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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of May 23, 2011 at 01:03

Word find
Word played
1 ACEEFLR FLEER H5 16 -12 16 3/3 REFACE H8 28 28 3/3
2 ?AKLLLN F(L)AK 10H 12 -28 28 4/6 ALKAL(I)N 11E 40 68 2/6
3 ?AJOPSU JAP E10 12 -92 40 5/7 SAP(A)JOU 14H 104 172 4/7
4 DEEHNPS HEEDS 9G 14 -51 54 5/7 PREHENDS 8G 65 237 5/7
5 BIMNORT MINE K5 12 -22 66 3/6 INTOMBS N2 34 271 5/7
6 ADGILRT AR 9J 9 -63 75 6/7 DARTLING 3H 72 343 5/7
7 ANOQTUZ             QUANT 10J 68 411 5/9
8 ADEHIIO             HADDIE H1 39 450 6/9
9 EOOSTXY             XYST O12 82 532 7/9
10 CEIOSUY             YOGIS O1 37 569 8/9
11 AEEGLRU             LEEAR 15I 25 594 8/9
12 AADEEMV             MEVED 12A 31 625 8/9
13 BEINOUW             ENWOMB A8 39 664 8/9
14 AEINOTU             EAUX 12L 22 686 8/10
15 GIINORW             WILING L1 28 714 8/10
16 CEIOORT             CORVET C9 28 742 9/10
17 AIIOORV             VIROID 4C 20 762 9/10
18 AFGOTUZ             ZOA B6 34 796 10/10
19 FGIORTU             OF C6 29 825 10/10

Total: 75/825 or -750 for 9.090%
Rank: 2799

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