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Game of May 22, 2011 at 22:47, 9 players
1. musdrive -305
2. sunshine12 -329
3. lastlea -455

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdimtw   H4    26    26   dimwit
 2. ?beilrs   5E    86   112   risibles
 3. efginor   I8    71   183   foreign
 4. dgoorsz  11E    68   251   doozers
 5. aaceiru  12A    27   278   curiae
 6. aemoopu   A8    36   314   pomace
 7. adegqst   F2    37   351   qadis
 8. acehiiv   4A    38   389   chived
 9. aalnprs   K3    61   450   prenasals
10. hinotxy   B7    50   500   nixy
11. aeittuu  14E    62   562   autunite
12. bdeottu  15A    35   597   doubt
13. elnotwy  10D    41   638   nowy
14. aeeghnt  15K    47   685   ahent
15. eefikor   8K    51   736   skeef
16. aeeillr   A1    21   757   erica
17. aeelotv  N10    34   791   voteen
18. agijllo  14B    38   829   jo
19. aggilln   3I    24   853   gaping

Remaining tiles: ll

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6986 Filemusdrive    2 15:15  -305  548     1.6986 musdrive    2 15:15  -305  548 
  2.5489 Filesunshine12  1 20:42  -329  524     2.6507 lastlea     1 23:54  -455  398 
  3.6507 Filelastlea     1 23:54  -455  398     3.6006 SPIDER767   1  9:33  -692  161 
  4.4074 FileAndy1990    0 20:01  -484  369            Group: novice
  5.3893 FileBayouBev    1 22:11  -508  345     1.5489 sunshine12  1 20:42  -329  524 
  6.3089 Filecennet77    0 19:06  -575  278     2.5320 Faeythe     0  8:21  -656  197 
  7.5320 FileFaeythe     0  8:21  -656  197            Group: not rated
  8.6006 FileSPIDER767   1  9:33  -692  161     1.4074 Andy1990    0 20:01  -484  369 
  9.  -  Fileleggz5811   0  1:54  -841   12     2.3893 BayouBev    1 22:11  -508  345 
                                             3.3089 cennet77    0 19:06  -575  278 
                                             4.  -  leggz5811   0  1:54  -841   12 

On 1st draw, DIMW(I)T H4 26 --- DIMWIT a dunce [n]
Other tops: D(I)MWIT H4 26
Other moves: B(E)DIM H4 24, B(E)DIM H8 24, DIMW(I)T H3 24, DIMW(I)T H7 24, D(I)MWIT H7 24
DIMW(I)T H4 26 BayouBev
WIT(E)D H4 24 musdrive
TIM(E)D H4 16 sunshine12
WID(E) H5 14 Andy1990
WIT(H) H7 12 cennet77
MI(N)D H7 12 lastlea

On 2nd draw, RI(S)IBLES 5E 86 --- RISIBLES a sense of the ridiculous [n]
Other tops: RIBI(B)LES 5E 86, RISIBLE(S) 5E 86, RI(B)IBLES 5E 86, RI(N)SIBLE 5D 86
Other moves: BERLI(N)S 10B 78, BIL(K)ERS 10B 78, BIL(L)ERS 10B 78, BIRLE(R)S 10B 78, BIR(S)LES 10B 78
B(A)ILERS 10B 28 musdrive
BIL(L)ERS 10B 28 lastlea
DRIB(B)LES 4H 22 BayouBev
B(U)ILDERS 4D 20 sunshine12
DI(V)ERS 4H 12 Andy1990
WEBS 7H 10 cennet77

On 3rd draw, FOREIGN I8 71 --- FOREIGN situated outside a place or country [adj]
Other moves: FOREWING 7D 67, FLORIGEN J4 66, GONEF 6B 36, GRIEF 6B 36, NIEF 6C 30
REF 6D 29 sunshine12, Faeythe
FOREIGN I8 21 musdrive
FLINGER J4 15 BayouBev
F(I)NGER 8G 10 Andy1990
SINGER L5 9 cennet77

On 4th draw, DOOZERS 11E 68 --- DOOZER an extraordinary one of its kind [n]
Other moves: ZOOIDS F2 40, ZOOID F2 39, ZOONS 14F 36, ZORIS F2 36, GONZO 14G 35
ZOONS 14F 36 lastlea
ZOON 14F 33 musdrive
RIZ F4 32 Faeythe
ZOOS L2 26 sunshine12, Andy1990, SPIDER767
ZIGS 12H 24 BayouBev
ZIGS F4 18 cennet77

On 5th draw, CURIAE 12A 27 --- CURIA a court of justice [n]
Other moves: AURIC 4K 26, CERIA 12A 23, CURIA 12A 23, CURIE 12A 23, AECIA 4K 22
CARES L1 20 sunshine12, BayouBev
CARE 12D 19 Faeythe
RACES L1 16 Andy1990
CAUSER L2 16 musdrive, lastlea
CASE L3 12 cennet77

On 6th draw, POMACE A8 36 --- POMACE the pulpy residue of crushed fruits [n]
Other tops: UPCOME A10 36
Other moves: POMO 10D 31, CAMP A12 30, COMP A12 30, MOOPED 4C 29, MOUPED 4C 29
UPCOME A10 36 lastlea
POMO 10D 31 musdrive
COMP A12 30 BayouBev
CAMP A12 30 Faeythe, sunshine12, Andy1990
POSE L3 12 cennet77

On 7th draw, QADIS F2 37 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: STAGED 14A 37
Other moves: DEGUST B9 34, QADI F2 34, AGUED B10 29, QAT 4D 28, ADUST B10 27
STAGED 14A 37 musdrive, SPIDER767, sunshine12
QATS L2 26 Faeythe, lastlea
GATES L1 16 Andy1990
STAGED K1 8 BayouBev

On 8th draw, CHIVED 4A 38 --- CHIVE to knife [v]
Other tops: CHIVARI C7 38
Other moves: CHAVS L1 32, CHIVS L1 32, EACH 4L 30, HAVES L1 30, HIVES L1 30
CHIVED 4A 38 musdrive
CHIVS L1 32 Faeythe
HIVES L1 30 Andy1990, sunshine12, cennet77, SPIDER767
HAVES L1 30 lastlea
CHIVE K1 13 BayouBev

On 9th draw, PRENASALS K3 61 --- PRENASAL a nasal bone [n]
Other moves: PASCAL A1 30, RANULAS B9 30, RANULA B9 28, PRANA B6 27, SALPA 14A 27
SPAN 14A 25 musdrive
SPAR 14A 25 sunshine12
NARCS A1 21 lastlea
PLANS L1 20 BayouBev
SPANS L1 16 Andy1990
PASS L3 12 cennet77

On 10th draw, NIXY B7 50 --- NIXY an undeliverable piece of mail [n]
Other moves: OXY B8 49, SIXTH 8K 48, SIXTY 8K 48, NIX G1 46, TIX G1 46
SIXTY 8K 48 sunshine12
SHINY 8K 45 Andy1990, musdrive
OX H14 29 Faeythe
TOXIN C1 24 BayouBev
POXY 8A 20 cennet77

On 11th draw, AUTUNITE 14E 62 --- AUTUNITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: MEANT 6H 19, MEINT 6H 19, AIT G1 18, ETIC A1 18, SAUTE 8K 18
STATE 8K 18 sunshine12
SUITE 8K 18 musdrive
QUITE 2F 16 BayouBev, cennet77, lastlea
SEAT 8K 5 Andy1990

On 12th draw, DOUBT 15A 35 --- DOUBT to be uncertain about [v]
Other moves: DEBT 15L 32, TUBED 15A 30, DEBUT 15A 29, DOUCET A1 27, BOTTE 15A 26
TUBED 15A 30 musdrive
TOTED 15A 24 sunshine12
DEPOT 3I 20 BayouBev
POTED 3K 16 cennet77, Andy1990

On 13th draw, NOWY 10D 41 --- NOWY in heraldry, having convex curvature [adj]
Other tops: TOWY 10D 41
Other moves: WINEY C3 39, YOWL 10D 38, TOEY C6 37, TONY C6 37, NOWY 15L 36
STEWY 8K 36 sunshine12
NEWT 15L 27 musdrive
YEW 13L 23 lastlea
PLOW 3K 18 BayouBev
PEW 3K 16 cennet77
WEY L13 13 Andy1990

On 14th draw, AHENT 15K 47 --- AHENT behind [adv]
Other moves: HANG 15L 45, HAEN 15L 42, HAET 15L 42, HANT 15L 42, HATE 15L 42
HANG 15L 45 musdrive, lastlea, sunshine12
PHANG 3K 22 Andy1990
PAGE 3K 14 cennet77, BayouBev

On 15th draw, SKEEF 8K 51 --- SKEEF (South Africa) at an oblique angle [adj]
Other moves: FROCK A1 42, SKEER 8K 42, SKIER 8K 42, FIKIER C3 36, FEERIN N10 34
FROCK A1 42 musdrive, lastlea
SKIER 8K 42 sunshine12
FORCE A1 30 Andy1990
PIKER 3K 22 cennet77
PORK 3K 20 BayouBev

On 16th draw, ERICA A1 21 --- ERICA a shrub of the heath family [n]
Other moves: MEANIE 6H 20, AIL G1 18, AIR G1 18, ALEC A1 18, ERIC A1 18
PALER 3K 14 Andy1990
EL 3B 13 musdrive
QI 2F 11 sunshine12
FILLER O8 10 BayouBev, lastlea
FRAIL O8 9 cennet77

On 17th draw, VOTEEN N10 34 --- VOTEEN a devotee [n]
Other moves: VETO C6 28, VIOLET C3 28, LETHE B1 26, ELEVATE N2 24, ELEVON N10 22
VIOLET C3 28 musdrive
PAVE 3K 18 Andy1990, cennet77
ZO H11 15 sunshine12
VOLT O12 11 BayouBev
VEE M7 11 lastlea

On 18th draw, JO 14B 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: RIOJA 4K 30, JIG G1 29, JO J2 29, AGO C7 26, JOE N6 26
JO J2 29 sunshine12
JOE N6 26 lastlea
JOTA 12L 24 musdrive
JIG C3 22 Andy1990
JAIL C2 22 BayouBev
JAP 3I 20 cennet77

On 19th draw, GAPING 3I 24 --- GAPE to stare with open mouth [v] --- GAPING the act of staring with an open mouth [n]
Other moves: GIG G1 23, LIG G1 22, LIGNAGE N2 22, AG 15G 20, GIN G1 19
GIG G1 23 musdrive, sunshine12
AG 15G 20 lastlea
PANG 3K 14 Andy1990
PIG 3K 12 cennet77
PALL 3K 12 BayouBev
RAG 4K 12 leggz5811

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