8 12 SuperH

On 2nd draw, ABNEGAT(E) 5E 90 --- ABNEGATE to deny to oneself [v]
Other moves: ABAT(I)NG G4 76, ABAT(I)NG G6 74, ABN(E)GATE 5A 70, ABAT(I)NG G8 65, ABNEGAT(E) 7E 63
BANTY 4D 20 Andy1990
BAG(G)Y 4D 20 Oasthouse1
BAN I3 15 SuperH
BAST(I)NG 6F 15 naomiari

On 3rd draw, EMPYESES H1 45 --- EMPYESIS a skin eruption containing pus [n]
Other moves: POUF 4L 32, FUME 4J 31, FEM 4J 29, FUM 4J 29, FOEM(E)N L1 28
FUME G7 27 SuperH
POEMS 8D 12 Oasthouse1, smartie67
OM(E)N L3 10 Andy1990

On 4th draw, RADIAN M3 28 --- RADIAN a unit of angular measure [n]
Other moves: SUDARIA 6H 27, NADIR M3 26, MANDIRA 2H 24, NAIAD M1 24, RANID M1 24
RIND M2 22 Oasthouse1
RAIN(E)D L1 14 smartie67
DUN G7 14 SuperH
MAID 2H 9 Andy1990
RUD(E) L2 8 robboem
BAR F5 7 naomiari

On 5th draw, CANON 8K 24 --- CANON a law decreed by a church council [n]
Other tops: CANNS 8K 24, CANSO 8K 24, CONNS 8K 24, CONUS 8K 24
Other moves: CANSO 6B 23, SONIC 6J 22, UNCO 8L 21, CAN(E)S L2 20, CONUS 9I 20
CANON 8K 24 SuperH, naomiari
CANNS 8K 24 Andy1990
COONS 9I 20 Oasthouse1
ONUS 8L 15 robboem
COONS 8D 10 vidalia

On 6th draw, HEADSHIP 3A 86 --- HEADSHIP the position of a leader [n]
Other moves: HAHAS 4J 37, HASH 4L 36, HAHA 4J 35, HASH 9K 34, HISH 9K 34
HASHED L7 31 robboem
H(E)H L4 31 vidalia
CHASED K8 24 Oasthouse1
SHADE 4A 22 SuperH
SHADES 8C 14 Andy1990

On 7th draw, DZHO A1 54 --- DZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DORIZE 6J 50, DOZ(E) L2 50, Z(E)D L4 49, DZO 2B 46, DOOZER N7 39
QUEER B1 28 robboem, naomiari, Andy1990, Oasthouse1
QUAD C1 14 SuperH

On 8th draw, WELL(C)URB 1G 63 --- WELLCURB the stone ring around a well (a hole dug in the ground to obtain water) [n]
Other moves: WARB 4L 32, RUB(E)LLA L2 30, RUB(E)LLA(N) L2 30, RUB(E)LLA(S) L2 30, WA(R)B 4L 30
WALL 4L 24 Oasthouse1
W(E)B G7 24 SuperH
CURB K8 16 naomiari
W(A)LLS 8D 11 Andy1990
W(A)D D1 10 robboem

On 9th draw, TRIOLETS 8A 77 --- TRIOLET a short poem of fixed form [n]
Other moves: CLOTTIER K8 70, TORTILE G7 65, TORTILE I7 65, BLOTTIER F5 64, TORTILE I8 61
OE B2 26 SuperH
COILER K8 16 Andy1990, robboem
CITER K8 14 naomiari
RIDE D1 12 Oasthouse1
TITLES 8C 7 lorrie1161

On 10th draw, ZOAEA 2A 39 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other moves: GAPO 4C 36, ZAP 2A 36, ZEP 2A 36, ZOEA 2A 35, ZEA 2A 30
OE B2 26 SuperH
FADE D1 24 Andy1990
FORAGE B6 22 Oasthouse1
LEAF E8 14 naomiari
FIG C7 13 robboem

On 11th draw, WE 6J 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: WAME 4L 28
Other moves: MAWN 4L 26, EH F2 24, SUM 6H 24, WANE 4L 24, WANT 4L 24
MAWN 4L 26 SuperH
MAW 4L 22 Oasthouse1
AWE J5 14 naomiari
TWINE C6 13 Andy1990
WENT F7 9 robboem

On 12th draw, DAINTIER O5 60 --- DAINT dainty [adj] --- DAINTY delicately pretty [adj]
Other moves: DAIRIES 6B 24, DIARIES 6B 24, DIRTIES 6B 24, EH F2 24, ZOAEAE 2A 24
CARTED K8 18 Andy1990
CARIED K8 18 SuperH
DARE 4L 16 naomiari
TIRADE B6 13 robboem
READ F7 9 Oasthouse1

On 13th draw, SOU O1 48 --- SOU a former French coin [n]
Other tops: SOL O1 48, SON O1 48, SOT O1 48, SUN O1 48
Other moves: SO O1 45, ST O1 45, WELL(C)URBS 1G 39, SOG I3 29, LOS I1 27
SON O1 48 Oasthouse1, SuperH
STOLE 11K 10 naomiari
STOUR 12K 10 Andy1990
LOOSE 11K 10 sparky_p
BONES F5 9 robboem

On 14th draw, FEIGN N11 25 --- FEIGN to pretend [v]
Other tops: FATING L7 25
Other moves: EH F2 24, NIEVE 7F 24, ZOAEAE 2A 24, FE 1D 23, FEINT N11 23
FINGER 12J 20 Oasthouse1
FIVE C7 18 naomiari
FLING E7 18 SuperH, Andy1990
VITE C7 12 robboem
RADIANT M3 9 sparky_p

On 15th draw, COMPUTER K8 78 --- COMPUTER a machine that computes automatically [n]
Other moves: PORTMEN 15H 42, PUMA 4J 33, REMOUNT 15I 30, IMPUTER C8 28, MENO 15L 27
PONT 15L 27 SuperH
PUNT 15L 27 Oasthouse1
CRUMPET K8 26 Andy1990
PRONE 15K 24 naomiari
PERM F7 14 sparky_p

On 16th draw, NITERY 15G 39 --- NITERY a nightclub [n]
Other moves: ENTRY 15H 36, NITRY 15H 36, ONERY 15H 36, TONEY 6B 35, YITIE L10 35
OY O14 33 SuperH
YE L10 16 naomiari
TONER 15G 15 Andy1990
YEN 14J 14 Oasthouse1
TINY C7 9 sparky_p

On 17th draw, JOKE 14F 41 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: JEON J9 34, JUNKER 12J 34, JOKE 6B 33, JOG 14F 32, JERK B6 31
JOKE 14F 41 sunshine12
JUNKER 12J 34 Andy1990, Oasthouse1
JOKE 14D 27 naomiari
LOKE E8 16 sparky_p
JOKER D7 16 SuperH

On 18th draw, AXION L8 45 --- AXION a hypothetical subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: NIXY L12 43, CONFIX D7 36, OX 7B 36, XI 7C 36, FAX 4L 34
XI 7C 36 SuperH, sunshine12
FAX 4L 34 naomiari
FIX C7 25 sparky_p, Oasthouse1
FOX D7 13 Andy1990

On 19th draw, QI 7C 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CURLI 6B 23, QI 13M 22, QI C7 21, CEDI D1 20, CIVIL C7 17
QI 7C 44 sunshine12
QI 13M 22 Oasthouse1

On 20th draw, FURAL 4J 30 --- FURAL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other moves: FAR 4L 20, FA 4L 18, F(E) L4 18, FUEL 7F 17, CURVET I10 15
FAR 4L 20 SuperH
ELF F8 14 sunshine12
FLAW J3 10 naomiari
BLUER F5 9 Andy1990
CON G13 8 Oasthouse1

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