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Game of May 22, 2011 at 18:08, 9 players
1. musdrive -358
2. bonggalita -371
3. jeff -405

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adiinps   H4    22    22   padis
 2. einopuv   G6    23    45   opine
 3. ?belotx   I4    51    96   ibex
 4. aeglosy   J4    41   137   easy
 5. aehmsuw   F8    95   232   mahewus
 6. cdeistu   K2    35   267   disc
 7. afinort  E11    33   300   fano
 8. cdeinrt  H10    36   336   triced
 9. ?befruy  15A    46   382   breys
10. aeinoru  15H    80   462   douanier
11. aeginor   O8    83   545   orangier
12. eemnotv   F2    38   583   venom
13. deloort   N4    75   658   rootled
14. efginot   M9    40   698   fogie
15. agittuz  C10    32   730   aguize
16. aeilrtt   D4    68   798   tertial
17. ahjlnuw   8A    42   840   haji
18. kllntuw   M3    26   866   lunk

Remaining tiles: lqttvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6740 Filemusdrive    3 19:31  -358  508     1.6740 musdrive    3 19:31  -358  508 
  2.6503 Filebonggalita  2 20:04  -371  495     2.6503 bonggalita  2 20:04  -371  495 
  3.5910 Filejeff        1 23:03  -405  461            Group: novice
  4.5736 Filesexybexy77  0 12:29  -574  292     1.5910 jeff        1 23:03  -405  461 
  5.2780 Filecennet77    0 21:34  -651  215     2.5736 sexybexy77  0 12:29  -574  292 
  6.  -  Filechattymona  0  9:09  -754  112            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileDeborah     0  5:02  -777   89     1.2780 cennet77    0 21:34  -651  215 
  8.  -  Fileednadav     0  6:03  -818   48     2.  -  chattymona  0  9:09  -754  112 
  9.  -  Fileceosickey   1  0:26  -824   42     3.  -  Deborah     0  5:02  -777   89 
                                             4.  -  ednadav     0  6:03  -818   48 
                                             5.  -  ceosickey   1  0:26  -824   42 

On 1st draw, PADIS H4 22 --- PADI a rice field [n]
Other tops: PANDS H4 22
Other moves: PAINS H4 20, PIANS H4 20, PINAS H4 20, SAPID H8 20, PADIS H8 18
PANDS H4 22 jeff, musdrive
PAINS H4 20 sexybexy77, bonggalita
SPAIN H7 14 cennet77
NAPS H8 12 chattymona

On 2nd draw, OPINE G6 23 --- OPINE to hold or state as an opinion [v]
Other tops: NOPE G5 23
Other moves: OPEN G6 22, PAVONE 5G 22, UPDIVE 6F 22, UPDOVE 6F 22, OVINE I2 21
PAVEN 5G 20 sexybexy77
PAVIN 5G 20 musdrive
PINE G7 19 jeff
OPINE I2 19 bonggalita
SPINE 8H 8 cennet77, chattymona

On 3rd draw, (I)BEX I4 51 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: L(A)TEX I3 49, TEL(E)X I3 49, T(E)LEX I3 49, T(A)XOL I5 48, (I)LEX I4 47
L(A)TEX I3 49 jeff, bonggalita
EXO I6 45 musdrive
LEX I5 44 sexybexy77
BELT 10F 12 chattymona
TEX(T) 10F 12 cennet77

On 4th draw, EASY J4 41 --- EASY a communications code word for the letter E [n] --- EASY not difficult [adj] --- EASY to stop rowing [v]
Other moves: SAGELY H10 38, GELOSY F1 36, SAGELY F1 36, SAY J5 36, YOGAS J2 36
EASY J4 41 bonggalita
GLEY F3 32 sexybexy77
YOGAS F10 32 jeff
GAY F4 31 musdrive
LAYS 11D 22 chattymona
YEA 10F 14 cennet77

On 5th draw, MAHEWUS F8 95 --- MAHEWU in South Africa, fermented liquid mealie-meal porridge, used as a stimulant [n]
Other moves: MAHEWUS 11A 88, MAHEWU H10 58, HAWMS F8 42, MAHEWU F8 42, HAWM F8 41
HAWS F8 39 musdrive, bonggalita
HEWS F8 39 jeff
HAMES 11C 28 chattymona
WEEMS 10F 20 cennet77

On 6th draw, DISC K2 35 --- DISC to break up land with a farm implement [v]
Other moves: DICTS K1 33, DUCTS K1 33, CIDS K2 32, CUDS K2 32, CUITS K1 31
CUDS K2 32 bonggalita
TEC F4 25 musdrive
DICES 11C 24 jeff
WIDEST 12F 12 chattymona
SITED 14F 10 cennet77

On 7th draw, FANO E11 33 --- FANO a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other moves: FAN E11 29, FON E11 29, TRONA E10 29, FANWORT 12C 28, RATION H10 27
FON E11 29 musdrive, bonggalita
FAN E11 29 jeff
FAWN 12D 20 cennet77
DRAFT 2K 18 chattymona

On 8th draw, TRICED H10 36 --- TRICE to haul up with a rope [v]
Other moves: RIDENT H10 33, TINDER H10 30, TRINED H10 30, CAWED 12D 26, ERIC F3 26
TIC F4 25 musdrive, jeff
CIDER F2 24 bonggalita
COST 14D 6 cennet77
DIE 2K 4 ednadav

On 9th draw, BREY(S) 15A 46 --- BREY (South Africa) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat [v]
Other moves: BYRE(S) 15A 37, BYE(L)AW 12A 32, BYR(L)AW 12A 32, YDRE(D) 2J 32, FEUD(A)RY 2H 30
BREY(S) 15A 46 musdrive
F(I)B F4 27 jeff
DERBY 2K 22 bonggalita
DE(A)F 2K 14 ednadav
DEB 15H 6 cennet77

On 10th draw, DOUANIER 15H 80 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: URAOS 14B 21, COENURI 13H 20, RONDEAU 2H 20, CANIER 13H 18, CANOER 13H 18
CORNEA 13H 18 bonggalita, musdrive
NOR F4 13 jeff
ROAD 2H 7 cennet77

On 11th draw, ORANGIER O8 83 --- ORANGEY resembling the colour of an orange [adj] --- ORANGY resembling or suggestive of an orange [adj]
Other moves: ORANGIER B8 72, ORGANDIE 2F 64, ORIGAMIS 8A 39, NEGRO 14K 25, IGNORER B9 24
ORANGIER O8 33 bonggalita
READING 2H 22 musdrive
ENGRAIN L9 16 jeff
CAGER 13H 9 cennet77
CAGE 13H 8 ednadav

On 12th draw, VENOM F2 38 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other tops: VENOM N6 38
Other moves: VENTER B10 34, VETOER B10 34, TONEME N6 32, MEET 14J 28, MENTOR B10 28
TOME N8 28 jeff
MEET 14J 28 musdrive, bonggalita
TEME N8 28 sexybexy77
REMOVE 11H 22 ednadav
DOVEN 2K 18 cennet77

On 13th draw, ROOTLED N4 75 --- ROOTLE to dig in the ground as with the snout [v]
Other moves: ROOTLED N2 73, TODDLER 2H 26, TOLEDO N6 26, LOOTED N5 24, ROOTED N5 24
ODE N9 19 sexybexy77
ROOTED 3B 18 Deborah
ODE N13 16 musdrive
ROOTED 11H 14 jeff
DOOR B12 10 cennet77

On 14th draw, FOGIE M9 40 --- FOGIE a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: GONEF O1 38, FINGER B10 36, OFTEN O1 32, FOGIE M3 30, FEG E3 27
FOGIE M9 40 musdrive
FONE O1 27 bonggalita, sexybexy77
FE N14 20 jeff
FIVE 2D 10 Deborah, cennet77

On 15th draw, AGUIZE C10 32 --- AGUIZE to adorn [v]
Other tops: AGUIZE 3A 32, ZATI M3 32
Other moves: ZAG M3 31, GAUZE 3B 30, GAUZE C11 30, ZIGAN 4B 30, DITZ 2K 28
ZAG M3 31 bonggalita
GAZE 3C 28 sexybexy77, jeff, musdrive
GAZE C12 28 Deborah
ZIN 4D 24 cennet77

On 16th draw, TERTIAL D4 68 --- TERTIAL a flight feather of a bird's wing [n]
Other moves: TERTIAL B4 65, ALTER O1 23, LATER O1 23, LITER O1 23, TALER O1 23
LATER O1 23 musdrive, jeff, bonggalita
LITER O1 23 sexybexy77
LIVER 2D 8 Deborah
RAVE 2D 7 cennet77

On 17th draw, HAJI 8A 42 --- HAJI a person who has made a hadj [n]
Other moves: HAJ M3 37, HWAN L12 35, JAWING 12J 34, JAW C3 33, JAW M3 33
HAJI 8A 42 ceosickey, bonggalita
JAW C3 33 sexybexy77, jeff, musdrive
WHAT 4A 14 cennet77
WALE 5A 7 Deborah

On 18th draw, LUNK M3 26 --- LUNK a stupid person [n]
Other moves: KNUT L5 22, KNUT C2 20, KNUT M2 20, WE 14N 20, WE N14 20
WE N14 20 jeff
DUNK 2K 18 Deborah, musdrive
KING 12L 18 sexybexy77, bonggalita
TOW 5M 6 cennet77

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